
March 4, 2025

(Almost) Wordless Jasper

Check out our cute and adoptable pal Jasper! He may be a little small for his age, but anyone who's seen him play can tell you he's got a big and mighty purrsonality!
Jasper can be a bit cautious with new people, but is very affectionate once he gets to know you. We know he'll do super well in a loving home with active kitty who's just a little bit older (you know, to kind of show him the ropes). Jasper is about 6 months old, neutered, current on his vaccinations, and ready to find his forever home. Could it be yours? Come meet Jasper at PAWS today.
image-in-ing: weekly photo linkup


Leah said...

What gorgeous big eyes Jasper has! A huge round of purrs from us for Jasper to find a good home soon!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Jasper is a lovely little boy with an adorable face.

catsynth said...

Aww, what a sweet little boy! I'm sure he'll charm his way into a new home with an older buddy to show him the ropes.

Hope you are all doing well!
-CatSynth (Amanda, Sam Sam, and Big Merp)

da tabbies o trout towne said...

jasper, ewe iz one hansum dood buddy and eye send de best oh fizhez that yur IN yur for everz home bye st patricks day sew ewe can N joy a wee pint oh green beer long with sum red snapper !!! ♥♥ yur coatz kinda like my coat !!! pawsum awesum two ewe buddy ♥♥♥ =^..^=

Sandee said...

Jasper is most handsome and I'm praying he finds the purrfect forever home.

Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

messymimi said...

Jasper looks amazing and I pray the right family comes along soon. He'd make an awesome little brother.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Jasper, you are quite the looker and I love those big gorgeous eyes! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Look at that sweet face!

pilch92 said...

I hope this cutie gets his forever home soon. XO

Fur Everywhere said...

Jasper is a cutie pie! I'm sure he'll get scooped up fast <3

Katie Isabella said...

That DARLING face!

Kea said...

What a cutie! That sweet face! 😻

Lots of purrs from my angels that he finds his true forever home very soon! 🤞❤️

Smudge said...

My gosh, Jasper is a sweet little youngster. I've got about 15 1/2 years on him!

Peachy, Stippie, Angel Binky and Granny said...

You're so awwdorable, Jaspurr😻Good LUck Pawkisses to find a furrever home soon🐾😽💞

Dawn Hart said...

Jasper looks adorable hope he finds his forever home very soon xxx