
June 17, 2014

Sarah - Friendship and Trust

The transition to life at PAWS hasn't been easy for our beautiful friend Sarah.   The sights, smells and sounds of a shelter can be overwhelming, especially for sensitive kitties like her.  But as we've found time and again, consistent love, kindness and patience often help cats like Sarah realize that people aren't so bad.  She's not exactly a lap cat yet, but as you can see from these pictures, she definitely enjoys hanging out with her human pals.  She also loves playing with laser toys!

It's not clear why Sarah waited until now to turn a new page. We're just glad she finally did. :)

Sarah is about 10 years old, spayed and up-to-date on her vaccinations. She has tested negative for FIV and FeLV. She would do best in a quieter home with no children or other cats.


  1. Oh sweet Sarah, our hearts break for sensitive kitties at shelters and we are so happy you are starting to trust the wonderful people at PAWS and we send big purrs your way for a safe, loving forever home to come forward to cherish you.

  2. Awww... Sarah, we are so happy you are starting to come out of your shell. We have a special place in our hearts for shy kitties. I'm very shy too...and I'm sure it's very scary getting used to shelter life. We hope you don't have to get TOO used to it and instead can start getting used to a new forever home!

  3. I'm so glad Sarah is feeling better about being at PAWS - that will be so helpful when humans come to check her out!

  4. Everything in good time. What a lovely older gal who deserves a loving quiet home.

  5. Some cats adjust to new environments much faster than others, we suppose. It may have taken Sarah a little while to turn around but we sure glad she did! We hope her furrever person(s) come and take her home soon enough. :)

  6. We are so happy to see you sitting near your human friend Sarah and hope you will do it more often.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. We hope pretty Sarah finds the purrfect home soon.

    The Florida Furkids

  8. Sarah, I know shelter life can be scary...I came from a shelter too. I'm glad you're doing better now and I purr that you find the quiet home you're looking for. ~Ernie

  9. Hey, we kittehs have to do things our own way. Sometimes that means time... a lot of time.

  10. Sarah has come a long way from the angry girl who came to PAWS a few years ago. I sure hope her new attitude will bring her a forever home soon.

  11. What a beautiful girl Sarah is! I don't know what her life was like before, but so great she is getting so much love and care, and realizing humans are not so bad :-) I hope she finds loving forever home very soon xoxo

  12. Oh Sarah, we so hope you find that purrfect home really soon.Glad you are turning a corner and are getting used to people That is a big step.We all have our paws crossed for you.

  13. She is very pretty. We hope she finds a home soon now that she's coming out of her shell a bit.

  14. Purrs for Sarah. It's hard for kitties to adjust to shelter life. Paws crossed for the perfect home to come along soon!

  15. Sarah...what a beautiful lady you are. We sure are purring and praying that you will find a quiet and loving home very soon. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  16. stars, I still hide from everyone and anything and I've been in the same house for 11 years...hugs to you and I hope you find your special forevers home very soon

    dai$y ♥♥♥♥♥

  17. You are such a beauty Sarah and we just know the right home will find you.

  18. oh my Sarah you are a snow queen beauty. We hope your forever family finds you very soon.

  19. Sarah is a beauty. We know that she'll relax and adjust to the new environment soon....and before she knows it her forever home will come too.

    hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

  20. Glad to hear that Sarah is starting to learn to trust people a little bit. Hope she can find a home soon.

  21. Sarah is BEAUTIFUL! Purrin' that she finds the PURRfect forever home very, very soon.


  22. It must be hard to adjust to shelter life when you are a shy kitty Sarah. I am glad you are coming out of your shell more and hope you soon get a nice quiet loving home all of your own.

  23. Sarah is beautiful! We hope she gets her very own forever home very soon.

  24. AWwwwwwwww!
    She is such a pretty kitty.
    maybe her playful nature will make her even more attractive to adopters. We purr the right on comes along soon.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  25. So glad Sarah saw the light! Now for that perfect quiet and loving home. We hope it is right around the corner for her!

    the critters in the cottage xo

    P.S. Have the windows seats with suction cups at Paws withstood the test of time? Do they eventually get "unstuck" from the window?

  26. Sarah is beautiful. Glad she is finally warming up to the humans! Will share.

  27. What a sweatheart <3
    Keep my paws crossed that she will find a foreverhome real soon !


  28. Oh Sarah...may your mommy and Daddy be just about to knock on the door.

  29. Sarah be bootyful. Meez suwe hopes hers gets a pawsum home soon.

    Luv ya'


  30. To momma it is amazing that us rescues EVER learn to trust humans again...we have experienced so many awful things. It is such a tribute to the heart of a furbaby that they DO try again and hold no grudges. Sarah, we wish you the best most understanding forever home in the universe. You deserve it little one!

  31. Would be a nice twin sister to Arthur !

  32. Sarah is lovely! We hope she finds just the right family soon, no more waiting! Headbonks & kitty kisses, friends!

  33. What a beauty Sarah is! It's totally worth the wait to see sweethearts like her shine. Purrs....

  34. Awww, poor sensitive little girl. Glad she's coming out of her shell a showing her playful side. Seems like a wonderful cat.

  35. She looks so sweet - all our paws crossed that she finds a home to call her own real soon! Happy WW.

  36. aw, poor Sarah! we cannot even imagine what it would be like to find ourselves at a shelter after everything we have known. we are glad she is coming around and are so thankful everybuddy at PAWS is understanding and willing to take the time with all of the kitties. Purrs,

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, HOllie

  37. She's beautiful. Hope she finds a nice quiet home very soon.

  38. Sarah is gorgeous! And mes LOVES shy kitties. They has the bestest stories that they can tells yous when they is curled up on your lap and purring.

  39. Sarah brought a tear to TW’s eyes cos she reminded her of Syssyknyfe, one of her early cats.

  40. Paws crossed for you sweet Sarah. We know your hoe is out there - and purr that it comes to you SOON!

  41. Hello Sarah. We're glad you're learning to trust the right people. We do hope you find the human who is rightfully yours someday.
