
July 23, 2014

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday - Buster :)

Buster is one of the sweetest, most gentle mancats we know. 

This handsome boy is 14 years young, and found himself at PAWS when his people moved and were unable to take him. :(

He loves scritches, being pet, and just hanging out. All the volunteers love him.

Now all he needs is a new happily ever after.

Buster is neutered, micro-chipped, and up-to-date on all his vaccinations. He has tested negative for FeLV and FIV.


White Dog Blog said...

Buster has very long handsome legs and soul capturing eyes. This senior gentleman needs a forever lap to curl up in. We send a soft hopeful request to the Universe that the perfect person comes in to take him home.

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

What a wise, dear face. He was lots of wisdom and joy to impart for some lucky soul.

M. K. Clinton said...

Buster is very handsome. It is so sad that he was given up after so many years. I hope someone gives him a true forever home.

Photo Cache said...

Oh another orinj Buster like our Buster. And just as handsome.

emma and buster

Clooney said...

Oh Buster that must have been so sad for you...we are so glad you are at PAWS in their loving care and we wish a wonderful forever home for you filled with love.

Anonymous said...

He looks amazing. Those eyes are so hupnotic too =) #WW

Unknown said...

He does look very sweet; such beautiful soulful eyes! May you find a wonderful forever home soon, dear Buster! ♥

Pawesome Cats said...

What an absolute stunner Buster is! Paws crossed for a forever home soon!

Summer at said...

Buster has such soulful eyes!

Fur Everywhere said...

Buster is really adorable! We sure hope he finds a wonderful home soon.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

That's so sad that he was dumped like that. He's lovely and we hope that he finds a loving home very soon!

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Marg said...

Oh Buster, our hearts go out to you. We so wish we had room, we would love to gather all the older cats and bring them here. Hopefully someone will give you a super home soon, although I bet they take good care of you right there where you are.

The Whiskeratti said...

What a sweetie he is! We hope he finds his forever home very quickly. said...

Buster is a very sweet mild mannered gentleman cat. It's so sad that he was left behind at PAWS. We all love him!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We feel so sad for you Buster and hope you will soon have a loving new home and lots of love.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Fozziemum said...

Wow Buster is beautiful and we sure hope he finds his forever home soon :) hugs Fozziemum xx

Fuzzy Tales said...

What a handsome mancat! We're purring that a human falls in love with him and gives him a wonderful home.

Kitties Blue said...

Never understand how this happens. Buster is so, handsome. You know that we will be purring and praying for him as we do for all our anipals at PAWS. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Unknown said...

What a sweetheart. I cannot believe he was left behind when someone moved. I sure hope he finds a loving home soon.

Random Felines said...

so handsome....we hope someone comes along to make his retirement wonderful in his own new home

Brian's Home Blog said...

Buster is sure a handsome dude. We hope those former people have many years of pain and agony in their self-centered lives.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

My heart hurts and I can barely find the words to convey my feelings but Brian summed up how I feel perfectly: " We hope those former people have many years of pain and agony in their self-centered lives."

Tamago said...

Buster is so handsome and he has the most beautiful eyes. It makes me sad that his humans could not take him with them after all these years. I hope he will find a new forever home with loving, caring family.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I could not agree with Brian and Caren more. What a beautiful boy. I hope he gets a loving home soon.

The Furries of Whisppy said...

It makes us so sad that his people would move and not take him along. Whatever made them come to that decision, we are glad they surrendered Buster at PAWs where he'll have a chance at being adopted and not leave him on the streets.

The Florida Furkids said...

Buster is such a sweet looking ManCat. We sure hope he finds a FOREVER home soon.

The Florida Furkids

pilch92 said...

I hope you get your forever home soon handsome boy.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...N we hope yur bustin outta ther faster N sooperman can fly frum heer: XXXX ta Heer: xxxxx...

knot that paws iznt paw sum but we noe ya want yur own fishes two ewe♥♥♥♥♥

Cathy Keisha said...

Buster got a kinda rough look about him and I like that. I wish him the best of luck. Somewhere an older cat needs a roommate like him.

Katie Isabella said...

Buster your face is described as dear and loyal and just pure love. How can anyone rear a baby for 14 years and let him go. BUT he came to where he is loved and cared for. MUCH love to you sweetest dear Buster. I will think of you often. xxoooxx

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Buster is one good-lookin' dude. Purrin' he gets his forever home, very soon.

Nissy #Niss4Senate

Beth said...

He looks like a real sweetheart! Hope he finds a great home soon.

Cara n Crew said...

oh, what heartbreak for Buster and his family! He is very handsome and has one of those "all knowing" kitty faces :) Buster, we hope and purr you'll have a new forever family soon!

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

Deborah Taylor-French said...

Such a handsome cat, I'm sad Buster lost his home after such a longlife. May he receive the perfect mellow home- soon.

The Island Cats said...

What a handsome mancat Buster is. :)

Sushi said...

I really hope Buster finds his furever home soon. He's a really handsome mancat.

Anonymous said...

Buster is very handsome! It's sad to hear that he has to find a new family at 14 years old. I hope that he find a furever home soon! :)

haopee said...

You know the phrase that some eyes can tell a tale. Buster eyes' does!

Dash Kitten Crew said...

You know, he's the kid of cat someone will come in and say 'He's The One and He's coming home with ME'

Ingrid said...

He must find a good forever home, he looks so handsome !

Anonymous said...

I am hoping that this handsome guy finds his furever home soon! He has such a wise face!

Unknown said...

OMG! He is gorgeous! Sharing.

Sweet William The Scot said...

Hi Buster so sorry your family had to move and could not take you. That seems to be happening more as society ages. I pray you find another forever home soon. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment on the Scooter Campaign.
Swet William The Scot

Ann Boyajian said...

Buster, you look like the purrfect gentleman! I hope you find a good home soon.

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

So handsome and sweet!!!

Colehaus Cats said...

What a handsome boy! Who could possibly leave behind this lover? We know things happen but c'mon. We're sending extra strong adoption purrs out there for Buster. PURRS....

Life with Dogs and Cats said...

What a sweet face. Hope he finds a home soon.

--Purrs (and wags) from Life with Dogs and Cats

Oui Oui said...

Buster, how sad you had to part ways with your family, but at least they found you an excellent place to wait for another. We hope your new family comes along soon.

2 Punk Dogs said...

Buster is gorgeous! Wish we had room for a 5th cat. :)

Just Mags said...

What a sweet, gentle face, beautiful green eyes and color you have sweet Buster. We so hope your loving forever family comes to fetch you home real soon. Hugs and nose kisses

Purrfect Haven said...

what a handsome boy. paws crossed for the dear man. Love Helen, Bingley and Darcy xxx

Deb Barnes said...

He sure is a handsome and distinguished mancat. Do hope he finds a wonderful home to retire to soon! Purrs from the Zee and Zoey Gang!

Hilary said...

Brian said it best… how could people do that??

what a sweet man…. I hope he finds the love he deserves ...

Anonymous said...

Hoo wuldn't luv Buster? Hims so handsum. Hope hims gets a home weal soon.

Luv ya'


View From My Pram said...

PepiSmartDog: poor Buster. We LOVE Golden Oldies and pray Buster will find his new forever family real soon!
I was a Golden Oldie when i was adopted by mom Michele.
We are the best cause we don't smash stuff up or rip up the carpets! Everyone should have at least one Golden Oldie.
Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Weekly Blog Hop again. Always love visiting your site and reading your posts. Hope to see you in our blog hop again this week. *waves paw* :=o)

Sandra said...

Buster is a very handsome cat! I really don't understand why they couldn't take him with them when they moved. So many people move and so many don't even entertain the thought of leaving a fuury member of their family behind.

2browndawgs said...

Pretty eyes.