Maggie seems to be doing well, and her appetite steadily improved over the weekend -- even after we weaned her off the appetite stimulant. She still isn’t eating with the same gusto as before, but she IS cleaning her bowl pretty well. Oh, and she hasn’t thrown up, and she’s going to the bathroom regularly (knock on wood).
For the most part, she’s been acting normally, though she seems to lack some of her normal feistiness. When she is feeling up to it, we’ll have some good old-fashioned playtime. In the meantime, however, our girl has been enjoying lots of petting, brushing and snuggling.
We will be speaking to the V-E-T today to find out what our next steps are. FYI -- they seem to think this was NOT related to Maggie’s hyperthyroid meds, but we are a little nervous since she got sick so soon after she started taking them. We’ll be sure to ask again when we speak to the V-E-T.
All in all, things are looking really good. Thank you all for your purrs and prayers, and for your continued friendship!
Kevin, Tracey, Sammy, Moosey and Maggie
*** UPDATE 08/23/10 @ 10:06PM ***
Maggie is laying here next to me, purring and looking sweet as I type this update. I spoke this afternoon with the V-E-T, who was pleased to hear that our good girl is recovering nicely. She continues to eat well, and we are starting to see flashes of her normal behavior. Once she’s pretty much back to normal, the V-E-T says we’ll try her on the Methimazole (for hyperthyroidism) again, but that we will take it slow – and at a smaller dose. As we said before, they do not think this was Methimazole-related, but they would rather err on the side of caution. And for that, we are glad! :)
Thanks, purrs and nosetaps to you all,
Maggie and her family
This is great news!!! Hugs and purrs from everyone over here at SpacePaws! We know what you've been going through! And we'll keep on purrin' and prayin'!
Thank heavens! There is no place like home for healing. We continue to pray and purrr that Maggie is in A-1 health very soon!
We're so happy to hear this great news!! We've been purring and praying, and we continue to do so. Nose taps to sweet Maggie; we're believing for a very fast and complete recovery.
Hugs and Purrrs,
Jana, Casper and Angel
Welcome Home Maggie! Yay!
*looks around for empty plates*
Hmm, looks like you still have some nomming to do Ms Maggie. In the meantime I will keep up with the rumbly purrs for you.
Whicky Wuudler
I'm sending lots and lots of purrs Maggie's way!
Yay! We're glad Maggie is home! We're purring that she continues to improve!
We're purring loud and hard for Maggie! We know she'll feel much better now that she's home!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Woo!!! Definitely good news. We're so glad you are home, Miss Maggie.
I'm glad she's better and pray that she will soon be 100% again.
We're sending sweet Maggie lots and lots of healing purrs! Get well soon, sweetheart!!!!
Progress. Now we need the word that Maggie is demanding food four or five times a day.
Sending some hungry purrrrss and healing purrrayers.
This certainly is good news. Sending lots of healing purrs.
Hey, this is my first time here and I saw on the blogosphere that Maggie needs some purrs. We are very happy to see she is improving and home with the beans and furries who love her. That will help lots. We'll purr big time for her to get all bag to normal right away.
We're glad to hear there's good news about Maggie... we'll send more healing vibes and purrayers for continued improvement.
So glad Maggie is home. Hope her appetite picks up and she keeps getting better. Purrs and tail wags.
I am behind with comments=I put a bid on a new house last Friday and we will be moving in about a month (I will write about it on my blog when I know the actual move date in the next few weeks); it was very spontaneous and there is so much to do to get ready to leave a house I've lived in 22 years!...J
We are so glad beautiful Maggie is home and doing better; we are purring and praying for her to get well soon...Congratulations on The Versatile Blogger Award last week; we enjoyed reading about all those wonderful babies and hope they all find loving homes soon...Thank you so much for the sweet award; we are grateful and excited that you guys thought of us!...We are very honored to be your friends...Wishing Maggie the very best; sending her love and kisses...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki
Oh, wunnerful! We iz so happy to hear dat Miss Maggie is home again! YAY!
We want to fank you furry much for stopping by our blog pawty today. It wuz funz to haff all our anipal furriends at a pawty! Our furst pawty, and it wuz a rip-roaring success!
Lots of nommy goodness and house-trashing mischiff! Fanks fur coming and helping making such a fun day!
Your furriends, Tigger, Munchkin, Jigsaw and Patches
We are thrilled to hear this noos. We will keep purring until Miss Maggie is completely better. PURRS.
We are delighted that Miss Maggie is home where she belongs - that must surely do her good. Now then Miss Maggie you keep eating and build up your strength so you are tip top again.
Luv Hannah and Lucy
My sisters and I will be purring & purring for sweet Maggie!
That is so exciting that Maggie is home. We certainly will continue to pray and purr for you Maggie so you will get all the way better. We have our paws crossed too and we just know you are going to bounce back Maggie, so hang in there. Have a great week end.
Oh, yay! Home is always better, in our furry opinion. And since I know Maggie's mom and dad personally, I know she's in grrrreat paws! Please give her snuggles from all of us!
Great news! I'm glad to hear it.
That's a great news! She must be so happy to be home.
We are so glad that you are feeling a little better, we are thinking about you and hope for continued improvement !!!
Stopping by from the blog hop. Maggie looks like a sweetie!
Woof! Woof! Happy BLOG HOP Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
We will continue to purr for sweet Maggie! We're happy she's home!
Oh! So glad to hear Miss Maggie is on the upswing! What a big beautiful fluffy girl!
grate news fur maggie!!!
the katz gang
Of course we are continuing to send Maggie purrs and healing Light! We're happy she's eating a bit now and hope she continues to improve daily! Paws crossed all will be well!
That is good news that Maggie is home and improving. We are purring that she continues to improve.
YAY Maggie! We is purring that your appitight gits better and better purrty girl!
Just checking back for a Maggie news update.
I's finking, no noos is good noos.
Hope Maggie is healing and effurryone had a grrreat weekend.
Love & Purrs,
Keep up the great work, Maggie! We're still purring that you'll be back to your normal self again soon!
We are so happy that Maggie is doing better!
We're so pleased to hear that Maggie seems a little better and is eating some - fingers crossed that she continues to improve.
Hurray! That's excellent news! You must be so relieved. Still sending big rumbly purrs to Maggie and family
& Gerry
We are so glad that Maggie is feeling better. Boots had a bout with a bad hairball last year that took him nearly 2 weeks to recover from. He's great now, so hopefully Maggie will fully recover very soon.
Boots, Ozzie & Brenda
We sure are glad that she is doing better over the week end. Did you stop the thyroid medicine?? How much were you giving to her??? I have one on that.
Keep us posted.
WOOHOO!!!! that is GREAT news!!
We are sending Miss Maggie all our purrs and love. Mommy and I are so glad she is better. I take meds for hyperthyroidism too. Mom and me notice that I don't play much any more but I eat enough to still weigh the same for 2 years. But I am quieter but just as loving.
Great news! Purrs continuing for Maggie ...
We're so happy Maggie is doing better! We're purring that she continues to improve.
Hooray! Maggie, we are so pleased to hear that you are on the mend! We are sending lots of purrs for your continued recovery :)
Dis is good news, we is still purring and purraying but we know yoo will start feeling better 'n better now dat yoo is home where da love is.
Great news Maggie. Glad you are still improving and that they are going to start you slowly on that other medicine. We still have our paws crossed for you. Just keep getting better.
Yay!! We're glad Maggie is feeling much better!
Coolness! It's so good to hear Maggie has improved so much. And we really hope y'all get all the answers you need quickly. It's the not knowing that's the worst.
Glad to hear that Maggie is gradually improving! You must have been very scared and worried while she was away from you, too. Sometimes cats that get upset tummies from oral methimazole can tolerate the transdermal ear gel...
Glad Maggie is home. Purrs she continues to feel well.
We are super behind in visiting but I am so glad that Maggie is doing well - I hope she continues to get better!! We are still sending her lots of purrs and prayers.
My girl has the transdermal on her ear skin...thank goodness all is well so far after 2 years. Sending warm love to precious Maggie.
The Admiral's Mom
Thank you all for your purrs and prayers. You have been such a steady source of encouragement and hope about our Maggie, and we are overwhelmed by your kindness. She is doing really well -- her appetite seems to be pretty much back to normal, and she has more energy with each passing day.
Sorry we've been remiss in visiting you all this past week. Now that Miss Maggie is doing better, we'll try our hardest to make the rounds to catch up with you all. :)
Thanks again for everything.
Love, nosetaps and headbonks,
Kevin, Tracey, Sammy, Moosey and Maggie
Great news for Miss Maggie - we're sending our purrs for her to feel 100% better soon!!
~Nico, Simon & JayJay :)
ps.Our late brother was on methimazole for years without problems - he became an expert in spitting the pills out, blocking them with his tongue & even eating around them in his food & pill pockets... DESPITE this, Mom was able to keep him on those pills & healthy for years - without problems!! (he left for the bridge early this year because his cancer came back aggressively - not because of the thyroid issues)
We still have the purr for Maggie graphic on our blog and it reminded us to ask how Maggie is doing now.
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