
June 19, 2014

International Box Day :)

We've never met a cat who didn't like boxes.  Come to think of it, it seems that most animals we've ever met kind of enjoy being in, on and around them.  It's a phenomenon that's been noted by pet bloggers the world over, and today is the day to celebrate the unabashed love that animals have for boxes. :)

Here's Khan (who recently found his very own forever home), getting his last turn in one of the PAWS Meeting Room's favorite boxes:

And our beautiful pal Izzy (still waiting to be adopted), staking her claim to the very same box:

Check out the official International Box Day badge featuring some of our best blogging pals (and our own beloved Moosey!), and created by our awesome friend Ann at Zoolatry:

Happy International Box Day 2014!


  1. Happy International Box Day! Make you share your post on my IBD linky!

  2. There isn't such a thing as a bad box.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Hope that proves to be a "lucky" box for Izzy and that she finds her forever home too.

  4. Khan is so adorable in the box! I hope he gets many boxes in his forever home :-) And Izzy, oh the box is filled with Izzy! Too cute!
    My boys love boxes, too. Happy International Box Day!

  5. My Dad's cat who recently passed LOVED boxes. She would sit in them for hours. Growing up we had a kitty that used to love sitting in the cardboard produce boxes, (the ones with the handles like when you buy tomatoes or peaches). She would fir herself in there and you could carry her around. :)

  6. guys....ewe got that rite coz even fish like a good box...ask em at Long John Silverz !!! best fishes two ewe Izzy on findin a box in yur own pad ♥♥ N speekin oh lunch heerz two an Antarctic cod kinda week oh end !!

  7. Happy Box day tu yous. Ya'll look pawsum!! Meez always luvs it when a kitty gets a home.

    Luv ya'


  8. That box is getting a workout! Happy Box Day!

  9. Small box, medium box, large box, we love them all! :)

  10. Cats & boxes are like peanutbutter & jelly. They just go together! Enjoy your boxes, sweeties! Happy International Box Day!

  11. uh oh, then you have never met Cody :) Love the photos!

  12. izzy has just stolen our mommy's heart. We sure hope she steals someone else's heart very soon and finds her forever home. Happy Box Day. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  13. That looks like a very popular box.
    Happy International Box Day.

  14. Izzy looks so comfortable. She sure is a beautiful girl!
    Happy Box day.

  15. Happy International Box Day!!

    The Florida Furkids

  16. Happy Box day! Hope your beautiful girl finds a home soon!

  17. Awww, they are adorable. I hope that cute pic gets Izzy a home—and boxes—of her own.

  18. Looks like fun. A belated Happy Box Day!

    Cats of wildcat woods

  19. Oh you two sure found a great box there. Looking good and we so glad that Khan found his forever home. Great news.

  20. What adorable box photos! Yay for Khan and purrs for Izzy (what a beauty she is!)to find a wonderful forever home.

  21. Yay for Khan and kizzies for Izzy! Happy Box Day to all XOXOXOXO

  22. Finally! A holiday that is truly the cat's meow! We declare it should be worthy of a day off!

    Purrs from the Zee and Zoey gang!

  23. Boxes definitely deserve a holiday in their honor. There is nothing more comforting than sitting in a nice comfy cardboard box. It's even sweeter when some other kitty is giving you the stink-eye because they want to be the one sitting in that box.

  24. Ooh, boxes. We love boxes. Glad Khan got a forever home. Hope it came with boxes too. :)

  25. WE sure love them and my mom needs to get me another! xxoo

  26. Hola! I nominated you for the Shine On award! Check it out on my blog at:

    Thank you for your wonderful blog - I so enjoy it!


  27. Thanks for stopping by the Musings blog -- and while on holiday!

    I hope we'll see pics and I wish your sister and her hubby (or soon to be) every happiness. The boys send head butts. :-)


  28. Happy Boxing Day xx

  29. Nothing a kitty likes more than a sturdy box to play in!!!

  30. Izzy that's a pawesome show of skill and prowess in that box! Hoping for a forever home for you VERY SOON!

  31. Just wanted to wish you all a Happy Cat World Domination Day--and a box is a good spot to dominate from! XOXOXO

  32. You guys better be careful!
    Those look suspiciously similar to the "If it fits, it ships" boxes!!!
    ; )

  33. We are so glad a Khan got a furever home and know that Izzy will too soon.
    (I can hear William Shatner in the the background: KHAN! MOL)

  34. looks like you had a pawsome box day!!! Thanks for linking up to last weeks pet parade! (I am a little late visiting blogs this week lol )
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  35. Well, well! Priority mail, it is.

    Hello Box Kitties. We hope you had fun in International Box Day. We weren't able to join because of offline schedules. Sigh :(
