
February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sammy and Moosey
We're sending big hugs, head bonks and nose taps to our friends old and new.

Happy Valentine's Day!


Sammy, Moosey, Tracey and Kevin, and all the PAWS Cats


Oui Oui said...

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you! May you be celebrating your next Valentine's in a new home all of your very own. Love from all of us!

The Island Cats said...

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you! We ♥ you!!

Cat said...

Happy Valentine's Day friends, we love you!!!

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Mieow !
Happy Valentinez Day Efuryone ♥♥ We jus Luv All you guyz ^..^ :)))))) + :)
Purrz & Kissez ~ xoxoxoxoxo

Sparkle said...

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!

Unknown said...

Happy Valentines Day to all of yous too!
From Nellie and Kozmo

Bengal Business said...

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Purrrs Lars and Odin

Ellen Whyte said...

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you too! Hope you find loving furrever homes today.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Happy Valentines Day! Here's hoping for many love filled forever homes!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Happy Valentine's Day to all our furrends and humans. We hope that you will all get new homes soon.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

We heart you too! Happy Valentine's Day!

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Happy purry V'day with lots of love from Merlin, Odin, Gris Gris,Domino and mom, Layla.

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

Happy Heart Day to you all.

Dorothy said...

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you too! Have a great day! xoxoxo

Jacqueline said...

Happy Valentine's Day, sweet friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

LP said...

Happy Valentine's Day sweet friends! We hope your day is especially lovey :)

the critters in The Cottage xo

Katie Isabella said...

Happy valentine's Day you precious furred loves. xoxoxoxoxo

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Wish you a Happy Valentines Day too :)

Ingrid said...

Rosie, Arthur, Pookie and Kim (?) wish you the same ! Since it is warmer outside Kim has disappeared again !

Rumpydog said...

Oh Dog! A very Happy Valentines Day to you too!

Cathy Keisha said...

Happy V-Day! Be mine!

Alien said...

Happy V-Day!

Time to party!


Marg said...

Happy Valentine's day to all of you. I just love that picture of Moosey. What a great expression. Have a fun day.

A Tonl said...

FaRADaY: I getz da head bonks!
Maxwell: I'll take da nosetaps!

Allie: Silly boys, leaving the good stuff for me! *giggle!* SpecialAllieKittyHugs right back at you!

Happy Valentine's Day from all of us to you guys!

Old Kitty said...

Happy Valentine's to you all!! Have a lovely day! Take care

Lily said...

Happy Valentines Day!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Sending Valentine's wishes and love to you and your family!

White Dog Blog said...

From all of us in the White Dog Army to all of you...Happy Valentine's Day! Know we appreciate your friendship and cherish the fact that you share our journey!

catsynth said...

Thank you for the warm wishes! Happy Valentine's Day to all of you, too! Great themed picture with Sammy and Moosey :)

Cindy Adkins said...

Happy Valentine's Day to Sammy, Moosey, Tracey, Kevin and all PAWS Cats!!
Buster, Rudy, Sam and Cindy

Langley said...

Sweet! Happy Valentine's Day to you, too.

Vicki said...

Hope you have a wonderful Valentines Day!!! xx

Deb Barnes / Zee and Zoey said...

Sammy and Moosey - don't you look lovely today!! We didn't want a minute longer to go by without wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day to everyone at Animal Shelter Volunteer Life!! You guys rock and are the true defination of love!!

GLOGIRLY said...

We are wishing for many, many forever homes for all of your kitties.
Happy Valentines Day!
Katie and Glogirly

CCL Wendy said...

Happy Valentine's Day to the whole gang! We hope you get lots of extra TLC and treats today.

GRAÇA said...

Feliz dia dos amigos
Ronrons da amiga

caspersmom said...

Congratulations on the adoptions on Sunday's post. Mom says Eden is a beautiful cat. She doesn't know how to use handsome with a male cat. Surprised it took so long for him to be adopted as handsome as he is.

We sure hope you all had a great Valentine's Day. Hope it was a very happy one.

Casper, Cleo and Mom

Gigi said...

Happy Valentine's Day to all the sweet kitties and their wonderful Humans too! ♥ ♥ ♥

Clooney said...

That is such a sweet Valentine! You two are such cuties! Happy Valentine's Day to you all!

Laura and Taffeta Rose said...

Happy Valentine's Day kitties, and your super humans, too!

Beth said...

Hi Sammy and Moosey! I love your Valentine! Hope you had a great Valentine's Day.

Hilary said...

Sorry we are late... Engagements.. you know :) but the lucky man, Alex and I wish you all a very happy valentine's day after (and after all, sharing love is more important on all the days of the year....not just on 2/14

Sherry said...

Wishing true love for all the critters!

Us4 Cats said...

hope you had a good v day.
head bonks back attcha !

Anonymous said...

Hope you all had a lovely Valentines Day! xo

Tamago said...

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you had a very fun day :-)

=^..^= said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

*purrs & nosekisses*
Slash & Bronzy

Unknown said...

That's a colourful picture. Hope you enjoyed your Valentine's day.

Oskar said...

I hope you all had a great Valentines Day!

Nubbin wiggles,

Karen Jo said...

I am a couple of days late, but Happy Valentine's Day!

Kat and the Furrsonality gang said...

Sorry that we're late, too.

Happy Belated Valentine's Day!

haopee said...

Awww happy valentines to you too guys.

How's the adoption? I hope someone got adopted this week.

Huggies and Cheese,


Teddy Westlife said...

I am a tiny bit late but happy valentine's day to everyone!

pibble said...

Hi, Guys! We tagged you! Come on by and see what it's all about!

Pibble and the Pack