March 31, 2010
March 24, 2010
We Were Tagged Wednesday!
March 17, 2010
Wonderful News Wednesday!
March 13, 2010
Beauty and a new found grace...
March 10, 2010
A Great Note from Ginger's Foster Dad

Last June, we posted a story about Ginger and Tump, who came to PAWS when their owner passed away. It soon became apparent that these two sweet kitties weren't particularly attached to each other, and that they could be adopted out individually. Happily for Tump, he found his forever home a few weeks after that posting, and he is now living "the high life." But for those of you asking whatever became of Ginger, this is your lucky day. Because this post is an official Ginger the Cat update! And who better to share about Ginger than Chris, her foster dad (and fellow PAWS volunteer)? So without further ado, here's Chris:
I’d like to introduce you to a wonderful cat I am fostering named Ginger. There are actually 2 other Gingers at PAWS, so she is Ginger I, but I don’t call her by that name. I call her "Gin Gin." I have no idea why, it just came out that way and I kept it.
From what I know, she is 23 years old! She is doing very well for that age. When I first brought her home, she took no time at all getting adjusted. I figured when I opened the cat carrier she would find a hidden spot somewhere, but she simply started walking around and stayed in the open. I was prepared to separate Ginger and my own cat (Tumble) until they got accustomed to each other and Ginger got used to her new surroundings, but there was no need. They weren't instant best friends, but they both immediately tolerated each other. You can’t beat that.
I don’t remember how I discovered that Gin Gin is deaf. I don’t think it was one thing but rather a succession of events. I have learned how to communicate with her without sound: vibrations, light and shadows, touching. And she is certainly not afraid to be vocal! Can she meow! And purr.
I have noticed her curling up with a TV remote control, placing her paw and head on it and relaxing. I’m sure she’s done that before, and it makes me feel as though I am getting a glimpse of her previous life (she is doing just that as I am writing). And now she’s doing the one thing that I wish she wouldn't, even though I find it amusing. If she is bored with sitting next to me on the bed as I use my laptop, she will get up, walk around the back of the laptop, around the side, to the front, and walk right on the keys. And yes, she knows exactly what she is doing. I have tried to get her to walk NEXT to the laptop and keyboard, and she almost always refuses. She has to walk ON the keyboard. She is stubborn. Or persistent. Or both. Most of the time I win and she eventually stops. Eventually. If not, we make a trip to the kitchen for a cat snack.
I think Ginger wants to win this time. And so to the kitchen I must go … dcsgvdghgbbjhnh.
Our ultimate hope is that Ginger will find a forever home of her very own. But until that happens, we are extremely grateful that Chris has opened his home and heart to her. :)
***** UPDATE (April 7, 2010): You can now refer to Chris as "DAD." He officially adopted Ginger last week. :) Yay for Chris and Gin Gin! *****