
December 28, 2014

Easy Like SUNday

Here's beautiful and adoptable Noname (pronounced "No-nah-may"), daydreaming of sunpuddles and a forever home.

Noname loves humans, and gets along well with the other kitties in her room.

Noname is about 10 months old, spayed, micro-chipped, and up-to-date on all of her vaccinations. She has tested negative for FIV and FeLV.  And just like all the other PAWS cats and dogs, her adoption fee is just $25 through the end of December. Come meet Noname today!

December 24, 2014

Wordless Wednesday - 3 Little Elves

Gracie Elf

Moosey Elf

Zoe Elf
Happy holidays from all of us here at Animal Shelter Volunteer Life. May all your wishes and dreams come true this season!

December 21, 2014

Easy Like Sunday - Buddy

Even though our handsome and adoptable pal Buddy's "relaxamicating" skills were documented in a post last month, we thought you'd enjoy another demonstration by the master himself.  :)

Happy Sunday, everybody!

December 17, 2014

Wordless Wednesday - Look Who's Waiting for Santa :)

Moosey LOVES relaxing under the tree. :)


A very Happy Birthday to the Dad (meowmeowmans)!  We love you and look forward to spending your special day with you! :)

December 15, 2014

The Santa Kitty Toy Hop: Here Comes Santa Claws

It's the most wonderful time of the year ... for bringing a little extra joy to shelter kitties.  That's why we're participating in the Santa Kitty Toy Hop organized by Summer and her human at Sparkle The Designer Cat. Cat bloggers around the world are taking this opportunity to donate to their local shelters, and sharing about their experiences doing so.

We elves put together a package of toys, catnip, games, scratchers, tunnels, snacks and food for the cats at Pet Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), the shelter at which we volunteer every weekend.  We had a great time delivering the goodies yesterday.  Here are some pictures of the fun...

Sweet Holly waiting patiently to open her gift
Noname: What's in the bag?
Pumpkin with her new mousey toy
The Room 5 Gang, checking out the goodies
Exploring the new crinkle tunnel
Room 7 Cats: "Holy Cat! Is all this for us?"
Playing the Cat Amazing game (looking for snacks)!
"Toys, tunnels, scratchers, snacks, catnip ... we must have been GOOD this year!"
Oh what fun it was to watch the shelter kitties enjoying their new stuff.  Maybe, just maybe, we made life a little brighter for the PAWS cats while they're waiting for their forever homes.  Happy holidays, everyone! :)

December 10, 2014

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday - Lucky

This is our gorgeous, floofy and adoptable housepanther friend Lucky.  She's gentle and affectionate, and really enjoys hanging out with her human volunteer buddies. We all love spending time with her, too.

Lucky is about 8 years old. She is spayed, microchipped, and up to date on all her vaccinations.  She has also tested negative for FIV and FeLV.  Potential adopters should be aware that Lucky was front paw declawed by whoever owned her previously. (We - and PAWS - are strongly against the barbaric procedure of declawing.)  We don't know why someone would declaw a cat.  But we DO know that Lucky is a very sweet girl who would make someone a great best friend. Come meet her today!

December 7, 2014

Easy Like Sunday-Selfie-Special

Around here, we try to get in at least a little bit of Easy on Sunday. You know ... in preparation for the long week ahead.  Here's our beautiful, adoptable friend Sarah, showing everybody how it's done... 

Here's wishing you a Sunday as easy as Sarah's.

We also hope you take some time today to have some fun. Our handsome buddy Wizard is doing just that by participating in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, sponsored by our dear friends at The Cat On My Head.
Wizard's selfie!
In case you're wondering, Wizard DOES have one blue eye, and one green eye, and both are magnificent! Oh, and yes ... this sweet and playful guy is available for adoption, too.

Throughout December, the adoption fee for Sarah, Wizard, or any of the other adoptable PAWS cats (and dogs, too) is just $25.*  By adopting one of these amazing animals, you’re helping to save the life of an adorable and devoted pet who simply needs a second chance. Joy to your world (and theirs)! :)

 (*This special promotion is made possible by the Best Friends Partner Network, of which PAWS is a part.)

December 3, 2014

(Almost) Wordless - Roommates (and Moosey update)

Roommates Patch, Calliope and Cinnamon all live in the PAWS Records Room.  They're available for adoption, and waiting to meet you!


QUICK UPDATE ON MOOSEY: Thank you so much for the continued purrs, prayers and love you're sending Moosey's way.  The insulin injections do seem to be helping, even though the prescribed dose is very small until he gets his next blood glucose level test on Saturday. For now, he's more active and alert, and eating well.  We are so grateful for your friendship, and your care and concern for our little buddy. Please keep all that good stuff coming.  Hugs and headbonks to you all! :)

November 27, 2014

Giving Thanks

When Evangeline was found as a stray, her sweet and friendly nature made it obvious to everyone that this little old cat had once had a home. Her shabby condition and serious medical issues, though, belied the fact that she had probably been fending for herself for quite some time.

Evangeline wasn't one to dwell on the past. She acclimated quickly to the shelter, and got along well with the other cats in her social group at PAWS. The volunteers and staff alike quickly fell in love with this special girl. You can imagine how sad we were to learn recently that Evangeline was in end stage renal failure, and that she would not be with us for much longer.

That's when an incredible act of kindness, love and compassion provided a wonderful gift to Evangeline, and to all of us who loved her. Our friend and fellow PAWS volunteer Beth offered to provide hospice care for Evangeline, giving her the chance to live out her remaining days in a real home, with sunpuddles to lounge in, water to play in, new friends to make, and humans of her own.

On Evangeline's second day home, Beth wrote:

Evangeline is a beautiful and sweet cat who I now wish I had known before yesterday. It took only minutes for me to love her truly. When I brought her home yesterday she wasn't even the slightest bit nervous or afraid and is totally comfortable here. She's been exploring the upstairs and everywhere else. There are no rules for her here. She is free to play in the water bowl and there are no crates for her here either. She is free at last.

Six days later, Beth sent the following pictures, which showed that Eva was enjoying her sunpuddles, and even making new friends. 

Only three days after that, Evangeline made her journey to the Rainbow Bridge from the comfort of Beth's arms. Beth wrote:

The doctor just left my house. Evangeline died peacefully in my arms. These photos are from not too long ago. I cannot explain how much I loved and enjoyed this cat. And I will miss her. Thank you from both she and I for this beautiful experience.

We will miss Evangeline always. But we also celebrate and give thanks for so many things that transpired since that fateful day she was rescued from wandering the streets...

We give thanks for places like PAWS, which take in animals like Evangeline who might not get the same chance elsewhere. We are thankful for the opportunity to know and love an amazing little cat, who left an indelible pawprint on us all. We are grateful for Beth's amazing heart. And we are thankful that Evangeline knew a lifetime of love and happiness in her 10 days with Beth.

Most of all, we are thankful that love matters, and that it makes a difference.

Happy Thanksgiving, and much love to all.

November 26, 2014

A Quick Update from Moosey

Hi everybuddy.  It's me, Moosey!

Fanks from me and my family for your ongoing purrs and prayers, and all of your love and concern for me.  I did really well during my all-day visit to the v-e-t.  I wouldn't go so far as to say I exactly enjoyed going there, but it does help that all of the doctors and staff like me so much.  They say I'm a sweet and nice boy, and everybuddy made sure to say goodbye when Mom Tracey picked me up at the end of the day.

For now, I'm on a very low dose of insulin twice daily, and I didn't fuss at all when I got my injections.  My dosages will be adjusted gradually over the next few weeks, and hopefully it will all work out and I can get regulated.  The best part of my day was being back home with my family, and I am feeling pretty good.  What a day!  I bet we will all sleep a bit better tonight.

Fank you again. We love you all lots!

Hugs and headbonks,

Moosey (and Gracie and Zoe, and Mom Tracey and Dad Kevin, too)

November 23, 2014

Moosey Needs Purrs and Prayers

Our sweet boy Moosey needs your purrs, prayers and good thoughts.  He hasn't been feeling his best lately, so yesterday we made a visit to the vet, where blood tests revealed that he is now diabetic.  This in itself would be cause for concern, but when also taking into account Moosey's hyperaldersteronism (Conn's Syndrome), kidney problems, and his age, the news is even more upsetting and scary.  We love him so, so much.

The veterinary office was closed today, but we will be discussing next steps for Moosey with them tomorrow.  Our hope is that we can get his diabetes regulated, and keep his potassium at a good level, too.  Of course, anything we consider will be looked at with Moosey's quality of life and happiness our utmost priority.  For now, he's home, and at least we have some idea of what it is we're dealing with.

We'll update you as we are able...

Hugs, headbonks and much gratitude.

November 21, 2014

FURever Home Friday! :)

Hip hip hooray!  It's time for the latest installation of FURever Home Friday!  And what better way to kick off the weekend than by celebrating the PAWS cats who were adopted since we posted our last adoption update?  Well okay then ... let's get this party started! :)

Do you remember handsome Liam? He's been adopted!

And our sweet tabby friend Athena? She was gotcha'd, too! :)

And so was friendly, sleek and shiny housepanther Rosemary! :)

There were lots of other PAWS kitties who also found their happily ever afters!  Here's the full list of the latest graduating class (in alphabetical order):

Calamity Jane
Orphan Annie
Tristan and Isolde (together)

ConCATulations to all of the graduates and their families!  We wish you all long, love-filled lives together. :)



Check out Nikko (whose name at PAWS was PB), and her best friend Kali the Dog (also a PAWS alum).  Their mom says the two of them are inseparable!
Nikko and Kali are BFFs

PAWS alum Sabre looks pretty happy and content in his forever home, huh?
Sabre sure looks comfy. We hope no one else wants to sit on the sofa!

And finally ... check out this pawsome update from Sandy's mom (PAWS volunteer Sian)...

Thought I'd give a little update on our Sandy girl!  She just had some blood work done yesterday and her kidney values have IMPROVED since her blood work 4 months ago.  Plus, she's put on almost  1/2 pound ... glad someone likes my cooking!

She get her fluids twice weekly and Vitamin B shots once weekly all in the comfort of her own home. Here she is taking a nap in Dad's bag...we're thinking of renaming her "the kid" since she seems to be getting younger every day! (ed. note: A loving family and home sure are magical things, aren't they?)

Looking great, Sandy!

Have a terrific weekend, everybody!

November 18, 2014

Tuxie-Tabby-Tortie Tuesday: Opt to Adopt

We thought we'd mix things up a bit by combining a few common Tuesday cat blogging memes.  So without further ado, here are four of the beautiful and adoptable "T" cats waiting at PAWS for forever homes of their very own...

Tabby Pumpkin has had a difficult time adjusting to life at the shelter, but is really gaining confidence. She enjoys being pet and giving head bonks to her favorite volunteers. In a quiet home, we know her sweet personality would come out even more. Pumpkin is about 9 1/2 years old, spayed, micro-chipped, and up-to-date on her vaccinations. She has tested negative for FIV and FeLV.

Torbie Bella makes us laugh with her antics. She loves to play (ballpoint pens are her favorite!) and is a huge fan of catnip.  She's not especially happy living at the shelter, but is making progress. Bella is about 6 1/2 years old. She's spayed, up to date on her vaccinations, and has tested negative for FIV and FeLV.

Gentle tuxie Mindy was found as a stray.  She is shy, but loves other kitties and people she trusts.  We're positive she'd do well in a quieter home with patient humans. Mindy is about 8 1/2 years old. She is spayed, up-to-date on her vaccinations, micro-chipped, and has tested negative for FIV and FeLV.

Our sweet pal Truffle found herself at PAWS when her human was evicted.  This torbie loves rubbing against ankles, shoes and shins, and hanging out with her human buddies.  She's especially good at "helping" us read the newspaper.  Truffle is about 12 years old, spayed, micro-chipped, and up-to-date on her vaccinations. She does have a condition known as feline stomatitis, a common and chronic inflammation and ulceration of the soft tissues in the mouth. She is being treated with medications, and has not had a flare-up in quite some time. Truffle has tested negative for FIV and FeLV.

November 14, 2014

Sir Nigel Purrsworth!

Roll out the red carpet (or at the least the catnip-infused Boogie Mats) ... there's royalty in da (PAWS) house!

Sir Nigel Purrsworth's royal name might lead you to believe he thinks he's "above it all," but this handsome mancat is sweet, friendly, and gentle. He has a slight limp from an old anterior cruciate ligament injury, but he's not in any pain, and truth be told, it kind of adds a little character/swagger to his walk. ;)

Sir Nigel is about 4 years old, neutered, micro-chipped, and up to date on all his vaccinations. He is negative for FIV and FeLV. Come meet him today, and fall in love.

November 9, 2014

Easy Like Sunday - Buddy :)

One of handsome and adoptable Buddy's favorite things in the world is relaxamicating with his favorite humans.  To give you an idea of what exactly that looks like, here he is enjoying some time on meowmeowmans' arm. :)

Buddy would positively blossom in a quieter home, and as an only pet.  He is neutered, micro-chipped, up-to-date on all his vaccinations, and has tested negative for FIV and FeLV.  With the winter months coming, don't YOU need a snuggle Buddy? :)

November 4, 2014

Dona Nobis Pacem

Today, we’re taking part in “BlogBlast for Peace.” Since Mimi Lenox started it in 2006, this day of peace has grown to include thousands of bloggers in more than 200 countries, all blogging about one thing ... PEACE.

Our peace globe this year features our beautiful and adoptable friend, Sarah.  For a very long time after she came to PAWS, Sarah was frightened and confused by all of the strange sights, sounds and smells present at the shelter.  She was extremely cage dependent, rarely venturing out even when it was time for her "out" time.  It was clear that she had been let down by humans before, and she just wasn't sure she could trust the people or cats here.

While PAWS isn’t a “home,” it is a place where Sarah has experienced love and gentle care.  And those things have allowed her to come to a place of peace, born from knowing the humans here speak gently, move slowly, and offer encouragement, pets and food.  It's such a pleasure for us to watch as she learns to love and trust again, especially when she rushes to greet her favorite volunteers for some "together" time.

Sarah isn't a lap cat, but she loves human company. She is so ready to find her own forever family. She’s still cautious with new people and situations, so she would do best in a quiet home with folks who will be patient as she adjusts to her new surroundings. Won’t you please consider giving Sarah the home she deserves?

Wishing peace for all beings, today and every day,

Kevin, Tracey, Moosey, Gracie and Zoe

November 2, 2014

Sunday Selfies Blog Hop - Athena

We're participating in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop! It's hosted by our good friends, the Kitties Blue and Mom Janet, at The Cat on My Head. Be sure to visit, so you can see all the other participants' awesome selfies.  Our selfie kitty this week is our adorable and adoptable friend Athena. :)

Athena is affectionate, sweet and gentle, and loves people. 

She's about 6 years old, micro-chipped, spayed, and up to date on all of her vaccinations.  Athena has tested negative for FIV and FeLV. And, as you can see, she's pretty good at taking pictures of her beautiful self. :)

October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

The sweet little Animal Shelter Volunteer Life "monsters" Moosey, Gracie and Zoe (and Mom Tracey and Dad Kevin, too) wish everyone a safe, fun and happy Halloween.  Here's to lots of treats (and adoptions), and not so many tricks. :)


This just in: PAWS is holding a special Halloween Ball adoption event this weekend (October 31 through November 2), with scary low price adoption specials for black and orange cats!  Click HERE for more details!