Okay ... I probably haven't announced the following yet in my blog, but as of March 31st I have joined the ranks of the unemployed. Although I firmly believe everything happens for a reason, there are times during my search for a job when I feel the need for little "kitty therapy." I recently had one of those days.
With my copy of the job search book What Color is Your Parachute in hand, I visited each of the cat rooms, sat on the floor with various cats, and got to know some interesting things about their behavior when a human is quiet and "just reading." For example, Kessa (mentioned in a previous blog entry) hopped up on my lap and started to lick my face. Boy, her tongue feels just like sandpaper! But she's just so lovable with those cute little fangs! Some of the more shy cats like Mercedes (see picture, taken immediately after she finished rolling around on the floor during a really fun play session), sat just a few feet away looking very pleased to have human companionship.
This is the life!
If you've ever considered doing something like volunteer work, and like animals, you may want to consider giving your time at a local animal shelter. Words cannot express how much Kevin and I get from it. And to see how much of an impact we make on these animals' lives is so worth the time we dedicate to it.
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