
March 19, 2013

Tabby Cat Tuesday - Holly

We love our sweet tabby friend Holly SO much. She adores people, snuggling, being pet, and being talked to. This beautiful girl, who is about 10 years old, ended up at PAWS after she was found wandering outside an office building. Even though Tracey and I were sad to learn yesterday that Holly is in the first stages of kidney disease, it's clear that this darling kitty still has lots of love to give.

According to the Cornell Feline Health Center, " is quite common nowadays — thanks to innovative medical and surgical procedures — for some cats to live for one to three years or even longer following early diagnosis (of kidney disease)."

Do you have room in your heart and home for Holly? This special girl will fill your life with love and affection, and be the best friend you've ever had.


Anonymous said...

She has a beautiful, wise face. said...

I wonder how she ended up on her own. She was obviously someone's sweet cat once upon a time. She has a very soft coat and a deep quiet purr.
I hope she won't be at the shelter long, but while she's with us, we'll all give her a lot of love.

Gigi said...

Such a purry sweet girl. We hope her lovely face will score her a good home soon! You guys are really her Angels, you know. XOXOXOXO

Mickey's Musings said...

We purr somebean will give sweet Holly a home.She looks so cute.
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are purring for Holly and hope she gets a loving home.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Whiskeratti said...

Look at that beautiful, kissable face. We hope she gets her wonderful home very soon.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

Since the kidney disease was caught so early, with proper management, Holly should have a couple of healthy years in her. :) Purring her forever family takes her home soon.

Ingrid said...

She would be perfect for an elderly person ! I wish good luck for a quick adoption !

The Island Cats said...

Holly is beautiful and we hope she finds her furever home.

The mom had a cat that was diagnosed with kidney disease early and he lived for 7 more years...and it wasn't kidney disease that he died of. So Holly, with proper care, could have a long life still ahead of her!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Somer my daughter is keeping my grandkitty Bunny alive with Sub-fluids. Bunny will be 20 years old this April. I went to N.Y. last Thanksgiving just so I could see her and my daughter. I hope its not the last time I see her.

Hope Holly finds that small forever home.

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

Holly is a beautiful Lady Cat! Hope she finds her home soon!
Sending her purrs

Marilia said...

Beautiful rounded and chubby face!

haopee said...

Aye, me thinks you are 10 years young.

Holly, gray looks great on you. And I love your eyes.

Huggies and Cheese,


GLOGIRLY said...

Such a beautiful girl....
We're so sorry to read about her illness. But you are so right, that does nothing to her capacity to love.
(((purrs))) We hope she finds a forever home to call her very own.

Tamago said...

What a sweet girl. So sorry to hear she has been diagnosed with kidney disease. I hope she finds forever home where she gets proper treatment and lots of love.

Mariodacat said...

It just sickens me so much to learn of animals being abandoned - especially those in later years and who's health is starting to fail. Our Misty lived for 4 years with kidney disease. It's so easy to learn to do the fluids at home too, and really not that expensive. Yes, she has a lot of love to give yet. Bless you for trying to find a home for her.

Cat said...

What a beautiful girl!!! We are purring for her that she finds a safe and loving home soon :-)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Holly! So pretty. Love her expressive eyes. Our dearly passed Queen, Crits, lived for almost five years with kidney disease. Didn't affect her rule or our ability to love her. Sending purrs that she find a kind home with a family who will love her. Purrs...

Brian's Home Blog said...

She sure is such a beautiful lady.

Splendid Little Stars said...

Holly is very pretty! I hope she finds a home!

Clooney said...

What a sweet girl Holly is. We send our biggest purrs and prayers and good vibes her way for a loving forever home to come forward for her. (Oh dear friends, we are sorry to be so behind in our visiting but we caught up with all your happenings and want to say congratulations on your 400 posts! We are also so happy to see how well Sammy is doing, that Roamer found a forever home, that you participated in the transport of Brutus and Marigold, how wonderful.) Have a great week everyone!

Jacqueline said...

Holly is a beautiful angel and I hope she will be given sub q fluids; I gave them to my Mom's cat daily for 5 years before her death at 20 years and to my own Nikki for almost 2 years before her death at 20 years...It is an easy way to help them live longer lives without suffering=it only takes a few minutes and does not compromise their quality of life...God bless sweet Holly=I will pray for her to find a new loving forever family asap...We are so glad you guys are our friends=we have lost too many lately=heartbroken over Eric today...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Such a little darling <3

LP said...

Holly, you are such a sweetie! We hope you find your forever home but in the meantime, we are so glad you have so many wonderful volunteer friends ensuring you are loved and well taken care of. :)

the critters in the cottage xo

Katie Isabella said...

I love what Jacqueline said. I feel the same way and she said it so eloquently. xox

Lakeland adventures with Lola and Milo said...

A beautiful looking cat, hop she finds her furever home soon.


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I sincerely purrs and prayers for Holly. She is a darling~!! Hope she could find her forever soon! She deserve it.

Oui Oui said...

Oh, we hope someone will adopt her! We can say from experience with our beloved Lumpy, even kitties who hate treatment for kidney disease can live much longer than 3 years, and have full lives. His disease didn't stop him from fighting getting fluids (we finally just stopped and encouraged him to drink lots of water) and stealing as many warm seats as he could. We hope someone will give Holly a chance too.

Gigi said...

The Human gave Clarkie sub-q fluids for a few years. It was easy-peasy and he didn't mind at all (except the sitting still for 7 or 8 minutes of course ;-) XOXOXO

♥ Sallie said...

Holly is adorable! Who wouldn't love a cutie like that!


Cat Street Boyz said...

All pawz crossed for Holly to find just the right forever home=^Y^=

Toy sayz thanks for stopping by with Birthday wishes=^Y^=

Unknown said...

Yous knows, Hissy Old Licorice was diagnosed with Final Stage Kidney Disease 6 years before he passed at one month from being 19.
Us cats can do well with the right treatment! Me is purraying for holly!

catsynth said...

We can tell just how sweet and loving Holly is in those photos. We're sad to hear about her kidney disease, but with the right treatment and the right home she can still have a great life.

Unknown said...

Aww Holly looks like a sweatheart, I am sorry to hear about her condition, though it won't make her any less lovable I'm sure!:)

Hilary said...

Oh poor holly.... so sweet, so sad... I hope she finds a forever home soon..

da tabbies o trout towne said...

Eye noe this commint haz nothing ta due with this post, but eye wanted ta stop bye N say thanx... & if eye said thanx a bazillion wood still knot bee enuff...

thanx for stoppin by... N leevin condolences messagez for me....... N me mom....eye trooly appreciates this.....N me mom doez two.....

sendin de blessings oh St Francis two all......

love frum
sauce of fishbone: 2-6-03 ~~~~ 3-17-13

Unknown said...

Poor Holly has been through so much. Hope she can find the home she deserves.

Fur Everywhere said...

Holly, you are one beautiful feline!! We would take you home with us if we could. We so hope someone will open their heart and home and give you the best of your life!

We know kidney disease is hard. Mommy worries a lot about Jewel, who seems to be declining very fast :( We so hope that Holly has a lot of time left with some wonderful peoples.

Hugs and purrs,
Carmine, Milita, and Jewel

Oskar said...

Oh she's such a pretty girl. My mom person is in love with her. We hope she finds a perfect forever home to take good care of her.

Nubbin wiggles,

White Dog Blog said...

Oh we send our strongest White Dog energies to Holly so that a most wonderful home comes her way. We know well that seniors with health issues still have LOTS of love to share and so much to offer just the right person with a big heart and an open mind!

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Holly is such a sweetie pie, how can someone not fall under her spell?

We'll keep paws crossed she finds a good home soon!

Katie Isabella said...

I so hope this precious ladycat will find a loving home. I think about her a lot.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Oh Holly! Tommy is in love with you...she had a before kitty who went over 4 years with kidney disease. Tommy gave him liquids--and he ran every time he saw the bag! We pray we you get a loving home!


A Tonl said...

Oh we sooo hope someone will give this girl a loving home for her last years! (And mommy says that if a certain crazypants kitty were just a BIT less of a B-R-A-T, then she sure would like to take on cases like this locally from Wayside. But as it stands now she figures it would be a pretty tortuous environment for kitties like Holly...!)

Alley Cats and Angels of North Carolina said...

I am IN LOVE with that adorably sweet face. I hope she finds a forever home soon.