Amiguinhos fofos e queridos... Obrigada pelo recado e passei para desejar uma ÓTIMA SEMANA e que sua Páscoa tenha sido EXCELENTE, cheia de alegria e muita brincadeira com diversão. Fiquem com o Papai do Céu amigos queridos... Aus 1000 e beijso 1000 com amor das amigas...
Happy Belated Easter to all of you. Thanks for your visits, mom's not letting us on the laptop so much these days so we are late catching up. Great to see all the cats that have been adopted, you do such good work Have a good week See Yea George xxx
Happy Easter to owr Sweet Furiendz~
The spirit of Easter
is all about Hope,
Love and Joyful living.
Happy Easter! ...
Happy Easter from Glogirly & Katie.
Thank you for all you do to make so many kitties worlds a better place.
Happy Easter to all of you too!!
The Florida Furkids
Happy Easter to you and your family. Have a great weekend. Purrs!
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter to you all.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Wish you all a Happy Easter too !
Happy Easter you guys :)
the amigos and san
Happy Easter, from our Horde to yours!
Happy Hoppy Easter everyone!
Happy Hoppy Easter everyone!
Happy Easter to you all!
Alex & I wish you all a wonderful holiday!
Alex & I wish you all a wonderful holiday!
Happy Easter from all of us!
and a belated concats to the new PAWS graduates! The updates really warmed our hearts. Purrs,
Pip, Smidgen, minnie, Hollie
Happy Easter, precious friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Awwww we love you guys soooooo much!
Hope you get some goodies ;)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ
Happy Easter to all of you.
Loves and nosetaps to all of you, human and furry. xoxoxox
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!!!!
Happy Easter, Friends. Sweet Moosey is trying to ensure the eggs hatch.
Happy Easter (sorry that I'm sending wishes at the very end of the day). I hope you had a wonderful Easter.
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter dear friends!!!
Happy Easter to you all, too!
Your TX furiends,
Happy Easter!
Luf, Us
Happy Easter to all of you too.
happy happy rezurrection day!!!
Katie kitty too
A cute Easter card!
love to you all sweet friends,
Amiguinhos fofos e queridos...
Obrigada pelo recado e passei para desejar uma ÓTIMA SEMANA e que sua Páscoa tenha sido EXCELENTE, cheia de alegria e muita brincadeira com diversão.
Fiquem com o Papai do Céu amigos queridos...
Aus 1000 e beijso 1000 com amor das amigas...
Nice photo editing, guys!
Love the pop-out kitties! Now, if we could only figure out how to make them hatch from eggs.LOL.
Huggies and Cheese,
Happy Belated Easter to all of you.
Thanks for your visits, mom's not letting us on the laptop so much these days so we are late catching up.
Great to see all the cats that have been adopted, you do such good work
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx
Oh what a cute picture! I hope you had a fun Easter weekend!!
We thought we stopped by to wish you a Happy Easter, dear friends, but the mom is getting old! Mea culpa! We hope you had a great day!
Hope you guys had an awesome Easter!!! :o)
Happy Easter to all of you sweet friends! We hope the Easter bunny spoils you silly! :)
the critters in The Cottage xo
Hope you enjoyed your Easter too. I like the card.
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