
October 1, 2010

Forever Home Friday

Exciting news! After being at PAWS for more than a year, our buddy Tally has landed himself a PURRfect forever home. We'll miss this handsome and gentle cow cat with a penchant for chasing sun spots and laser lights, but we're over the moon that he finally has a home and a person to call his very own. ConCATulations, Tally. We love you! :)


Cara n Crew said...

Yay for Tally! Happy stories like this make our day. All of our best to you, Tally. We are so excited for you!

-Pip, SMidgen, Minnie

Debra Taylor said...

Hey, this is great that Tally will now be cared for and loved for life! Great job.

For all the folks reading this, (including you kitties and doggies) my blog has posts which are helpful for cat caretakers everywhere.

All you be sure to stay well!


Chrissykat said...

Sweet! Love a happy ending...or in this case, beginning!!!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Yahoo for sweet Tally!! Who could resist such a special little one!

Thank you so much for your kind words for Inigo. We know he's felt your purrs, and it's meant a lot to Rumblemum to have people that understand how upsetting illness is

Once again, thank you so much. Inigo and I are sending you lots of purrs.


Daisy said...

Hooray for Tally! I love it when long-time residents finally get their Forever home!

The Island Cats said...

Yay for Tally!! We hope he will be very happy!!

Kate said...

So happy for you Tally :) Hugs from Nuggie all the way from Manila =^.^=

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are delighted to hear that Tally has a furever home - he has waited a long time for this day.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I am so very happy for Tally, that is the best news ever!!!

Forty Paws said...

Whoo hoo for Tally!!!

Luf, Us

The Whiskeratti said...

Wooo!! We're so happy for him. Everyone deserves a forever home.

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

YAY, Tally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Random Felines said...

Congrats Tally!! We are very happy for you. We know your caregivers will miss you, but hopefully your new furrever family will send updates!! Good luck.

The Monkeys said...

We're so happy to hear that sweet Tally found a fantastic forever home! Congratulations, Tally!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow that is so awesome! Congrats to Tally and we hope he is happy in his forever home!!

Cat said...

Yay, what wonderful news!! Congratulations Tally :-)

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh Tally KISSES all OVER your beautiful self! I am so happy for you.

Oskar said...

Hooray, what great news! I'm so happy for Tally & his forever family!

Nubbin wiggles,

lupie said...

Super news!!!

May you live well, happy and pampered in your furrever home!

Miss Kitty said...


It always breaks dad's heart seeing felines huddled into the corner of a cage awaiting adoption. A few approach most the older ones remain, giving one the look of 'What happened and why me?'

Learning of Tally's finding a loving home makes one jump with joy and do cartwheels.

One must not forget your hard work in securing a home for Tally. Congratulations to you to.

Miss Kitty and Egmont

Ingrid said...

Such a sweet and friendly cat had to wait for a year to find a home ?? Fortunately now he made it ! and just for the right moment with all the good food coming ahead Christmas and New Year included !

Marg said...

That is so exciting to hear that Tally has a forever home. He is such a handsome dude, that he sure deserves a good home of his own. Like your yellow blog for Livestrong. Have a great day.

Jana said...

That's Wonderful news! Concatulations to Tally and to your new human!!

Sasha said...

How exciting that Tally has found a human to look after. I hope he has been well trained at the centre, as humans can be quite difficult to control.

Alley Cats and Angels of North Carolina said...

WOOHOO!!! That is absolutely fantastic news. Congratulations on your new home Tally. You are a very handsome cow kitty.