
December 7, 2011

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday - Doris and Dae

This is Dae.

Here's Dae with her sister Doris. They love each other very much, and MUST be adopted together.

They are extremely friendly, sweet, and available for adoption.

Doris and Dae would make somebody's holidays very happy indeed! :)

For more about these adorable sisters, visit "Sundays at the Shelter," a great blog written by our friend (and fellow PAWS volunteer) Maggie. :) 


The Island Cats said...

What a couple of beauties! We sure hope they find a home soon!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

they are adorable! I love how Dae is sitting in the background, she almost looks like Doris's shadow!

meowmeowmans said...

@Caren: They are always together, so your comment about Doris being Dae's shadow is just about perfect. :)

A few Good Cats said...

Dae has such a beautiful tabby face! We're glad they'll be together for a long time to come.

Clooney said...

Oh what sweethearts they are. We purr that they will find the most wonderful forever home together of course!

catsynth said...

What a beautiful pair! I love the combination of pure black and tiger-striped. I hope the find a home together - they seem so connected.

The Chair Speaks said...

Dae's so cute. Purrs for both to find forever loving home soon.

Fur Everywhere said...

They are soooo adorable! :)

Marg said...

Goodness, they are so cute. They do look nice and healthy and like really nice cats. We sure hope someone comes along that just has to have them. Too cute. Take care.

Hilary said...

So beautiful. I hope they find a forever home soon

Cat said...

What lovely girls :-)

Hannah and Lucy said...

Thet are beautiful together - please someone adopt these two girls.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Cats of Wildcat Woods said...

What a lovely pair - purring big for an adoption!!!

Julia Williams said...

They sure do make a dynamite duo, and I am purring hard that they find their forever home in time for Christmas!!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You two are so cute, and we are all purring for you!

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Awwww,,, they are two Bootiful Girlz ^..^
We Purraying Big so dey getz their Christmas home Together :))))))

Deb Barnes - Zee and Zoey said...

What a beautiful duo they are! Sending hopes for a together adoption soon!

Love the header on the blog - you guys always do such a great job making this site look so purr-fect!!

Unknown said...

They are gorgeous and natural posers too! And of course they must go together... you can't have a Doris without a Dae :)

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Hope you find a home soon, dear ones!

Two kitties together are always best.


Fuzzy Tales said...

What cute names. :-)

Purrs for them to find a fantastic forever home this holiday season!

Susi said...

They are so beautiful...wish I could take them!!! Good luck finding a home soon.

Photo Cache said...

looks at those adorable faces. i wish i could take them too. hope there are families out there who are willing to take them in together.

emma and buster said...

Thank you for the link! I hope together we can help these two sweethearts find a home soon.
xxoo Maggie

"The Boys" and Karen said...

What pretty little girls they are. "The Boys" and I love your Christmas header/banner.

Thanks for stopping by Kittens 'n Things.

Daisy said...

What a pretty pair! And whoever adopts them will be twice as lucky!

White Dog Blog said...

What a lovely pair of sisters! They would be a fantastic addition to any family and we send White Dog positive thoughts that the most perfectly wonderful match finds them soon and takes them home.

Momma has a little lump on her head and Nuka left a bruised cut but we helped dad patch her up last night and today we are all behaving MUCH better.

LP said...

We completely understand sibling bonding.It's why we kept Malou and Levon together -they are inseparable and always together.It's wonderful to watch that kind of love and loyalty.We hope Doris and her Dae find a family who can see what a gift it would be to see these two together every day!

the critters in The Cottage xo

Gigi said...

Oh! They is beeyootifulz! I hope they will be nestled under someone's Christmas tree!

Kat and the Furrsonality gang said...

They are gorgeous girls! Hopefully they will be in their new home soon!

Ingrid said...

If I had the money of the Vatican, I would adopt all cats or at least pay nice families to adopt one or two or three ...

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

They sure is 2 pawsome looking ladies !!
Hope they soon will find a new forever home !!

P.S Love your Christmas design on the blog !!

CCL Wendy said...

They are adorable, indeed! Doris Dae, very clever.

There is a yearning in their eyes that is hard to ignore. I sure hope they are able to spend their holidays at a new furever home.

Anonymous said...

Ohh..I love it they are sisters. They could not look more different. Im glad you are adopting them out together. I always like to see that.
Hope you guys are getting ready for the Holidays!!

Kippy Marrie said...

Olá amiguinho querido.
Lindas suas fotos.
Passei para te dar um oizinho e agradecer por votar em mim.
Gosto muito de voce e amo receber suas visitas em meu blog.
Fica com o Papai do Céu.
Obrigada amigo querido.
Aus da amiguinha do Brasil...


Cindy Adkins said...

Oh my goodness, they're both so beautiful! I love animals so much more than words can say! Thank you for stopping by and your compliment on my slate painting!
Hugs, Cindy

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Awwwww, what beatuiful kitties these two are. Just love the tabby especially but you know I am a sucker for the tabby cats.
Thanks so much for your kind words when Opus, my sweet nephew, had to be helped to the bridge last week. It meant a lot to me and my family to hear from you.

Ellen Whyte said...

Doris and Dae are gorgeous cats! We're purring for them to find a terrific home today.

Anonymous said...

Wow, SO BEAUTIFUL! It would indeed be a crime to split them up! =^..^=

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Sending love and purrs for these two little darlings ~ they must stay together. xxxxxxxxxx