
August 27, 2016

Purrs and prayers for Zoe, please

Please send purrs, prayers and good thoughts for our sweet Zoe.

We rushed her to the vet early this afternoon when she began stumbling around for no apparent reason (thank goodness we were at home when it happened). We ended up having to leave her at the 24-hour veterinary specialist, probably through Monday. Tonight's update was more positive than negative. According to the doctor, most of Zoe's symptoms (which included lack of balance, disorientation and open-mouthed breathing) have lessened in severity since she was admitted. All of the tests they've run so far haven't shown anything out of the ordinary. Her blood pressure and blood work are fine, her kidney levels are slightly elevated (but nothing bad), and her heartbeat was a little slow (but again, nothing to be alarmed about). The doctor who gave us the update says they suspect Zoe had a stroke, but do not know what could have caused it, or the severity of it. We'll get another update in the morning.

For now, we're just waiting. We're very worried and sad, but doing our best to stay positive. Gracie (Zoe's sister/littermate) seems a little down, but generally okay right now, which is a relief. We're making sure to give her lots of extra love.

We'll update you as we are able.

Hugs, headbonks and much gratitude to you all.


The Whiskeratti said...

Oh no! We are so sorry to hear of this - surely she's much too young for a stroke?! Regardless, you have our strongest purrayers. Please keep us posted.

meowmeowmans said...

We will. And thank you so much for your purrayers. Zoe is actually a senior kitty. As far as we know, she and Gracie are about 13 years old (we adopted them as adults).

Summer at said...

I'm sending LOTS of purrs to Zoe!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Oh no! All our purrs and purrayers to Zoe, and all our paws crossed too. We had forgotten she was a senior kitty. We hope for the very best possible outcome, that if it indeed was a stroke, it was minor enough that she makes a full recovery. Hugs!!! ❤

Marg said...

We sure send tons of purrs to Zoe. Hope she is better by now. We have all of our paws crossed for her.

Basil and The B Team ~ BionicBasil ® said...

Oh dear, we're sending many gentle and healing purrs fur Zoe!

Basil & Co xox

Beth Waltz said...

How fortunate that you were at home when she became ill! Your speed in getting her to the vet is a very positive factor in her hope for a recovery: Lots of treatment options now for senior kitties with cardio challenges. said...

i agree with Beth - thank goodness she had her episode when you were home! We're joining the purr and prayer chain for Zoe and her worried family.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh dear, sorry I'm late but we're all sure sending tons of purrs and prayers to beautiful Zoe. We all send love and hugs to you too, we know how worried you are and we are too.

Maria said...

Oh no! Sending prayers and good thoughts Zoe's way.

Mickey's Musings said...

We are sending lots of purrs for this dear kitty.
Paws crossed this is a one time thing.
Hope you stay well Zoe.
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

The Daily Pip said...

Paws crossed tight for Zoe!! I hope she will be fine and home soon. I know it is so scary when these things happen especially when it is so sudden and unexpected. Lots of love and support coming your way!

Tamago said...

Oh, sweet Zoe. I'm so sorry she might have had a stroke. Glad you were home when it happened. Sending purrs and prayers for her recovery. Hugs xo

Katherine Kern said...

Sending all of your our love and wishes for healing.

The Swiss Cats said...

We send her tons of purrs ! We wish her a good recovery. Purrs

The Florida Furkids said...

We're purring and praying for Zoe. We hope she's better soon.

The Florida Furkids

The Menagerie Mom said...

We are sending many, many purrs and prayers to Zoe, Gracie, and you, Kevin and Tracey. It is so great that you are staying positive, and we will indeed be doing so for you as well. It sounds like the doctor indeed had some good news to give you about Zoe's overall status, and we will be praying for further updates such as this. Our thoughts our with you all right now.

pilch92 said...

I am praying for your sweet Zoe.

Little Miss Titch said...

Snuggles for Zoe,to get well soon,xx Speedy

Quill and Greyson said...

We are sending our best healing purrs and Mom sends an e-hug to you too!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

ohhhh noooooooooooooo!!!! We are sending ALL of our purrs and prayers!!!! Zoe, you HAVE to be ok!!!! xoxoxoxoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

Mariodacat said...

Lots of purrs and prayers coming your way for Zoe. We hope the news continues to get more positive daily. HUGS.

The Island Cats said...

We saw on Facebook that Zoe is home now. We're purring that she continues to improve.

Eastside Cats said...

Zoe is a's hoping she continues to improve!

Anonymous said...

Love & Prayers for sweet Zoe and all of you!