
June 30, 2024

Selfies from Mexico (the cat)

This super handsome mancat is our adoptable friend Mexico. He's been at PAWS for a while now, but we have a feeling he's getting closer to finding his forever home. That's because this gentle fella has started getting more comfortable about being at the shelter. And that means he's often found out in the open in his room and seeking out attention. And THAT means potential adopters will see what an amazing dude he is.

There's so much to love about Mexico. As if his adorable white jibs and beautiful eyes weren't enough to make you swoon, he's also got the sweetest personality ever. We know he will positively blossom in a loving forever home. Mexico is about 3 1/2 years old. He gets along well with other gentle cats, and is neutered and current on his vaccinations. Come meet him today, and fall in love!

We're participating today in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by our wonderful friends at The Cat on My Head. Be sure to check out who's hopping along and/or join in on the fun!

June 26, 2024

(Almost) Wordless Willow

Jeepers! Check out the beautiful peepers on our sweet and adoptable pal Willow.

Even though she is just one year old, this little ladycat already has quite a story to tell. It goes like this:

Gentle Willow was pregnant and knew she needed some help. Being a smart kitty with excellent judgement, she sought that help by approaching the home of a very kind family. They immediately took her in (yay!), and then asked PAWS for help. Willow needed an emergency c-section, which turned out well. Both Willow and her kitten came through it with flying colors! Willow is all healed up from her surgery, spayed, current on her vaccinations, and ready to find her forever loving home. Could it be with you?

June 23, 2024

Calico Kitten Selfies!

We sure hope you're ready for some tri-colored cuteness, because this week's selfies are brought to you courtesy of four adorable calico kittens with amazing selfie skills! To get warmed up, the stunning sisters took a group photo.

Then they all go down to the business of their selfies. As you can see, they're already quite adept at them!


These beautiful babies, who are about three months old, somehow found their way to the doorstep of PAWS. Catriona, Maezie, Mikenzie, and Nessie are all super affectionate, sweet, and playful. Each must be adopted with at least one of of her adorable siblings. They are all spayed, current on their age appropriate vaccinations, and ready to find their happily ever afters. Come meet these sweethearts today! 💖

We're participating today in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by our wonderful friends at The Cat on My Head. Be sure to check out who's hopping along and/or join in on the fun!

June 19, 2024

(Almost) Wordless Alvin

Check out our awesome and adoptable buddy Alvin, who took a very circuitous route to PAWS!

Alvin was taken in by a kind human after being found wandering around outside and alone. Unfortunately, there were already too many kitties at that house, and Alvin's finder asked a friend to watch him (Alvin) until he was adopted. After one whole year, no home was found, and PAWS was asked to take this wonderful dude in. We sure are glad we did, because Alvin is super sweet, super gentle, and super adoptable. He's a little shy with new people, but we know he'll flourish in a forever home and be a great bestie for whoever is lucky enough to adopt him. Alvin, who is about 2 1/2 years old, is neutered, current on his vaccinations, and ready to be discovered. Come meet him today, and fall in love!

June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to Cat Dad Kevin (aka meowmeowmans), and all dads of all species everywhere!
Love, Ava and Target (and Cat Mom Tracey, too!)

We're participating today in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by our wonderful friends at The Cat on My Head. Be sure to check out who's hopping along and/or join in on the fun!

June 12, 2024

(Almost) Wordless Hera

The star of today's episode of, "How the Heck has that Cat Not Been Adopted Yet?" is our absolutely delightful friend Hera. This kitty just oozes love and sweetness. Here, see for yourself!

Hera, who is about 1 1/2, has already had multiple litters of kittens. Thankfully, she's now spayed and ready to enjoy being some lucky forever family's baby. Hera loves attention and pretty much everyone she meets, including humans of all ages and other gentle cats. She's super friendly, and is always the first to greet visitors to the room at PAWS that she shares with some other awesome adoptables. Hera is current on her vaccinations, and ready to find her new best friend. Come meet her today, and fall in love!

June 9, 2024

Selfies by Anton

Our adoptable buddy Anton is serving up a big dose of handsome today. But don't just take our word for it ... see for yourself in his super pawesome selfies!

You can't tell from these photos, but Anton is an American Bobtail. It's true! This awesome dude has a short, floofy tail that is as cute as can be. Anton came to PAWS when his humans lost their home. It makes us sad to think about that, but we are grateful he's safe and loved here at the shelter. He's adjusting well, and had a great time hanging out with us this weekend. Anton gets along with other nice cats, and is neutered and current on his vaccinations. He's ready to find his new forever home. Could it be with you?

We're participating today in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by our wonderful friends at The Cat on My Head. Be sure to check out who's hopping along and/or join in on the fun!

June 2, 2024

Forever Home Selfie from Our New Kid!

We hope you’re ready for some super exciting news. After about three years of being an only cat, our beloved Ava has a brother. Meet our new family member Target!
Target, who is about 3 ½ years old, got his name after being found in a feral cat colony behind (you guessed it) a Target store. Although he was careful and timid, the colony caretakers could see that he was most certainly not a feral kitty. And that’s how he ended up at PAWS, where he lived in an open room with a bunch of other nice cats for a whole year. That’s a long time, but it meant we (and the other volunteers) had the privilege of really getting to know this good boy personally, seeing his interactions with the other kitties, and watching his personality emerge.
You’re probably asking why such a sweet and handsome dude had to wait a whole year to be adopted. The first reason is that Target is shy with people he doesn’t know, which means he didn’t “show well” to potential adopters. He has also tested positive for FIV* (but is otherwise healthy), which makes some folks uncomfortable. Since Target and Ava are both sweet natured, we know there won’t be any fighting, so transmission won’t be a problem.
And after one month of being our foster kitty, Target has positively won our hearts! We love him so much and know this is where he belongs. As you can see from the photos, he's gaining in confidence with each passing day. He loves exploring the house, being pet and having his tummy rubbed, lounging on window sills, and playing (one of his favorite games is “Thundering Herd of Elephants”). He and Ava are not yet best buddies, but they do touch noses, engage in play, and are respectful of each other.
We love you Target, and are over the moon that you are part of our forever family!
 Dad Kevin, Mom Tracey, and Sister Ava

We're taking part in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by our friends at the Cat on My Head! Are you? Be sure to visit them to see who else is hopping, and to join in the fun!

Programming note: We'll be taking the week off to enjoy some family time, and will see you next week! 💖 

* According to Best Friends Animal Society, "FIV-positive cats can live normal lives, both in quality and duration. They just need to be monitored for infections and dental issues. But if they’re well cared for, they can be healthy, happy, wonderful pets."