Once upon a time, there were some cats who lived in a place called PAWS. Even though they were well taken care of and loved by the volunteers and shelter staff, the kitties dreamed of the day that they would find their forever homes and people of their very own...
For Tracey and me, it's always a fairy tale come true when some of our shelter kitty friends are adopted. Here are some "happily ever afters" from the past week:
Valerie and Garth, who became nearly inseparable friends after they were placed in the same "open" room at PAWS, were adopted together. :)
Sweet, but shy Ally (pictured above) was adopted by one of our friends, who has re-named her Priscilla. Our friend reports that Priscilla is adjusting well to her new surroundings. She stays close by when her new mommy is doing things around the house, and sleeps with her every night!
Sherwood, one of the charter members of the PAWS "Belly Rub Club," now has his very own people to rub his belly (and otherwise spoil him) to his heart's content. :)
Be well in your new homes, kitty friends. We love you!
We love happily ever afters!!! Concatulations to these lucky kitties!
When I heard that Valerie and Garth were adopted together, I was so happy! It's like a dream come true when best friends can stay together like that. Ah, true love... It's a beautiful thing!
Very uplifting fairy tales! We're SO happy about Valerie and Garth being adopted together.
Yeaa!!! We luff the happy stories.
Our momma always ♥s to come here and read the stories of adoptions 'cause alla' us is adopted from our shelter and momma says that is the furry bestest place to get kitties - or puppies or cats or dogs or ferrets or...you get the picture!
Congrats on all of the "forever" homes! It's just heartwarming to hear.
I am so glad these cute kitties have a forever home now and so thankful that Garth and Valerie were adopted together.
This is great news! All the best for the beautiful cats in their new forever homes. And many concats to the humans!
Thank you for your get well wishes. Thinking of all the cats in shelters was a huge point towards having the surgery done now. It's just so hard to find really good homes!
Purrs, Siena Snowfox
We always like to hear stories of adoptions with fairy tail endings!
We love to hear about kitties who find forever homes. We wish they all could.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
That's what you love to hear -- the little lives you made such an effort to save, now are in loving forever homes.
I love when best buddy kitties are adopted together. Sounds like some real sweethearts found terrific homes. YAY!
im so happy for Valerie and Garth! keep doing the wonderful job youre doing :)
WONDERFUL work you have !!!
My compliments :-)
It warms our hearts to hear of kitties finding their forever homes. We are grateful for the wonderful volunteers that love them in their shelters, but there is nothing quite like a forever home. Bless you.
Glogirly & Katie
We're happy for each kitty that gets a home.
We came by to thank you for your kind words when we lost Crystal.
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