Hip hip hooray! It's time for the latest edition of
FURever Home Friday, our periodic report about the lucky
PAWS cats who've found their happily ever afters. It's exciting stuff, so let's get this show started! :)
So did our beloved buddies Evander,
Tina and
And all THESE awesome kitties, too! :)
Top row: Sophie, BeeBee, CeeCee and Mimi; Middle row: Thor, Señor, Patsy & Edina, and Minina; Bottom row: Terrell, Prince, Simba, and Tommen, Sansa & Loras |
Here's the complete list of new PAWS graduates, in alphabetical order:
Alphie, Arya, BeeBee & CeeCee (together), Blackbeard, Cadbury, Clover, Coalslaw, Coco & Esther (together), Edina & Patsy (together), Eenie, Evander, Giselle, The Great Catsby, Jenipurr, Lily & Peter C. (together), Loras & Sansa (together), Meow-Wow, Midnight, Mimi, Minina, Prince, Señor, Simba, Sophie, Taco, Terrell, Tess, Thor, Tina, Tommen, Tucker, Tuna, Twister and Yibby
Congratulations to all of the graduates and their new families! We wish you all much love, health and happiness. :)
Of course, no FURever Home Friday is complete without a Happy Tail Tale. And do we ever have a wonderful one for you today!
I wanted to let you know how much I love Miss
Zoe and what a wonderful addition she is to my home. I adopted her a few weeks after losing my beloved Jasmine very suddenly, leaving her best buddy Roxy alone. I wasn't sure if adopting a new kitty so soon would be a great idea, but when I saw Zoe on the PAWS website, I had to meet her. I walked into one of the kitty rooms, filled with kitties looking for forever homes, and there she was ... sitting on a cage and staring at the wall. It broke my heart. As soon as Zoe was in my arms, she was content and didn't seem like she wanted to leave. That was it for me ... I was adopting this sweet girl.
Since that time, she and Roxy have bonded. Roxy has always been an alpha cat, so finding a kitty like Zoe was a perfect match. She's simply happy to have a lap to sleep on, food in her bowl, and lots of hugs and snuggles. We all couldn't be happier. I know that Zoe was put up for adoption due to her former owner's illness, which was another reason for me taking her in. I felt like I owed it to the person who had to give up this wonderful girl. I cant imagine being ill and having to give away my fur babies, so heartbreaking. While I don't know the whereabouts of her former owner, I wish she could know that her baby is very loved and happy. I've enclosed a few photos of Zoe (and Roxy).
Happy weekend, everybuddy!