
September 7, 2016

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday - Jasper

Mesmerizing. That's the word that came to mind when we first met our handsome new friend, Jasper. Just look at those eyes. And that intense gaze. And his sleek and luxurious fur.

Jasper is new at PAWS, so he's still getting used to the sights, smells and sounds that come with living at the shelter. We can only imagine how scary it all is for a less confident cat like him.

Fortunately, through socialization that includes play (which he LOVES), pets, conversation and catnip, Jasper is learning that the people here are actually pretty nice. And that's a good thing, since that realization will help him to trust all humans, and make him more adoptable. :)

Jasper is about one year old, neutered, micro-chipped and current on his vaccinations. He has tested negative for FIV and FeLV. He can be a little rough, so he would do best in a patient, adults-only home without any other pets or children. Won't you give Jasper the chance he so deserves?


Update on Zoe: Thank you all for your continued purrs, prayers and good thoughts. Zoe's checkup on Saturday went well. Her bloodwork yielded good results, and the echocardiogram she had today showed no abnormalities in her heart. It's all good news, but we still don't (and may never) know what actually caused her incident. The upshot, though, is that Zoe is back to her normal, lovable, happy-go-lucky self. :)


Summer at said...

What a face Jasper has! Great news on Zoe.

Love is a Lifestyle said...

What a sweet kitty, I hope Jasper finds a great hope soon.

Katherine Kern said...

He's a handsome boy! We're glad Zoe is back to herself!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Jasper looks so handsome and we hope he will soon find his forever home.

Marg said...

Jasper sure is a good looking cat. Glad he is getting used to being at PAWS. Soooooooo glad that Zoe had a good report from the vet. Hope she continues to do well.

The Menagerie Mom said...

Oh my goodness, Jasper you are beyond stunning! Those eyes are out-of-this-world gorgeous. It's okay that you're still getting used to your new situation, Jasper. It's obvious, though, that deep down you're a gentle soul. Take your time, sweet Jasper, as your forever home will come for you. In the meantime, you are in very good hands at PAWS!

Thank you for the update on Zoe! We've been thinking about her, and about all of you. It is so good to hear that she is back to her old self. Strange things sure can happen, and without explanation. But, she is well and home with you, so happy times indeed!

The Island Cats said...

Wow, just look at Jasper's eyes!

We're glad Zoe is doing well again. Sometimes we may just never know what happened.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Jasper is stunning -- his eyes are amazing! We can't imagine him being at the shelter for long -- or certainly hope he won't be.

Thanks for the update on Zoe, great news!

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Oh wow, Jasper is a handsome kitty! He'll a a furever home in no time, we're certain!! :D


Basil & Co xox

The Florida Furkids said...

Wow...Jasper has mesmerizing eyes for sure!!!

We're glad Zoe is doing well!

The Florida Furkids said...

Jasper is stunning with those amazing eyes. I hope he settles in fast and is adopted soon. Meanwhile volunteers with string toys will be very welcome!
I'm so glad that Zoe is back to normal. I hope it was some weird combination of events that won't ever be repeated!

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

What eyes! We're sure Jasper won't be waiting for long :)

Shared as always.

Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

Photo Cache said...

Happy to hear about the good news on Zoe.

Jasper is a total hunk of a mancat.

Emma and Buster

Tamago said...

Jasper is such a gorgeous mancat! I hope he will feel more comfortable with shelter life..and soon find his forever home!
So happy to hear the update of Zoe. Such a great news!

Kitties Blue said...

Such wonderful news for Zoe and all of you. Yippee! We have absolutely never seen a cat with eyes the color of Jasper's. Mesmerizing is exactly the right word. We'll be purring and praying that his socialization doesn't take too long and he will have a new home very soon. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Brian's Home Blog said...

We can't imagine you being homeless for long handsome Jasper! We are so glad that Zoe is doing great!!!

Three Chatty Cats said...

Stunning! Simply stunning, that Jasper.

The Whiskeratti said...

Truly amazing eyes. And pawsome news for Zoe! But.. yeah... not knowing the why is unsettling.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

ladeez furst...zoe...we iz buzzed happee for ewe N we will ask R pal frank ta keep a chex on ewe everee now & then just coz....

jasper; ewe iz one handsum dood....N werd...therz a grad ewe way shunz partee at pawz everee month, we send de best oh fishez that yur part oh de partee in septemburrz...heerz 984 pawz crossed that yur in yur for everz by pie ratz day ♥♥♥

Cathy Keisha said...

OMC! Jasper is the kind of kitty Pop always wanted when he was a kid—black with orange eyes. I better not let him see this or he'll want to trade me in.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Jasper is very handsome and has amazing eyes. I am glad to hear the good news for Zoe.

NCSue said...

Jasper is gorgeous! Absolutely stunning! I hope he finds a home quite soon.
Thanks for linking up at

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

YAY for Zoe!!! And Jasper is simply scrumptious!

pilch92 said...

Jasper is very handsome, I hope he gets his forever home soon. I am glad Zoe is doing well.

LP said...

Wonderful news about Zoe! You must be so relieved :)
Jasper is stunning! We have never seen a grey cat with orange eyes...usually you see that eye colour on black cats . . . :) Hope he finds a great home quickly!

the critters in the cottage xo

Robin said...

Wow! Those eyes are something else! Jasper is a gorgeous guy. I hope that he finds a loving forever home soon. :)
-Purrs from your friends at

Marvelous Marv said...

Oh! Wow! Jasper is stunning! Mommy wants to rush right over and picks him up!
We is purraying hard Jasper gets a forever home soon!
And wes so furry happy that Zoey is feeling wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Jasper is amazing!Wow! He should be a celebrity! I hope he finds a special home!! You guys are pretty amazing, too. HUGS!

Cara n Crew said...

Jasper, you are so handsome and you have the most intense eyes! you have landed at a most pawsome place though we still pray your stay will be short :)

Yay for Zoe!!

pip, smidgen, minnie, hollie, sharpie, ditto

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Thank COD Zoe is ok!!! Best news ever and Jasper is soooooo handsome!! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

M. K. Clinton said...

I am so happy to know that Zoe is doing fine. ♥ Jasper is so handsome. I hope that he learns to trust and finds a forever home.

Katie Isabella said...

WHAT a gorgeous, just totally beautiful and perfect mancat! I would have him in a heartbeat of I could! Now Katie might not agree but I sure would. He reminds me of my Smoky! xoxox smoochies, sweet Jasper.

Gattina said...

I wish him to find a friendly old lady who will serve him the whole day long !

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

What a handsome lad! GORGEOUS. purrs

The Flynnigans said...

His eyes are just incredible! Very mysterious.

Unknown said...

His eyes remind me of Popoki's. And she also held hers wide open like that when she was in the shelter (and terrified). Hoping he gets a home soon!

Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

Anonymous said...

Jasper is such a handsum boy. We's sharin' and purrayin'.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

ibcmeir said...

Look at those eyes, gorgeous!

A Tonl said...

Holy cat, Jasper, you are SO stunning! We wonder, with those eyes, if you might not have a bit of burmese in you?
We're sure some family will be over the moon for you VERY soon!