Please purr and pray for our own beautiful and silly tabby cat Maggie (that's her on the bottom left of our blog header), one of the three kitties who own us people at Animal Shelter Volunteer Life (i.e. she is NOT a PAWS shelter cat).
Poor Maggie is pretty sick ... she's been throwing up quite a bit and not eating for the last three days (which is totally out of character for our girl, who is normally a member of the "clean bowl club"). She has to stay over at the vet hospital tonight, and her doctors -- please purr and pray for them, too -- are hard at work to figure out what's ailing her. Tracey and I (and her kitty brothers Sammy and Moose) love Maggie so much, and are worried sick to see her this way. :(
- Maggie's dad Kevin (aka "meowmeowmans")
*** UPDATE 08/19/10 10:30 AM ***
Thank you all for your positive thoughts, purrs and prayers ... please keep them coming. Your friendship and messages are great sources of encouragement and comfort to us, and we are truly grateful. :)
This morning, we received an encouraging update from the vet, who said that Maggie did fine with the IV drip … did not throw up all day yesterday or overnight … ate (a little) wet food … pooped and peed ... and does NOT have any obstructions in her digestive tract. Her test results are showing mostly good things … no parasites in her stool sample, liver values are okay, and she is negative for pancreatitis. Her CBC *does* show some mild changes, and according to the vet, this is where they sometimes see problems from thyroid meds (Maggie recently started taking methimazole for hyperthyroidism). The vet will be speaking with a consultant today about this. And if Maggie’s eating does not improve, the vet is going to give her an intravenous Valium, which should help her appetite.
We will get another update later today, and are hopeful that we can bring her home. We will keep you posted with any updates. Thanks again. :)
*** UPDATE 08/19/10 @ 9:51 PM ***
Please keep purring and praying. The vet felt it was best if Maggie remained there for at least one more night. At this point, the biggest concern is that she still isn’t showing a lot of interest in food. Not even when her mom (Tracey) showed up after work with some tuna and chicken! They’ve given her another appetite stimulant, and the hope is that she’ll eat overnight, when the hustle and bustle of the vet hospital has subsided for the day. We certainly hope she gets her appetite back soon, because not eating can lead to a whole lot of other secondary health issues. And there is even talk of a temporary feeding tube if this continues ... we don’t want that to happen. What we DO want is to have Maggie all better and back at home where she belongs. We miss her dearly.
Thank you, everyone.
Kevin and Tracey, and Maggie’s brofurs Sammy and Moosey