Each and every cat that finds itself at
PAWS is precious and loved, but certain ones touch the hearts of the volunteers and staff in a special way. Our beautiful pal
Truffle is one of those cats. Truffle can be spunky, and doesn't always "show well" to potential adopters. But those of us who know and love her will tell you with great conviction that she is also sweet, playful and full of love. That's why it made us so incredibly sad that Truffle had been
at the shelter for more than 6 years. She always handled being there with great aplomb, but lately it seemed that depression had set in. She just wasn't her normal self, and she needed a way out ASAP.
Well, thank goodness for friends. One of Truffle's best human pals, PAWS volunteer Chris R., decided that enough was enough. He is now Truffle's permanent foster dad. For those of you wondering what that means, it's as close to being adopted as Truffle can get without actually being adopted. She now lives with Chris and his cat Tumble, and will do so forever (unless someone decides to adopt Miss Truffle). She will not return to PAWS, except for checkups. Truffle now has lots of space, windows to look out of, sunpuddles to lay in, and lots of attention from her Chris. We are over the moon that this special kitty is finally in a real, loving home. Thank you, Chris and Tumble, for rescuing our friend Truffle. :)

Also finding their happily ever afters were shy and timid brothers
Hippity and Hoppity. Like Truffle, these guys were passed over time and again because they didn't show well to potential adopters. We were overjoyed and grateful to hear that Hippity and Hoppity's new family fell in love with them, and that they are willing to give them the time and space they need in order to trust and blossom as we know they will. :)
Here's the full list of cats (in alphabetical order) who have been adopted since our
last update:
Halloumi, Stilton and Fiyero (together)
Hippity and Hoppity (together)
Mittens and Harlequin (together)
Scrapper and Turk (together)
Truffle (to permanent foster)
Congratulations to all of the graduates! We'll miss you, but are so happy that you have found your very own forever homes. :)
Happy Tails: Quick notes from some PAWS alumni
year ago today I brought this girl home to her forever home. Clara (Snow White) is happy to be cuddling on the couch this morning to
"Just an update on Max - you would never know this cat is 14 yrs old. He plays like a nut case."
"Here is an update on Biddy who was adopted in September after spending two years with you. She is happy and looking very healthy."
Happy weekend to all! :)