We're always incredibly honored whenever our blogging friends give us an award. Which is why we feel terrible about being
so far behind in posting about the ones we've received in 2013.
We're so far behind, in fact, that we've created this collage so
that we can express our gratitude to those who were kind enough to bestow us with these awards.
(biggify to better see the awards) |
Here are the awards we've received this year, along with a little something about each of our friends who gave them to us (clockwise, from the upper left hand corner):
Reality Blog Award and the
Very Inspiring Blogger Award, both from
Oz the Terrier. Oz is a Cairn terrier from South Florida, who was rescued from a puppy mill. He is a good pal, and a master at crafting limericks. He was also a finalist for "Funniest Blog" in this year's Petties Awards!
Illuminating Blogger Award, from
Purr-sonally Speaking and
The Kitties' Blog. Purr-sonally Speaking is written by our friends Trixie and Caspurr, a wonderful pair of kitties who live with their mummy in Jerusalem, Israel. We were also friends with their angel brother and sister, Possum and Pixie. The Kitties' Blog is about our pals Rudy, Buster and Sam from Ohio. We first met them through their mom, Cindy, and her beautiful blog called
Art, Books, Tea.
Super Sweet Blogger Award and the
Dragon's Loyalty Award, both from the super sweet and loyal Kitties Blue (their terrific blog is called
The Cat on My Head). They live in Roanoke, Virginia, and there are EIGHT of them: Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo!
Copper Sun Team Readership Award, from both
Twinkletoe Tails and
Thoughts and Mewsings of the Cat from Hell. These are two of our bestest blogging buddies. Twinkletoe Tails is all about the fun adventures Oui Oui, Mica Minnie Moo, Julie and Carl have at their house in Maryland, with occasional appearances by The Girl and The Mom (who we got to meet in person at BlogPaws!). And beauteous Siamese cat Nellie (aka the Cat from Hell), is a former rescue cat from Canada. We think she is actually NOT so hellish. Nellie is always so kind and thoughtful, and we love her, her brother Kozmo and sister Jo-Jo, and their hairy, slobbery (dog) sisters Cinnamon and Bob.
Why I Love Thee Award, from
Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats. These kitties - Sunny, Angel Penelope, Gabriel, Lorelei Avalon, Larry, Ana, and Aurora Rose Avalon - live with their Mom and Dad, who have the most beautiful and enchanting garden! They are wonderful friends who visit our blog often, and always with such kind words.
Shine On Award, especially for Gracie and Zoe, from their honorary sister Willow at the
Cherry City Kitties. Willow and her brothers Harry, Dexter and Tipp live in Traverse City, Michigan, and are Moosey, Gracie and Zoe's official honorary sister and brothers! When our Angel Sammy went to the Rainbow Bridge, Harry, Dex and Tipp didn't want Moosey to be lonely, so they asked if they could be his honorary brothers. And then, their mom and dad adopted Willow, and Gracie and Zoe came to live with us. So now all the kitties have LOTS of honorary brothers and sisters! Dexter and Willow are also in the
Tabby Cat Club with Moosey. :)
Thank you again to our thoughtful friends who gave us these awards. We are sorry it took us so long to post about them, and hope you will forgive us!
Have a great weekend, everybody. :)