
March 6, 2019

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday - Sisters

Happy Wednesday from beautiful, sweet and adoptable sisters Pixie and Dixie


Pixie and Dixie came to PAWS after their owner was evicted. These gentle kitties are bonded, and must be adopted together. They get along well with other cats, love being pet and brushed, and are fine with humans of all ages. They are about 10 years old, spayed, microchipped, current on their vaccinations, and negative for FIV and FeLV. Pixie and Dixie would do best in a quieter home, and are ready to find their new happily ever after. Is it with you?
image-in-ing: weekly photo linkup


The Dash Kitten Crew said...

Honestly, I could cry for these girls. Such a blow, eviction and uncertainty. I am guessing their parent was heartbroken too, they look well cared for and loved.

Good luck you two. PAWS knows I would take you if I could. Darn us for being so far away.

Summer said...

My human adores those sweet calico faces!

Marg said...

Oh Goodness, two Calicos. What could be better. We so hope they find a new home really soon. Good luck ladies.

Maggie said...

They’re big beautiful girls - more than fourty pounds of calico, all together!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

omg they are just the cutest!! Hoping they find their furever home soon!!!

The Island Cats said...

How sad that Pixie and Dixie ended up at a shelter. But they're in good hands at PAWS. We purr they find their new furever home.

Kea said...

Oh, what darlings! We hope and purray they find a wonderful forever home soon. ♥ ♥

CatonsvilleCats said...

Aw, a double does of calico!

Random Felines said...

good heavens they are adorable!!! hopefully there is a very nice retirement home in their near future

Sandee said...

Keeping them together is the right thing to do for sure. They sure are good looking kitties. I hope they find a forever home soon.

Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday and thank you for showcasing kitties that need a forever home. ♥

Erin the Cat Princess said...

They are gorgeous! What a lovely pair they would make.... Now if there new home had a Mr Jinx the mouse, just think of all the fun that would ensue!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

They are lovely girls. I hope they get their new home quickly.

The Menagerie Mom said...

Oh, Pixie and Dixie, you are both beyond gorgeous! I sure do love me some calico. We are purring and praying that you sweet sisters are in your forever home very, very soon!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh beautiful ones, we're so sorry you're going through this and we're purring that forever together home finds you soon. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

Tamago said...

Awww, Pixie and Dixie, they are such pretty sisfurs! They remind me of my calico girl who is over the rainbow bridge. I hope they will find a great forever home together!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

hay ewe gorgeouzez...wavez two ewe pixie N dixie frum TT. we R troo lee sorree bout yur familee situationz N wish it dinna hafta bee that way... N we hope stuff ternz round for them N purrhaps they can come bak & get best best fishez two ewe both for what ever de few chure holdz♥♥♥

pilch92 said...

Such beauties. I hope they get their forever home soon.

The Swiss Cats said...

They are so pretty ! I wish that sharing the same name for one of them with me will bring them luck : I hope they find a forever home together very soon. Purrs, Pixie

Photo Cache said...

What a sad fate sweet kitties. Purring for a forever home soon as possible.

Emma and Buster

Katie Isabella said...

I would love those girls!

World of Animals, Inc said...

Pixie and Dixie are so beautiful. Their little faces are too cute in the photos. We hope the both find a furever home and stay together really soon. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

What a purrfectly beautiful pair!

likeschocolate said...

Great looking cats! Have a great week!

Cathy Keisha said...

Poor babies. It's not your fault your human could/wouldn't pay the rent. You'll find a new home.

Kathe W. said...

lovely kitties- I hope they are in their new home very soon!

Fr. Tom Fish said...

They are an adorable duo with the sweetest faces. Best of luck to them! - Tom x

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

So many beautiful kitties ... so little time! And this team is at the top of the list!

Three Chatty Cats said...

I hope Pixie and Dixie find their perfect home soon!

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

Oh, you two sweet girls. If I wasn't such a loner, Granny would have taken you two in immediately. Granny had three little chicks when she was a little girl and two of their names were Dixie and Pixie, so she almost saw this as a sign. We send Good Luck Pawkisses your way to find a furrever home soon, you so deserve it💗💗💗

meowmeowmans said...

Hooray! Pixie and Dixie have been adopted!