
November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Gracie, Zoe and Moosey are thankful for turkey

We are thankful for so many things.

We are thankful for those who adopt shelter animals and/or take in homeless pets ... you recognize just how special these wonderful creatures are, and you've opened up your hearts and homes to them.  Thank you also to those who help shelter animals, donate time and resources, serve as fosters, care for feral cats, and/or participate in trap-neuter-return programs.  You are all saving lives.

We're also incredibly thankful for the many friends -- around the globe -- we've made through blogging.  Thank you for sharing your lives and your animals with us, for your constant support, and for sharing in our joys (and even in our sorrows when stories have less than happy endings).

There are, of course, many other things in our lives for which we are grateful. But because we love animals so much, the things above are high on our list.

Thank you all again, and for everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving ... we hope yours is happy.

Hugs and headbonks,

Moosey, Gracie and Zoe, and Tracey and Kevin (meowmeowmans)


Summer at said...

What a lovely post - happy Thanksgiving!

Life with Ragdolls said...

Nicely written post, you got there!

Happy early Thanksgiving!

As it's only 11:05 pm in Florida;-)


Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

♥♥♥xoxoxo♥♥♥ ^.,^ x6 + de mom :)

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

BEST photo! Love Ms. Julia. Wishing you peace, love and purrs on T'day!

Ingrid said...

We don't celebrate Thanksgiving of course, lol ! we stayed in Europe. For the cats it's a wonderful day, so many turkey left overs as treats !

The Whiskeratti said...

Happy Thanksgiving, furriends!

Fur Everywhere said...

We are thankful to have you as friends, and we hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving, too!

Purrs and hugs,
Carmine, Milita, and Jewel

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope you have a great Thanksgiving Day with lots of treats and cuddles. We are thankful for getting to know you all.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Thanksgiving! We're thankful for your friendship!

The Florida Furkids said...

I'm thankful for PAWS where cats and dogs are lovingly cared for while they wait for homes - and for the people who work and volunteer there.
Happy Thanksgiving Kevin, Tracey, Moosie, Zoe, and Gracie!
Maggie, Tommie, and Mickey Mouser

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Happy Thanksgiving! XOX Basil XOX

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Thanksgiving dear friends!

Fuzzy Tales said...

We wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving, filled with good food, friends and family and much love. :-)

Kim here: Just a note to say how much your comments on my personal blog have meant, as I go through the reno. It's been stressful for me, but your support has meant a great deal. Lots of hugs and Light. Have a wonderful holiday. Can I have another Thanksgiving holiday??? LOL.

Lakeland adventures with Lola and Milo said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, have a great day.


Hilary said...

Beautiful post.. I am very thankful for your friendship…
I hope you have a wonderful holiday!

The Island Cats said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Thanks for being our furiends! oxoxox

Anonymous said...

Great picture! Happy thanksgiving to all of you and your PAWS pals.

wildcatwoods said...

Nice post - great pic! Happy Thanksgiving to you guys!

Cats of wildcat woods

A Tonl said...

MOWZERS! We're sooo impressed that you guys teleported back and ate turkey with the gerat Lady Herself!!

And we agree - we're so very thankful for the friends we've met here in blog-land!

Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgivvikah!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving! ~xo~

Kitties Blue said...

Very nice post. May your Thanksgiving be wonderpurr. We are so thankful for all our friends in the blogosphere. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at ManxMnews.
*Angel*Abby, Ping, Jinx, Gracie, Boo & Mom Debra

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from all of us. Hugs and nose kisses Mag, Gene, Chancy, Baby Boy, Patches, Snookums and Pooh

ruckustheeskie said...

What a hilarious photo! Hahaha Happy holidays!

Cathy Keisha said...

I am thankful to call you furrends. Wishing you and yours a pawsome Thanksgiving/Turkey Day. Hope you get some turkey!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

We are so thankful to have you as our friends!
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us!

D said...

Those are all great things to be thankful for :) Happy Thanksgiving!

Julia Williams said...

I am thankful for you, for your friendship and also for all that you do for the less fortunate kitties.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you too !
Me is thankful fore you too :)

Deb Barnes said...

Happy Thanksgiving from the Zee and Zoey Gang!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy Thanksgiving to two shelter volunteers and their cats!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am thankful to have you as my friends.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and all our US friends.

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Hanukkah to all our pawsome friends!

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...


The lady in the picture? Peep used to love to watch her on TV. Re-runs, of course. She hasn't watched lately though. Hmmm... Maybe she should take it up again and tickle my tummy while doin' so. What do you think?


Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you are having a wonderful Turkey Day!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Happy Thanksgiving~

Clooney said...

We always love coming to your blog and seeing all the wonderful kitties looking for forever homes and we thank you for your friendship too. Love that picture of Moosey and his sisters, that is just purr-fect! Hope you had a very nice Thanksgiving!

Sherry said...

I am thankful for leftovers!

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

And thank YOU too! We are very glad and thankful to know you too!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

We are BEYOND THANKFUL for your friendship, support, love and for all that you do for the kitties.
You are both truly Angels who we are honored to call our friends!!!
Thank you for being in our lives,
Love, Caren and Cody
Hoping your Thanksgiving was the best! xoxo

Cara n Crew said...

we love the picture :) Thank you for all you do for the pups and kitties at PAWS. We hope you all had a most wonderful Thanksgiving!

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

Anonymous said...

We, too, are so thankful for our blogging friends, making it warm and fuzzy to keep on blogging! Thanks again for joining the Pet Parade! Love the Julia Child pic

Unknown said...

Nice post. Hope you all enjoyed your thanksgiving, and perhaps got given some turkey too.

Quill and Greyson said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you!! Late... sigh!

Squeedunk Cats and Z-Girl said...

This is such a great post! Happy Thanksgiving. It's late but it's never to late to show gratitude, and to offer thanks. At least not in our opinion. We love all you do for the kitties who end up in your care ISO furrever homes.
And, really happy that Zoe and Gracie celebrated their first TDay with Moosey, Tracey and Kevin!
Lots of head bonks and purrs,
The Squeedunk Cats and Z-girl

Gigi said...

We're a little tardy, but we hope you had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving day! You are high on our list of things we are thankful for XOXOXO

Alley Cats and Angels of North Carolina said...

I hope you and your family and everyone at PAWS had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Thank you for all you do every day.

Juno said...

Happy belated Thanksgiving. We all appreciate what you do to help animals. :) :)

Momo & Pinot xo

Oui Oui said...

Ahaha! Are we last of all? Well,we hope you had a great Thanksgiving. If anyone deserves it, its you! And it looks like a few kitties would like an extra serving of turkey.

Danielle L Zecher said...

Thank you for this great post.

haopee said...

Awww, we didn't greet you last thanksgiving. We are the last to greet you. So sorry guys.

Happy Thanksgiving, Guys!