
January 23, 2013

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday - Allie

It's shocking to us that sweet and beautiful lapcat Allie is still at PAWS. We sure hope the new year brings her the loving forever home she wants and deserves.


Anonymous said...

I hope Allie gets the Furever Home she deserves. She is beautiful. ~xo~

Kate said...

What a beauty! I hope you find your home soon, dear Allie <3

Cathy Keisha said...

She is so beautiful. Purring that she'll find her forever home soon.

Oui Oui said...

We agree! What is a beautiful kitty like her doing without a family? We hope her family hurries up and finds her soon. Time's a-wasting!

Gigi said...

Oh beautiful girl! How can anyone resist you!?? I sure hope you get that furever home soon. Meanwhile, it is good to know you are warm and fed and loved where you are XOXOXO

Summer at said...

She is stunning! There should be a line of humans wanting to take her home!

Unknown said...

Oh Allie! you are gorgeous!

Clooney said...

She is so beautiful. We send our biggest purrs and prayers her way for a wonderful forever home to come forward that truly cherishes her.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

What a sweet and gentle face!! Oh I hope she finds her forever home soon!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Such kind gentle eyes. We'll purr for pretty Allie to find her forever family soon.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We can't understand why Allie is still without her furever home.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hope the cutie get the loving forever home that she so deserves.

Marg said...

Oh Allie, we love black cats here. We sure hope you find a good home really soon. You sure are a pretty lady. Take care

The Island Cats said...

Wow, she's a beauty! We'll purr that she finds her home soon!

Tamago said...

Allie sure is beautiful! I hope she finds her forever home soon and have many cat shaped cat beds to nap! said...

I'm with you- hard to understand how such a sweetheart has been overlooked. Hope her perfect family shows up soon.


Squeedunk Cats and Z-Girl said...

So happy to know that she has a loving and comfortable home until her furever home shows up. I think black cats are the most beautiful, regal, and overlooked of all kitties. Wishing her all the best for the perfect match this year!

AnnStaub said...

She's gorgeous and I love her eyes!

Beth said...

How beautiful she is!

Marilynn said...

She is truly a beauty. I'm in Texas, so of no help, but ... wow!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Allie is a stunner! I just tweeted her!

catsynth said...

Allie looks just like a clone of Luna! And she should have a home like Luna's, too :)

da tabbies o trout towne said...

allie; we trooly trooly hope by next week at this time ewe bee shoutin at uz frum yur mew forevers home....may st francis guide ya ther N quik...


LP said...

Allie, you are a lovely little dumpling and we know someone will be along very soon to "gobble" you up! All paws crossed on our camp :)

the critters in the cottage xo

Brian's Home Blog said...

Come on someone, this beautiful gal is waiting for you!

Colehaus Cats said...

Oh, she is so pretty! She reminds us of what we think our Olivia is going to grow into. And if everyone knew what a great calming addition she has been to our Colehaus crew, she'd be snatched up in a second! Purring for a forever home soon, little Allie! From your friends at

The Musings Of A Crazy Cat Lady said...

Hello Allie, baby! You're just beautiful. We hope to hear nothing but good news about you.

Unknown said...

She is a stunning girl! Fingers crossed for a new home soon!

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Yes! it IZ furry shocking! ^..^
We hopez you getz your Furefer home really soon~ ♥xo♥

Unknown said...

How could Allie still be at the shelter? Paws crossed a forever family comes to find Allie soon!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

She is a beautiful girl. We hope she gets her home very soon.

A Tonl said...

Allie, we think you have the VERY BEST of names!
(if you can'r be named Faraday, that is...)

Maxwell: DOOD! Momma didn't type that!

Karen Jo said...

Allie is gorgeous and her eyes are beautiful. Who could resist a lapcat like that? I hope she finds her forever home very soon.

Lily said...

Such a pretty girl! Crossing my paws that she finds her forever family soon!

Ellen Whyte said...

Awwwww, we hope so too!

wildcatwoods said...

She's a beauty!

cats of wildcat woods

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Allie is very beautiful~!
I hope she could find her forever home soon.

Gigi said...

Hi furiends, I hope you are all staying warm and cozy. Maybe Allie would like to teleport over and visit me in my Tunnel? I'm kind of lonely today.

Cat Street Boyz said...

Isn't she lovely, isn't she beau-ti-ful..........
Someone is gonna be very lucky to get her in their life=^Y^=

Fur Everywhere said...

Awww, sweet kitty! We hope she gets a great forever home soon!!

Ingrid said...

What a darling ! looks very much like my first cat who shared my life for 20 years ! I cross my fingers !

Hilary said...

so sad... I hope she finds a forever home very soon...

Katie Isabella said...

Se truly IS beautiful and I hope someone sees those beautiful eyes and that satin coat and takes her home. XXXOOO

Unknown said...

What a sweetie, lovely eyes, hope she soon finds a home.

The Meezers or Billy said...

she's so gorgeous!

Jacqueline said...

Blessings to your gorgeous Allie=we will purr for a loving forever home for your sweet girl soon...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Sasha said...

She has very beautiful eyes. Surely some loving human will want to take her home and look after her. We are all swishing our tails for that to happen soon.
Princess Aurora (Shubunkin)for The Pond Fish