"The song is ended, but the melody lingers on." - Irving Berlin |
Last night, our hearts were broken as we said goodbye to our beautiful and beloved Zoe. It was an unexpectedly sudden end for a cat who always lived her life with such a spirit of love, celebration and happiness.
Although Zoe had a number of health issues, she had been doing well on her meds and feeling good over the past three months. She had gained back some lost weight, and was her energetic and happy-go-lucky self. But this week was different. Zoe was keeping more to herself, hiding, eating less and not sleeping with us. So we made an unscheduled vet visit early last night, only to learn that what had been diagnosed months ago as "possible IBD or possible lymphoma" was indeed the latter. And that it had progressed to a stage from which there was no return. Zoe was clearly uncomfortable and on the edge of distress, and we knew in our hearts
that it was time to make that dreaded but very loving decision to end her suffering. So, with her laying in my lap, and Tracey and I petting
and kissing her, and whispering “we love you” in her ears, Zoe flew
peacefully to the Rainbow Bridge.
Tracey and I know we made the right decision, but we are all utterly devastated. We can't imagine our lives without our sweet and lovable Zoe, perhaps no one more so than Gracie, her sister and littermate of more than 17 years.
Gracie and Zoe, catching some sunbeams |
Zoe, what a special girl you were. Surely there will be a day when memories of you bring smiles instead of tears. Today is not that day, and it will be a long time until it arrives, but we know it will come.
There were so many special things that made you such a unique kitty. Like your playful and childlike nature. And the way you could never go slowly from one place to another (you were so fast and energetic!). Your adorable "bunny pose," complete with your sweet little meow/trill/purr. And how you loved to soak up the sun in the windowsill while you watched Bird and Squirrel TV.
Mom Tracey and I will miss you coming to greet us at the door when we get home. And I will miss having my little shadow/buddy following me everywhere I go, and laying on my chest while we spend "family time" on the sofa each night. We will miss hearing your amazingly diverse vocalizations (you seemed to come up with new ones all the time).
We always marveled at your cool, calm and collected courage that made you unafraid of big dogs you spied through the window, landscapers with lawnmowers and leafblowers, vacuum cleaners, house guests, and pretty much everything else. And how you would run TOP SPEED out of the litter room after you did a number 2 (MOL!). And we loved how you loved to lick your catnip kicker pillow. And how you would tussle with your sister, just for the heck of it (you may have been smaller than her, but you were a fierce tussler who usually won the day (like in this video)).
Fly free, our darling Zoe. We love you always and forever, and long for the day when we see you again.
Dad Kevin, Mom Tracey and Gracie