
October 6, 2010

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday - Gizmo

Longtime PAWS resident Gizmo has been adopted! A friend to kitties and volunteers alike, this gentle giant orange tabby had been at the shelter for almost 1 1/2 years. Congratulations on your new forever home, buddy ... we love you!


dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Who could resist Gizmo? (not Rumblemum, she be swooning!!)

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

OMC! How wonderful. We are gonna play "Thundering Herd of Elefants" to celebrate! YAY!

Marg said...

That is fantastic news. Good for you Gizmo to find a forever home. But we bet those nice people taking care of you are going to be very sad to see you go. You sure are a handsome one. Take care and have a great day.

Forever Foster said...

Hoooooooray! What fantastic news!!! Congratulations to Gizmo!

The Island Cats said...

We can't believe it took that long for that handsome guy to find a furever home! YAY for Gizmo!!

The Monkeys said...

Gizmo is such a fabulous example of a ginger Mancat! We are so happy he found a forever home! Yay!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Hip hip hooray - we are so pleased for Gizmo getting a furrever home. said...

Great news! All of his kitty roommates at the shelter will miss him.

Ingrid said...

Wonderful news ! hope his new home is a cat paradise !

Cat said...

Yay Gizmo!!! We are so glad he found a forever home, he looks like a big love bug :-)

Alley Cats and Angels of North Carolina said...

Way to go Gizmo and congratulations. We are very thankful you wound up at a shelter that does not euthanize for space. I know you were very well cared for during your stay at PAWS.

Random Felines said...

Concats on the new home Gizmo - it may have taken awhile but that just makes it more sweet!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

YAY, YAY, YAY, Gizmo!!!!!!!!! We are purring that your new home will work out to be purrfect for you.

Anonymous said...

Some one now has a beauty gracing their home. Nose kisses

PAWSKaryn said...

Yay for Gizmo! I hope he went to a home with other cats because he's such a fabulous feline friend! I'm heading to PAWS now - I will investigate!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is such wonderful news, someone is very lucky to have you Gizmo!

The Whiskeratti said...

Yeaaaaa! This is such pawsome news.

PAWSKaryn said...

Matt confirms Gizmo is in a multiple-cat home! :-)

Jacqueline said...

YAY for Gizmo!...We are so happy to hear he found a loving home; wishing him great health and much happiness with his new family...We've missed you guys, hope all is well...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

The Misadventures Of Me said...

ConCATs Gizmo! A furever home dat is warm and loving is always a gud fing.


Jacqueline said...

We are having a special post tomorrow (Oct. 7) about Mommy's first baby, Nikki; hope you can visit...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

CCL Wendy said...

Wow, that is absolutely fantastic! It's difficult to understand how such a handsome kitty took so long to be adopted, but that doesn't matter any more -- now that he has a new furever home.

Live long and prosPURR, Gizmo!

Oskar said...

What wonderful Wednesday news. Hooray for Gizmo & his new family!

Nubbin wiggles,

A few Good Cats said...

Good going, Gizmo! We hope you and your new family have many happy years together.

Tamago said...

Oh, congratulations! It's always nice to hear about new adoption news!

catsynth said...

That's great news for Gizmo. Congratulations to him and his new family!

Admiral Hestorb said...

OH what FABULOUS news! How wonderful!! Kisses, Gizmo! Concatulations!!

HubbleSpacePaws said...

Love, love, love big kitty adoptions! Congratulations to Gizmo, his new beans and all the folks who kept him safe and loved til now!

Cara n Crew said...

Yow! Concats Gizmo! We wish you all the best in your new forever home. What great news!

-Pip, Smidgen, Minnie

Anonymous said...

Yay for Gizmo - so glad he found a home for himself.

Amy & the house of cats said...

YAY! What wonderful news for Gizmo! He is a beautiful boy and we are so happy that he found his perfect forever home! Oh that face just is too cute!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Yay! We're so happy for Gizmo and his new family!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Doing a little CATch up work today and wanted to say thank you for leaving kind words at my place when my grandma left. Your kind words helped us all to feel better when we were sad. What a good friend you are!
Thanks from,
Gracie, Daddie, & Mommie

Gigi said...

Oh pawsome news! I loves it when good kittehs find their furever homes!

Purrfect Haven said...

wonderful happy news and we are delighted. Love Darcy and Bingley xx

Miss Kitty said...

Greetings Gizmo,

We are so very delighted that finally you have found a family to adopt you. This is truly terrific. So sorry that it took so very long but then you were in good hands in the meantime.

Wishing you all a wonderful week,
Miss Kitty and Egmont (dad)

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Fank yoo, I love my furever home!


Debra Taylor said...

What a joy to learn of Gizmo getting adopted!

Thanks for checking with your associates on the eating of feral cats increasing near winter.

Blessings to you for your work!

Debby Taylor

Meowers from Missouri said...

may the blessings of health and long, happy life follow you wherever you go, gizmo!! you deserve them, sweetie!