
December 15, 2019

Aladdin's Sunday Selfies

Look who stepped up for this week's selfie. It's our lovable and super handsome pal, Aladdin!

Aladdin is about two years old. He's friendly and outgoing, loves to be petted, and gets along well with other nice cats. He enjoys playtime but also loves just chilling with his buddies. Aladdin is neutered, microchipped, current on his vaccinations, and negative for FIV and FIV.  This awesome boy is so ready for his happily ever after. Is it with you?

It's Sunday, which means we're hopping along in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by our pals at The Cat On My Head. Be sure to check it out to see who else is hopping along (or to join in on the fun)!


  1. Sharing Aladdin everywhere.

    He is a lovely guy and I would adopt him in a heartbeat.

  2. He is STUNNING! Surely he won't wait long for his forever home. Derry is sending purrs to him, to find a wonderful forever home. ♥

  3. He looks a very sweet boy and I hope he soon gets his Forever Home.

  4. Oh Aladdin, you look like such a magically sweet guy and I sure hope your forever home shows up soon. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. Aladdin, you are so handsome with your floofy fur and green eyes, and it sounds as if your personality should put you at the front of the line for a forever, loving home. Praying you have one in time for the holidays. Thanks for being the PAWS hopper. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  6. We hope handsome Aladdin gets a forever home soon.

    The Florida Furkids

  7. What a sweet face! And those eyes! Aladdin, I'm sending purrs and prayers and POTP for the purrfect forever home for you.

  8. He's so handsome. Looks like a great snuggle buddy. I hope he finds a forever home soon.

    Have a fabulous Sunday. ♥

  9. Oh you're such a handsome boy Aladdin! We are sending our purrs that you find your furever home soon. Maybe by Catmouse!!

  10. Alladin, your face just shines out sweetness.

  11. He is such a cutie. He looks like my Brody :) I hope he has a forever home for Christmas. XO

  12. You got me with that face, Aladdin. I'd scoop you up any day and I'm sure you'll find a family very soon little chap :) xx kisses from the Chirpies

  13. What a handsome boy. Hope he finds his home soon.

  14. Alladdin, you sure are good looking. We so hope someone comes along and takes you home.

  15. He's such a big beautiful boy!
    I'm in love.

  16. Of mee cuud make a wish mee wuud rub Alladin an wish fore him to have a fur-ever home bee-fore catmass!!!
    Yore one hansum man cat Alladin!
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma

  17. Aladdin is so gorgeous! Look at his super floofy tail! I hope he will get the best Christmas present....which is his forever home!

  18. LOVE LOVE LOVE!! I think TW's heart melted.

  19. Aladdin, you look super cuddly. We love you.

    Emma and Buster

  20. I think he is a cosy cat, just to sit on a sofa with him on the lap !

  21. Aladdin, you're a handsome fluffy guy ! We hope you find a forever home very soon ! Purrs

  22. Aladdin, you are so handsome! We are sending you lots and lots of purrs and prayers, sweet boy, and we hope you're in your forever home very soon!

  23. Aladdin is absolutely purrfect! Snuggling with his must be what heaven's like!
