
October 29, 2014

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday - Bella

It was bittersweet for us to see our beautiful and funny friend Bella again, when she was returned to PAWS after nearly three years in a home of her own.  

We're told a human in the house developed allergies.  We're not crazy about this reasoning, but we think it's far better for Bella to be back at PAWS than on the street (or worse).

Bella isn't a lap cat, and she can be feisty, but she loves the company of people she trusts. And she will keep the humans lucky enough to adopt her smiling and laughing with her silly antics.  Won't you please give Bella the second chance she deserves?


You probably noticed the great carved pumpkin on our header! Isn't it COOL?  Big and hearty thanks to our sweet and fabulous blogging pal, Penelope, the Cat from Hell (and her cousin Ninja and awesome mom Barb, too). :)


Julia Williams said...

So sad for Bella but she is in good hands now. That excuse for surrendering her is hogwash. I simply can't understand how anyone could have a cat for 3 years and just toss them aside.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

It's absolutely unthinkable to give up a cat with such a poor excuse but at least she's safe and cared for.

Summer at said...

I think the developing allergies thing is an excuse. I wish humans would tell the truth, but they are as dishonest to themselves as they are to others. I hope Bella finds humans who really love her.

Mickey's Musings said...

We do not like that reasoning either.
Mom had allergies, but that did not stop her from getting a cat and then more cats ;) After a while, the allergies faded and are very mild.
We agree that allergies are a silly excuse.
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

Vanessa Morgan said...

What an absolute cutie again :)

Fozziemum said...

What a sweet girl Bella is..i am glad she found herself back with you but I think I would rather spend my life on allergy meds than give up my kitties and pups..i sneeze get bad eyes but I get love and affection and true friendship...just sayin..good luck sweet Bella loves Fozziemum xxx

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Poor Bella. Humans can be so cruel.

We hope she finds a loving forever home soon. She deserves it!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Fuzzy Tales said...

Poor Bella. I'm allergic to cats and right now my allergies are really kicking up and walloping me, and I lost my sense of smell years ago, but would I turn Nicki or Derry in to a shelter? No!

In the end, Bella likely is better off without her former humans. Purrs from the boys that she finds the RIGHT human to love her and respect her needs.

Marg said...

Well, poor Bella. Sounds like she is better off at PAWS then in that home. We so hope she finds her next home really soon.
We love that Pumpkin. Nellie and her Mom do good work. You all have a super day. said...

Nice photographs - you've really captured her personality. It's hard to understand how she ended up back at PAWS, but she's safe among friends.

Tamago said...

Oh poor Bella. I don't like the reasoning, either.
But she is safe and loved at PAWS and has got a chance to find a real forever home. xoxo

Hannah and Lucy said...

We're so sorry for Bella having to leave her home but we know you will all take such good care of her until she finds a new family to cherish her.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Whiskeratti said...

I am so very tired of that allergies thing. *I* have allergies to my cats - and it doesn't make a bit of difference. They are my family and my friends. Ever hear of Claritin, people ???

PS: we do luff the pumpkin! Very pawsome.

Talking-Dogs said...

Poor Bella. Find it hard to believe that after a few years someone in the house had allergies! Sharing.

Unknown said...

Breaks my heart that she was returned:( Paws crossed she finds a forever home soon. Sharing.

Unknown said...

Yous knows, its best she comes back than some of the other alternatives! Mes thinks the pumpkin in your header looks marvelous!
Happy Howl-ween!
PS Thanks Yous Moosy

Talent Hounds said...

Back in loving care!

Life with Dogs and Cats said...

Just look at that Bella belly. I hope she finds a forever home soon.

Purrs (and wags) from Life with Dogs and Cats.

pilch92 said...

Bella, I pray you get your true
forever home soon. Nellie made us a pumpkin too- she is a sweetie.

Ingrid said...

If I understand well these people had running red eyes for 3 years and then suddenly realized an allergy ? Couldn't they find a less stupid excuse? Fortunately she is with you again and I hope she will find good people without "allergies" ! I am more allergic to some people than to cats !

Brian's Home Blog said...

Poor sweet Bella, how sad and confusing. We sure hope that beauty gets a real home this time around...and soon.

Cathy Keisha said...

Sorry, I don’t buy that reasoning. TW has cat allergies and I’m a part of the family. She can live with taking Benydral daily.

Colehaus Cats said...

Oh, pretty, pretty Bella. You are back where you are loved and cared for. So glad you weren't put outside to fend for yourself! Sending adoption purrs....

da tabbies o trout towne said...

bella....we iz veree sorree it dinna werk out, & we hope yur second chance for evers... comes along reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeely quik lee ore even FASTER then like aye ess aye pea...

bee lated conga rats two ewe guys two on yur 600 bazillion posts !!


Anonymous said...

OMC Poor Bella. Weez just hate dat excuse. Me wishes they wuld develop allergies to themselves so they wuld be misewable furever, or their 2 legged kiddos. Wuld they weturn them? Wuld they fwo them out on da stweet? They just snatched da pawsumness rug wight out fwum under hers da meanies. She be vewy bootyful. Weez shawin' and purrayin'.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

Anonymous said...

I am so glad Bella is with people who understand and appreciate her. I hope you will find her a forever home who does, too. ~xo~

The Diamond Dogs said...

Poor Bella, but you are absolutely right that at least she is back with the rescue instead of having been left alone or let out.

catsynth said...

Aww, poor Bella. Sad to have to leave her home no matter the reason, but glad she will be safe and loved at PAWS until she finds her next home.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Poor Bella! She must be feeling very confused to lose her home of the last 3 years. Allergies is a pathetic excuse but at least she is back where she is loved. I hope she soon finds another home which really will be her forever home.

Just Mags said...

Oh, sweet Bella we are so sorry that happened to you and you once again have to wait for a loving family to come and take you home. We send purrs and prayers that when they do it will not only be a loving home but a forever home as well. You are just so beautiful. Hugs and nose kisses

Cara n Crew said...

oh, poor Bella! She is just beautiful! it makes us sad to see the grads come back, though we gotta say we are super glad the people did return Bella and that PAWS is there for her. Thank you!

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, HOllie

The Island Cats said...

Poor Bella! We hope she finds a new home soon. But until then, at least she's where she is being well taken care of and loved.

Kitties Blue said...

We love how you put your pumpkin in your header. Nellie did one for us too! Bella is gorgeous. We sure hate to hear about her return to PAWS. We'll be purring and praying that she gets a new FOREVER home. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

White Dog Blog said...

We ask the Universe to find THIS Bella the most perfect FOREVER home...our Bella sends extra love and confidence that being feisty and a bit aloof will be just what the right person finds absolutely adorable.

Clooney said...

Bella is such a pretty girl. We hope that someone awesome will give her the safe, loving forever home she deserves. Glad she will have the PAWS volunteers to love her while she waits.

Hilary said...

what a beauty! I love her

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

You got pumpkined which is decidedly BETTER than bein' punked. Gorgeous pumpkin, by the way.

And speakin' of GORGEOUS. That Bella sure is pretty. I bet she's gonna make some family super happy, very soon.


Danielle L Zecher said...

She's beautiful. I hope she finds her true furever home soon. I find "allergies" to be very suspicious reason for giving up a furbaby. I've been told for most of my life that I have a cat allergy, but I've had cats all of my life and been perfectly fine.

haopee said...

This is unfortunate for Bella. No worries, I am sure she'll find a suitable family to love her better.