
July 20, 2014

Easy Like Sweet Pea

Check out beautiful and adoptable housepanther Sweet Pea, enjoying one of the shelter's awesome wall hammocks...

Here's hoping your Sunday is as easy as the one Sweet Pea is enjoying! :)

Sweet Pea is about 7 1/2 years old, and ended up at PAWS after her owner passed away.  She is (as her name suggests) super-sweet, gets along with other cats, and would do well in just about any home.  Sweet Pea is spayed, micro-chipped, up to date on all her vaccinations, and has tested negative for FIV and FeLV.


Sherry said...

How I'd love to sit up in one of those hammocks!

Summer at said...

My human is waving hi to Sweet Pea - she's one of the kitties her donation money went to!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Those hammocks are really pawsome. Sweet Pea looks so relax and comfy in it. :)

Hannah and Lucy said...

Out the draught and off the floor where you can relax in a comfy hammick. What a great place to be while you look to see if there is a loving family you'd like to go home with.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

san said...

That hammock is really something Sweet Pea. Will you bringing it with you to your new home?

Fozziemum said...

Oh Sweet Pea is sad she has lost her peeps..i hope she can find a new home really soon..they so must miss their peeps and don't understand hugs Fozziemum xx

Marg said...

Oh Sweet Pea, that is one of our very favorite names. We had a donkey by that name a long time ago and she was the very best. Those hammicks sure terrific and you look so comfy. Take care. said...

She's so calm and friendly! When Rick was putting up the hammock, she sat on the shelf by his head and watched him work. It was as if she knew the hammock was for her. The sound of the drill didn't even bother Sweet Pea!

Katie Isabella said...

OH! HOW! BEAUTIFUL! I can TELL she's sweet just looking. PLEASE get a home Sweetpea. You as with the others, deserve a home.

Mickey's Musings said...

Sweet Pea looks happy in that hammock :)
WE purr some purrson will take she home and love her forever!
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

The Island Cats said...

Sweet Pea looks like she lives up to her name. We hope she finds a home soon.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We sure hope that Sweet Pea gets a nice new home really soon.

Kitties Blue said...

She does look oh so sweet. Mom has a soft spot in her heart for the panfurs. Her dream would be to open a Black Cat Sanctuary. Say "hi" to Swizzle for us! Purrlease join us Monday for our 2nd anniversary giveaway. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


We feel so sorry for those kitties who have lost their owners to death. We sure hope Sweet Pea finds her new family very soon!

Vanessa Morgan said...

Sweet pea... That's exactly what she looks like.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh she IS a sweetheart!

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

What a sweetie!! Love that wall hammock! Hope she finds her purrfect family soon!

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

She's beautiful.


GLOGIRLY said...

Sweet Pea is such a beautiful panther! So sad that she lost her human. We hope she finds another human to love very, very soon. xo

P.S. Thank you so much for the sweet birthday wishes for Glogirly and helping to make our comment-a-thon a huge success! xo, Katie & Waffles

Cara n Crew said...

sweet pea, you are beautiful! you sure have a cool place there to hang out. We hope you won't have to wait long for your new forever home. purrs,

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

Mariodacat said...

What a sweet Panfur kitty and such bootiful eyes. Hi Sweet Pea - you are a real cutie.

Tamago said...

Sweet Pea is such a lovely girl! It's very sad she lost her pawrent. I hope she finds her forever home very soon.
I so admire the hammock Maggie's husband made. PAWS kitties are so lucky to have such wonderful hammock to enjoy :-)

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Dear Sweet Pea looks sad. The only remedy is time and a loving forever home.

Clooney said...

What a sweet, beautiful girl Sweet Pea is...huge purrs to her for finding a safe, loving forever home where she is truly cherished. And love and purrs to you all today as you remember your sweet Angel Sammy.

Anonymous said...

She sure is a cutie! And what a purrfect name. ~xo~

CatInTheFridge said...

Sweet pea, find that home! You can do it! I believe in you! - Crepes.

Colehaus Cats said...

How beautiful you are, Sweet Pea! Putting out our best adoption vibes for you! PURRS....

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Sweet Pea is just adorable (and Truffles thinks that wall hammock is pawsome!)

A Tonl said...

Sweet Pea, we sure do think you have a sweet ride there, too!

Here's purring and crossing our paws for a forever home VERY soon!

2 Punk Dogs said...

What a gorgeous house panther!

Donna said...

What a cuddly baby!

Gigi said...

She is a super beautiful girl---though I admit I might be a little biased in favor of House Panthers, heh heh.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

I hope that Sweet Pea finds a new home real soon !
Thoose hammick´s looks furry cool and comfy :)


Ingrid said...

What a nice napping place ! I think my cats (except Kim) would like that too !

Juno said...

You look so comfortable in that hammock! Hope you will find a wonderful new home soon!

Momo & Pinot xo

Life with Dogs and Cats said...

I love the cat and the wall hammock. Where did you get that? My kitties would love it!

--Purrs (and wags) from Life with Dogs and Cats

haopee said...

I always love sharing your cats. They sound like quite amazing characters. Sweet Pea is no different. Hahaha.

View From My Pram said...

PepiSmartDog: Sweet Pea is gorgeous! Hope another family will step in as her new forever family.
Thank you for joining us again in our Thankful Thursday Weekly Blog Hop.
We always enjoy your posts and piccies. :=o)

Unknown said...

What a sweetie! Hope she finds somebody to love and take care of her soon! Sharing.

Oui Oui said...

Good luck from one Sweet Pea to another!

Sweet Pea "Oui Oui" Twinkletoes

Anonymous said...

SweetPea is gawjus, and dat hammock looks pawsum.

Luv ya'


2browndawgs said...

Love black kitties.