
March 10, 2017

FURever Home Friday! :)

Hip hip hooray! It's time for another edition of FURever Home Friday, our periodic post about the lucky PAWS cats who've found their happily ever afters. You'll see many of the kitties we've featured here in the past (including some long-timers and extra special friends) on the list of newest alumni. There's a lot of exciting news to share, so let's get this party started!

Brothers (and longtime PAWS residents) Sparky and Shadow have been adopted together! We're told by their new mom's sister (a friend and former PAWS volunteer) that these two are sure to be spoiled rotten (and deservedly so).

Remember sweet and handsome Hemingway, who had surgery to remove his badly injured rear leg? You'll be happy to know he's doing super well in his forever home. :)


Senior cat Buddy, who was loved by PAWS volunteers and staff for 3 1/2 years, now has his very own forever mom (friend and fellow volunteer Kim)! She says he spends lots of time looking out the window, and we can't say we blame him one bit. Enjoy your new home (and that view), Buddy!

Senior ladycat Artemis was adopted, too! Her new mom says Artie's doing great (check out the "Happy Tails" section below). So cute!


Artie's PAWS senior ladycat roomie, Phoebe, also found her happily ever after. Be sure to read about how she's doing with her permanent foster Mom in the "Happy Tails" section!


Here are pictures of some of the other new PAWS graduates:
Top row, from left: Sniffles, Gaia, Midnight, Princess; 2nd row, from left: Frijole, June, Toulouse, Philomena; 3rd row, from left: Garfield, Naomi, Gidget, Prince; Bottom row: Theodore, Delta, Wags

And here's the list (in alphabetical order) of the entire graduating class:

Artemis; Asia; Beauty; Bedford; Boeing and Cessna (together); Boo Boo and Lulu (together); Bows and Ribbons (together); Bridget; Bubba; Buddy; Cali; Charlie (from foster); Chester; Cici; Debbie; Delta; Doodle; F. Scott Fitzferal; Fisher; Frijole; Gaia (permanent foster); Garfield; Ghost and John Snow (together); Giblets; Hemingway; Herbie; Hominy; Jack (from foster); Jodi; June; Lou; Mama Mia; Midnight; Mini; Mom Fir; Monty; Naomi; Nicholas and Noelle (together); Petra; Philomena; Phoebe (permanent foster); Prince and Gidget (together); Princess; Randy; Samsung; Sniffles; Sony; Sparky and Shadow (together); Sylvania; Tarzan; Thelma; Theodore; Toulouse; Wags; Wally (from foster)

Congratulations and love to all of the adoptees, and to their new forever families. :)


Wait! The party's not over yet! Here are some "Happy Tails Tales" about how some former PAWS cats are doing in their forever homes:

“Phoebe is doing wonderfully. She was shy at first, and denned herself in our guest room which was the most like her old office at PAWS. She now ventures out as she pleases and I've been able to move her food and litter box downstairs to where I wanted them which gets her moving about and getting to know the whole house. She's an old lady so she sleeps a lot but she is accustomed to us now and very affectionate. She is eating and drinking well. She prefers the KD tuna which I mix with a little regular tuna and a lot of water to make a slurry. She adores it and gets extra water that way. Our other kitties loved that too, and they made it to 17+. No problems doing her fluids. She doesn't even squeak or squirm and it only takes a few minutes.”

“Artemis is on a mission. She waits at the door of the room she has been staying in and as soon as I open the door, she walks right out into the hallway with 3 dogs and 2 cats. There was a bit of growling the first couple times but not too bad. I don't think the dogs are going to be a problem for her. She is playing with her toys, walking around her room more often and I dare say she seems very happy. I also picked her up and brought her to the front door to look outside so she could feel the sun and the nice weather. She seemed to really enjoyed it, but after a few minutes she was unsure and I brought her back to her room. She's making great leaps and bounds and gets more comfortable every day.”

“Garfield is doing SO well! He hid under the couch for a little while last night but after only an hour or so he came and sat with us on the couch, explored his new home, and ate well. I'd say he's a happy boy. We love him so much!”

Happy weekend, everybuddy! 💖


Summer at said...

I love these adoption stories! How cool that you had a double adoption among them!

The Whiskeratti said...

Yep, these always make for a happy Friday.

Mickey's Musings said...

We are so happy to see these kitties going to new homes :)
We purr for more adoptions there too.
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

Smudge said...

I just moved into my new furrever home a few weeks ago. I was staying at Orange County Animal Services here in Chapel Hill when my new mom and dad let me pick them to go home with. You volunteers get special kudos for all you do.

The Menagerie Mom said...

Hooray! This made our Friday even better. We are so happy for all of these wonderful kitties, who more than deserve their forever homes.

Marg said...

That is so great that so many got adopted and are doing well. We really like the reports on everyone. That is fun to see. said...

It's been a great adoption month! The adoption counselors at PAWS are so good and the Senior Program is such a wonderful success. Happy Friday for sure. I hope you and Tracey have a lovely snow day snuggling with Zoe and Gracie.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Kevin, these adoption updates and happy tales warm my heart. I'm sure it's especially rewarding for all of you when long-time residents finally find their forever homes, senior kitties and those with special needs (or some combination of all of the above). Thank you for continuing your positive, uplifting posts -- so needed to remind myself (and us all) that there ARE happy endings (or beginnings) in the midst of all the suffering (non-human and human) that the media focuses on.

Peace and Blessings.


Brian's Home Blog said...

We love, love, love the haapy new and we are thrilled for everyone!

Random Felines said...

YAY!!! We love seeing all those "together" adoptions as well. Keep up the great work!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

this makes me sooooooo happy!! catchatwithcarenandcody

Kathe W. said...

yippee.....happy days. Thanks for all your loving work!

Kitties Blue said...

These are some of our favorite posts. Love to see so many finding loving and forever homes, and Mom loves it when she sees two kitties getting adopted together. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

Anonymous said...

I love this post, the cats, and you guys. Really. You rock. HUGS! ❤

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

This is great news that so many more have found their forever homes.

Tamago said...

Awww what a wonderful post! I'm extra happy that long-time residents and senior kitties found forever homes! Congratulations to all the graduates!

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Reading this post made our Friday! We're so glad these incredible cats will now know the forever love they deserve. Thank you so much for sharing the updates!

pilch92 said...

I am so happy for all these beauties.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

So many adoptions.. I remember when I started volunteering for the shelter (in my area) and how few their were..

Colehaus Cats said...

Yippee! We LOVE adoption news and follow up stories. Congratulations, graduating class!

Photo Cache said...

Kisses to all of you! Yay!!!!

Emma and Buster

The Island Cats said...

This is by far our favorite posts! We love seeing all the happy adoptions!!

Cathy Keisha said...

I love these furever home Fridays! I'm always rooting for these guys.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We just love learning of more adoptions with happy cats and happy people. You folks do such good work!

Anonymous said...

Such pawsum mews fur such gawjus kitties. We are so happy they've found their purrfect furevers. Big hugs

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Saku said...

Our mom bean has leaky eyes reading this post. She says she is so happy for all the kitties who have found their furever homes. We are too and send our purrs that someday all kitties will be loved and cared for as they should be.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are so pleased to hear about more adoptions for you. We know you will always love them. Take care.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Katie Isabella said...

Mommy's eyes are a bit leaky with this fantabulous news and updates. 💗 said...

I just love love love hearing these happy stories--always makes my day better!

The Swiss Cats said...

Yay for these adoptions ! Purrs

Marvelous Marv said...

Gosh mes LOVES the happy stories!!! Thanks for sharing as we lives each and every one of your adoption cats!

M. K. Clinton said...

This post fills my heart with joy. I am so glad that some of the old-timers found forever homes. ♥ Thanks for sharing!

Gattina said...

These are real good news ! I am always happy when I hear that an elderly cat has been adopted !

Hilary said...

I love happy ever afters!

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

We love this posts. They make us happy😊Pawkisses for a Happy Week😚❤

Tommy and Teaghan said...

There is nothing better than positive stories and energy! We are so happy for efurry buddy! It makes Mom's heart sing.

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

We love posts like this! Kitties getting their forever homes is the best news ever.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

eye noe this commint haz nothin ta due with this post
but eye wanted ta say thanx 777 bazillion timez for
yur kindnezz two me & me familee last week
sorree for de copee N paste type for mat…….lovez all wayz
boomer ♥ N congar ratz two all de gradz...we iz buzzed happee for ewe all ♥♥♥

Three Chatty Cats said...

Aww, this makes me so happy! Yay for all of the adoptions!

Gigi said...

Aww, congratulations to all the Kities, and their furever people, and to YOU GUYS who give them such love and affection while they wait. XOXOXOXO

LP said...

All of you will never fail to impress us with your selfless ability to care for and find forever homes for all these deserving souls! Well done all of you and may these kitties all live happily ever after!

the critters in the cottage xo

Danielle L Zecher said...

I love these posts! I'm so happy that seniors and special needs kitties featured heavily in this edition. :-)