Happy Mew Year! Or, maybe we should say
Happiest Mew Year, because that's what it is for the many (now former)
PAWS cats who will be ringing in 2019 with their new FURever families.
Those of you who've been here before probably recognize some of the faces in this collage of some of our friends who found their happily ever afters in December:
Clockwise from upper left: Millie, Gerdy, Ginger, Rascal, Christina, Tessa, Cindy Lou Hoo,
Leona and Bill all found forever homes in December! |
Here's the full roster of the December graduates (50 of them as of the morning of December 31!), in alphabetical order:
Ashton and Gilbert (together), Bailey, Bam Bam, Bentley, Bill, Blackjack, Boo, Christina, Cindy Lou Hoo, Claurice, Coco, Crosby, Daisy and Macee (together), Dwight, Filipe and Sophia (together), Finn and Bella (together), Gerdy, Ginger, Gomez, Judy, Kitty, Klaus, Leona, Leopold, Lola, Millie, Mindy and Wendell (together), Mistletoe, Moo Kat, Moose, Mr. Black Cat, Murray and Star (together), Princess Ophelia, Rascal, Santiago, Sergeant Orr, Sparkles, Tabby, Tessa, Tiberius, Tinykat, Umberto, Vinnie and Zulu.
Congratulations to all these graduates, and their new families! We wish
them, and all of you, a new year
that's filled with an abundance of joy, good health, and love.
And here's a happy tail from Calli's (formerly Sassafrass) family. We think it'll give you another reason to smile as we start 2019:
Thank you for allowing us to adopt the sweetest, goofiest, funny, adorable and loving kitty. We named her Calli and she has really thrown herself into our family. The boys adore her and have been so caring. She has completely found herself a home with us. She is my sleeping buddy. I attached some pictures. I hope you know how much we appreciate what you do for these pets. Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.
Finally, speaking of NEW ... you probably noticed things look a little (okay, a lot) different here on our blog. We LOVE our new header, designed by our wonderfully talented friend Ann at Zoolatry (Thank you, Ann!). Not only is it beautiful, the fact that it features all new cats is also a celebration of the adoption in September of the final PAWS kitty (our buddy Patch) featured on our old header. We hear that Patch is doing great in his forever home, and he is loved an adored.💖
Happy New Year, everybuddy!