
August 17, 2013

Black Cat Appreciation Day 2013

Today, August 17, is Black Cat Appreciation Day!

You may be asking yourself, "why do black cats even need a special day?"  Sadly, the myths, stereotypes and superstitions about black cats being unlucky or "bad" persist for many people.  Statistics certainly seem to bear this out.  Black cats are only half as likely to be adopted as cats of other colors.  And even black cats lucky enough to end up in no-kill rescues stay several months longer than their other-colored counterparts.  What a shame, because there are so many black kitties (including a bunch at PAWS) who are lucky, sweet, lovable and full of personality!  Oh, and sleek and beautiful, too, like sisters Zoe and Gracie:



We LOVE these two sisters so much.  And they love us, too (and everyone they meet)! :)


Jans Funny Farm said...

Jan has a soft spot for black cats, although there isn't one living here now. They're just as sweet and loving - and pretty - as any other cat.

Life with Ragdolls said...


AnnStaub said...

They are both gorgeous :) I like black cats because they remind me of panthers!

Summer at said...

My human gravitates to personalities, not color, when it comes to kitties... and when she is around a big group of cats, she finds that the black furred ones have some of the best personalities!

Gigi said...

They are so beautiful! As I commented on your Facebook post, though, Spitty does not need to have his head swelled any further so I am not telling him about this day. Heh heh.

SeaThreePeeO said...

Two very beautiful lady cats. They deserve to find their forever homes soon.

The Paw Relations

Marg said...

Hi there Zoe and Gracie. You sure are such pretty girls. We love black cats too and did not know it was black cat appreciation day, darn it all. Hope you find a wonderful home really soon. Take care. said...

Your beautiful photographs show their sweet purrsonalities.
It's hard to understand why adopters have ignored these two.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Such pretty girls! WITH a lovely personality. What a bonus!

Mariodacat said...

They are beautiful girls. I wish people would get over that stereotype with black cats.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Just beautiful! Know these sweet ones will have no trouble finding a forever home.

Oui Oui said...

We don't understand how people could be superstitious in the 21st century. Or the 20th century, even the 19th century. Do they judge a book by its cover? {eye roll}

We do wish Gracie & Zoe the best because we know the odds are stacked against them. Fortunately, they couldn't be at a better place! Well, they could be in a home of their own, that would be better, but they are lucky not to be in a shelter. We're purring they settle in with their family soon.

The Florida Furkids said...

Mom's never had a black cat but it's because none has ever chosen her to be their new Mom. We think black cats are stunning. Mom always says that when a black cat crosses her path it's good luck!

The Florida Furkids

The Whiskeratti said...

When the time comes, our Mom plans to adopt an older black kitteh. They are so beautiful!

Cat said...

Such beautiful girls!!! We think black cats are amazing :-)

The Island Cats said...

Such gorgeous black cats! We purr that someday there won't be a need for a black cat appreciation day other than to appreciate us for the special cats we are!


Brian's Home Blog said...

Zoe and Gracie, you two are beautiful...and I love your names. We love and appreciate black cats every single day!

Anonymous said...

I love this! As you know, our Grizelda & Chloe Jo are black sisters. We celebrate black cats every day! ~xo~

Unknown said...

Awww, they are so sweet. Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day!

Anonymous said...

Mumsy loves black cats. We haven't had one in several years but maybe one day one will grace our home again. You two are beautiful and look sooooo sweet! Hugs and nose kisses

Deb Barnes said...

We love all kitties and can't think of one single reason why a black cat should be persecuted because of a ridiculous superstition that has no merit whatsoever! We love Grace and Zoe and hope they will be adopted soon! Purrs from the Zee/Zoey gang!

The J-Cats said...

WE can't understand why anyone who claims to love Cats could reject a kitty, simply because of the colour of his or her fur.

Don't they know that to be be young, gifted and black is a lovely, precious dream?

Lakeland adventures with Lola and Milo said...

Lovely looking cats, have a great weekend.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

They are beautiful sisters. Mum used to have two black brothers. The third brother was a tuxie.

jank1961 said...

It seems so silly and sad that these stereotypes and superstitions still persist. We couldn't love our little black kitty more, and she is the sweetest thing. People are missing out by passing over these beauties.
Jan K, Wag 'N Woof Pets

catsynth said...

I have always found black cats, especially black girl cats like Zoe and Gracie, to be among the sweetest and most affectionate of cats. Not to mention sleek and gorgeous :) We hope that more black cats get adopted and appreciated for the joy they bring to their families.

Unknown said...

I never have understood why black cats (&dogs) are less desirable. I grew up with black dogs and they were simply wonderful! When we adopted our last dog, we went to the shelter and just fell in love with our second dog's personality. Color and breed shouldn't matter. Personality and character are what counts!

Our local shelter is having a $17 sale on black cats this weekend in honor of black cat appreciation day. Thank you for bringing light to the darker companions! They truly appreciate it!

Timmy Tomcat said...

We appreciate black cats and have two in our home. Big purrs that you all get homes.

Tamago said...

I really didn't see color of kitties until I learned black kitties have more difficult time finding homes because of their color. It is sad some people believe such superstitions.
Gracie and Zoe are beautiful just the way they are. I hope they will find forever home very soon!

Kitties Blue said...

Gracie and Zoe are exquisite. Mommy never met a black cat she didn't like. Unfortunately the two who had lived here are now at the bridge. Mommy would get another one if Dad would let her. Love to Zoe and Gracie and all the other black kitties looking for homes. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Guilietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

there are so many days to keep up with that I didn't know it was Black Cat Appreciation Day! I never could understand why Black cats get a bad rap. They are gorgeous!

Mickey's Musings said...

Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day!
Black Cats Rule, 'cause Black Cats are Cool !!
They just happen to have black coats ;)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

Gigi said...

Well, somehow Spitty found out and now he's mad there wasn't a parade.

Alley Cats and Angels of North Carolina said...

I love black kitties. I generally dislike generalizations, but honestly - most black cats have some of the best personalities.

And PAWS has some real lookers. I hope they find their forever home soon. But I know until then, they are in fantastic hands with PAWS.

Angel Simba said...

Such beautiful girls. That red collar against the black fur looks great!

Ingrid said...

They are beauties ! My very first cat was black and shared my life for more then 20 years ! She was the most intelligent cat I ever had !

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

We've been having everyone post black cat pics at our Facebook page to celebrate.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Black cat´s are beutiful and me and mom can´t see why they are less adoptable ?!

Swami Zoe said...

My first brother was a black cat. You guys are lucky! Me-Ommmmmm

A Tonk's Tail said...

Hi Gracie! Hi Zoe! We sure hope someone sees how loving you two are - very soon!! - and scoops you up to a forever home!

Gigi said...

Sparkle had a great movie today that revealed all our many special black-cat secrets. Did you know I can FLOAT? And sit on the ceiling? And lots of other cool stuff too. Heh heh.

Ellen Whyte said...

We love black panthers! It just so happened that we were gifted with gingers...

Marilia said...

here we have Ebano, a sweet black kitty with only three legs.
He´s very very cute like Zoe and Gracie!

Unknown said...

Hi Kevin! Thank you so much for your nice comments! I'm just so relieved that all that hell finally passed! =)

I just love black cats, and I find them to be beautiful. It is horrible that people still believe in certain myths.. I have to admit I am kinda superstitious (being half Italian), but when it comes to cats I feel it is stupid to consider black cats bring bad luck!

Hugs, Francesca

Brando and Bogart said...

Yeah, what is that all about! Black dogs are the same way. People need to get over it! A kitty is a kitty, a cat is a CAT!! Cute and loving! Hope you have a great week and find a lot of Cats a forever home!

Sushi said...

They're beautiful. But black kitties are not very much accepted from where we are because of a silly belief that they bring bad luck. Of course we know that's not true.

Sherry said...

When I was a child, my younger brother brought home a stray black cat, saying, "We have to keep her; she's one in a million!" Of course we kept her.

wildcatwoods said...

We love black cats. Purring for a wonderful home for these two.

cats of wildcat woods

2 Punk Dogs said...

The girls are gorgeous! Gracie looks like my cat Shadow, she was such a great cat.

haopee said...

I've never had a black cat... but I've always had a black dog in the pack... They're really close to my heart... I guess it simply started out as preference.