August 26, 2009

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

Just some random photos of some of the PAWS kitties. We'll be sharing their stories in upcoming posts. :)


The Monkeys said...

What a group of cuties!

Karen Jo said...

Very nice kitties. I especially like the black one who is upside down.

meowmeowmans said...

Thanks for visiting (and for the nice comments)!

Monkeys: they are cute, huh? :)

Karen Jo: the silly, upside down kitty is Gadget. We promise to write a post about him soon...

pibble said...

What great photos! They really capture their nutty personalities!

Tuck said...

Those are some good lookin' kitties!

The Florida Furkids said...

Those are beautiful kitties. We can't wait to read about them.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids