Once upon a time, back in 2004, a large number of cats (30+) came to PAWS when their owners, who were hoarders, lost their residence. All black and white, and many of them especially friendly, we found that these kitties really took care of each other. One of these cats was named Little Mommy. Although we weren't sure of her age, or exactly whose mommy she was, her gentle and nurturing way really shone through, so we just had to name her as such.
As time passed by, many of these cats were adopted, including Little Mommy (who was adopted by Maureen, a fellow PAWS volunteer).
From time to time, we would get little notes, pictures, and holiday cards from "Little Mommy" and we happily recalled the times we shared with the group we named "the eviction cats." It was a sad day when Maureen informed us recently that Little Mommy was not in good health, and undergoing a series of tests at the vet. Not long thereafter we were informed of the grim news that Little Mommy had cancer and was quickly and steadily declining. Maureen had to make the most difficult and unselfish decision she could for her little girl ... to make sure she no longer had to suffer by having her put to sleep. We were all heartbroken to hear about Little Mommy and for Maureen, who loves her animals like we do, as if they are our children.

At about the same time Maureen was dealing with all of this, a cat was brought into the shelter that bore a striking resemblance to Little Mommy. Her name is Sheila. Going into the playroom -- where she lives with a number of other cats -- I took one look at her and said to my husband, "Boy, does she remind me of Little Mommy." While she may look just like Little Mommy, Sheila is very different personality-wise. She is very cautious around the other kitties and can take somewhat of a defensive stance when she feels cornered. I think she might be feeling a little insecure in a room with so many other kitties.
Don't get me wrong ... this doesn't mean Sheila doesn't know how to have a good time. In addition to playing and jumping up and trying to pop catnip-infused soap bubbles, Sheila really enjoys watching "Cat TV." I've attached a video of her chasing some on-screen fishies. I bet you're going to love it!
Every time we look at Sheila, we will think of Little Mommy ... just as we will with every cat who comes to PAWS that reminds us of a kitty who passed on and stole a little part of our hearts.