
November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving :)

Moosey: Hi everyone!  Sammy and I are searching for turkeys, but we're not having much luck. Have any of YOU seen any turkeys around here?

Sammy: Yeah, it feels like we've been out here for... um, Moosey ... turn around ... verrrrry slowly...

Now that the boys have found their elusive turkey (and with it being the Thanksgiving holiday weekend in the U.S.), we pause to give thanks.

We are grateful for everybody who adopts shelter animals and/or takes in stray pets. And thankful for those who work with, or volunteer with, shelter animals; serve as fosters; care for feral cats and/or participate in trap-neuter-return programs; and those who raise awareness about animals in need.

We also give big thanks for our families and friends (animal and human alike), including the ones we've made through this blog. Thank you all for sharing in our lives, and for allowing us to share in yours!  Your ongoing friendship is a continual source of strength, encouragement and joy. :)

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Love and head bonks,

(Pilgrim) Sammy, (Native American) Moosey, Mom Tracey and Dad Kevin


The Island Cats said...

Those are wonderful things to be thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! And enjoy that turkey!!

Sparkle said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Cat said...

Happy Thanksgiving friends, there is indeed lots to be thankful for :-)

Unknown said...

Yous guys have wonderful things yous are thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving to yous and yours.
Nellie, Kozmo and family

White Dog Blog said...

Just want you all to know how special you are to us and how VERY grateful we are that you have chosen to share your stories and lives with us. Your friendship is treasured.

May your Thanksgiving Day be bountifully filled with laughter, friendship, forever homes for those in need, and love. The White Dog Army.

Kate said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you <3

love that photo too :)

Unknown said...

Beautifully said. Happy Thanksgiving!

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Love the photo. Glad you noticed the turkey before it was too late!

Happy Thanksgiving, furriends!

Tom, Julie & Mittens

Fuzzy Tales said...

That photo's so cute. :-)

We wish all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving, with lots of yummy turkey!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving with lots of turkey and cuddles. Thank you for all that you do for those animals without loving homes.
We love your picture and laughed at the tiny turkey - hope you aren't too hungry!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Marg said...

We sure do echo all those wonderful thankful thoughts. We are always excited when someone adopts an animal.We sure are thankful to have all of you as our friends too. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from all of us!

Jacqueline said...

Happy Thanksgiving, precious friends...We are very grateful for your presence in our lives...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving Day!

Thanks for your kindness!


Ingrid said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you all ! my cats are only jalous because they have to wait until Christmas to get a piece of turkey, our ancestors didn't take the Mayflower !

Julia Williams said...

Headbonks to you too!! And a very Happy Thanksgiving!

The Whiskeratti said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Gigi said...

Happy Fanksgiving to all of you, Kitties and Peoples alike! We are grateful today for people like you who do so much to help every kitty find a furever home and who care so well for the kitties-in-waiting, making their lives safe and happy til their furever homes find them!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

You two look very festive in your cute outfits. We wish you a very happy Thanksgiving!

Sasha said...

and I hope the turkey was delicious.

catsynth said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and the whole family, human and feline! We also hope that people remember shelter and stray animals as they are thinking about others this time of year.

And thanks for the kind words about the previous and upcoming New York music shows!

Anonymous said...

Hope you and your kitties had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!! =^..^=

Clooney said...

Your picture is so cute, it brought big smiles to us. You folks are the very best. Thank you for your friendship. Hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving Sammy, Moosey, Mom Tracey and Dad Kevin!

Oui Oui said...

What a cute picture! It made the mom laugh. Amen to all you said. Thanks for you, too, dear friends. We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

CCL Wendy said...

We hope you had a marvelous Thanksgiving and that you enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend to the max!

By the way, if you would ever like to have your kitties made into LOL-Cats, just let me know.

Cindy Adkins said...

Happy Thanksgiving and head bonks to you, too!! We like your friendship! We got leftover turkey from thanks holiday...yum!! Our favorite!!
Buster, Rudy and Sam (and Cindy, too!)

Ann Dziemianowicz said...

Very cute picture. tee-hee! Thank you for your Thanksgiving greeting and friendship. Sending you warm wishes.

HSEC said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Animal rescue work sure can be hard sometimes but it's nice to stop and think about all the success we have to be thankful for!

Love your picture!

A Tonl said...

(didja get any turkey?) Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Sherry said...

The turkey in the picture looks pretty bouncy-happy. I think he's the one that got away!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Ooooh, did they catch it, did they catch it? Did you have fresh caught by Sammy and Moosie turkey yesterday?

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

OMC that photo was great!! We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and we are thankful for YOU!

The Chair Speaks said...

So cute! :) Happy Thanksgiving!

Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey said...

Sammy, Moosey, Mom Tracey, and Dad Kevin -

We are so grateful to have met you through the cat-blogosphere and we so appreciate all you do to help kitties in need. We hope you had a wonderful day.

Human's - Deb & Dan, and Felines - Zee, Zoey, Mia, Peanut, Rolz, Harley, and Jazz

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Sorry we are late over to say happy thanksgiving. We love yoo guys! xxxx

Tamago said...

We are thankful for the wonderful work and caring people at PAWS!! I hope everyone is having happy Thanksgiving weekend. And I hope Moosey and Sammy got to eat a lot of turkey :-)

Anonymous said...

What nice things you had to say!

Thank you too for what you do at the shelter. We need more people like you in this world.

Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!!

Beth said...

What an adorable picture! Love this post. You have a very good list of things to be thankful for. Give yourselves a pat on the back; you fit into many of those categories yourself. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving, Kevin and Tracey! said...

Cute picture! Thank you for all the wonderful work you do at the shelter.
Every week the Sunday morning volunteers notice so many cats who have come to enjoy the company of people, and we say, what happened? Why is this cat so much friendlier than he or she used to be?
Then one of us says, "Kevin and Tracey must have been working with that cat."

Judi said...

Thank you for participating in Weekend Cat Blogging. We give thanks for all you do for our feline friends.

Miss Kitty said...

We have survived! Dad slept 19 hours on Friday and slowly got things going on Saturday. So now we are just beginning to catch up.

We hop your was good and there was at least some turkey meat in your dish.

Warmest regards,
Ms K and dad

haopee said...

Hugs and mousies. It's a little late for thanksgiving but I'd also like to thank my new friends for raising awareness and helping animals in need.
