September 19, 2012

Arrrgh! It Be Meow Like a Pirate Day!

(from left) Captain Sammy, Mate Elmer, Commander Moosey, and Mate Virginia

Ahoy there, mateys!  Today be "Meow Like a Pirate Day" on Ye Olde Cat Blogosphere!  We (Captain Sammy and Commander Moosey) be sailing the high seas in search of forever homes for all of our adoptable PAWS pirate buddies, including our shipmates Elmer and Virginia.  There be plenty of provisions -- tuna, chick-hen, cheese, catnip, cat milk, temptations, and lots of toys -- for the journey, so come along as we set sail!


Oui Oui said...

Aye, me buckos! Fair winds to Matey Elmer and Virginia. That Virginia is a bonny wench!

cats of wildcat woods said...

Mighty fine bunch o'pirates ye have thar!

Unknown said...

Oh Wow! Yous guys rock at Pirates! Does yous wear their favorite socks?
Me is dont meowing like a pirate Me is out camping and figured out who kidnapped Callie! Me has called the FBI and wes is going to get Callie back!
PS for some strange reasom all your comments has been going to my junk folder, me has just readed them all!

Cory said...

Aye Mateys...I mean meowers, um....arrghhmeow!


Capt'n Cory Baddypaws

Fur Everywhere said...

You are all such adorable little pirates! We think forever homes are wonderful treasures to find and we pray that every kitty finds one! <3

The Furries of Whisppy said...

What? A shipload of such adorable little kitty pirates? Count us in!

We love LUNA said...

yessss today it's Pirate Day, the day to talk like a Pirate!
Adorable picture!
purrs and love to you all

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Arrr ye sweet ones, we be hoping you find the treasure of forever homes!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We've never seen such handsome pirates before - can we come aboard your ship?
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh a fine group 'o pirates ye be!!
We be sharin' ar plunder with ar friends!
Foes walk the plank!
Arrrrrghhh !!!!
Pirates Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie

The Chair Speaks said...

Arr, mateys! You are looking great! Purrs!

Marg said...

Oh you all sure are good looking pirates. What a great treasure to find homes for those two. We love your hats. Take care.

The Island Cats said...

Aye, mateys! Fine looking pirates ye be! Ready to sail the seven seas! Arrrrr!!

pibble said...

Well, shiver me timbers! Enjoy yer day and ARRRR with the best of 'em! We raise our grog in yer honor, and wish for homes for Elmer and Virginia very soon!

GLOGIRLY said...

You be lookin' good, mateys!

Yo-ho-ho ,

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

fabulous photos!!! I think we better go back and put the badge in ours! We forgot!

Random Felines said...

that is a most excellent treasure to go in search of.....

Gattina said...

Wow ! you look good as pirates !

zool said...

whoa.. happy meow day.. the cat in pirate suit is very cool

Purrfect Haven said...

you look fabulous! Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

Tamago said...

You are all such cute pirates!! I hope you will find lots of treasures for PAWS pirate buddies!

Maggie @ Shelter Cats said...

That's a very handsome bunch of furry rascals!
Hope Elmer and Virginia get as lucky as Moosey and Sammy.

Meowers from Missouri said...

aye, ye lads an' lasses--ye be sailin' right charitable-like. we be proud t'know ye, an' be glad ye be gatherin' up an' carin' fur those what haf been cast away! there be NO anymul what be deservin' o'THAT!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

avaste sammy N moosey N we hope itz land ho for all de kittehs, pups two, that bee kneadin a forever home

LP said...

Yee Boyz are fierce Captains indeed! Arrrrr we toast with grog to yee both!! And to all the pirate cats who be needin homes!!

the critters in the cottage xo

Alley Cats and Angels of North Carolina said...

Very fierce pirates!

Marilia said...

Great pirates!!!

Dawn said...

Yo-ho-ho kitty pirates! I hope ye find yer furever homes with one o' them landlubbers. An' hope they don't got one o' them scurvy dogs! Arrgh!!!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Arr mates you sure are pawsome pirates today !
Hope you will find forever homes for efurrybody !

CatLadyDaily said...

Too cute!! :)

Kat said...

Ahoy, Maties! We love your pirate costumes :)

A Tonl said...

MOWZERS! Our mommy completely let us down today on this one, so we've come over here to say ARRRRR' MATEY! to Elmer & Virginia and be wishin' them forever homes soon...arrrrrr!

Katie Isabella said...

YOu guys are adorable! I LOVE your outfits! I'll abandon MY ship and board yours. XXX

Anonymous said...

We are so impressed...well, Chloe Jo is actually jealous. She wants to be a Pirate, but Mom wouldn't let her. ~xo~
Maggie P., Grizelda & Chloe Jo

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such mighty fine pirates ye be!

Cara n Crew said...

avast ye! what a fine band of kitteh pirates ye all be! arrr! what an admirable mission ye be about. we wish ye all great fortune on the voyage :)

Pip, Smidgen, minnie, Hollie

Gigi said...

Moosey! You stoled my Hat, Matey! Arrrrrrrr

lifewithbeagle said...

Oh my... I don't think my cat got the pirate memo! She was talking awful normally today!

Christie from

Ellen Whyte said...

Ahoy ye mateys! You be mighty fine pirates! We will sail de seas together and find fine berths for efurryonw!

Anonymous said...

You guys are the coolest pirates ever! Mrrrooowww me-mateys!

Photo Cache said...

happy pirates day mate.

emma and buster

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Garrr! Ye be a fine band o' pirates!

George The Lad said...

I can't talk like a pirate :( put you all look brilliant in the photo.
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx

Cat said...

You guys are great pirates!!!!

Beth said...

Love the photo! Arghh!

Kat said...

Pss. Jan from "Jan's Funny Farm" did some magic and saved our "how I love you" post!! come over and visit to see it if you would like to :)
Lots of love

Mr Puddy said...

Sure ! I go with you guys !
Pirate's menu sound good to me ; )

Willow said...

Advast I missed pirate day. Happy for this new adventure of sailing the sea to forever homes purrs.