
January 6, 2011

Sweet Sancha Looking for Love

Big and beautiful Sancha is in search of a forever home of her very own. Sadly, this is Sancha’s second time at PAWS (now 6 years old, she was first adopted at the tender age of 8 weeks), and being back has been a difficult adjustment for her. At first, she was so depressed that she refused to come out of her cage – even when we left it wide open. She would also hiss and growl at the other cats in the room if they happened to walk by her cage during their “out” time. But with consistent love from the PAWS volunteers and staff, Sancha’s true personality is beginning to re-emerge. Even though she’s still not fond of her feline roomies, she loves hanging out with her human friends (who give her lots of pets and attention) , and looks forward to being out of her cage to stretch her legs and SPRAWL on the floor. Sometimes, she even lies on her back and shows her floofy belly! :)
Sancha is an indoor-only cat, and would do best in a quieter home with no other pets. She is spayed, up to date on all her vaccinations, and has tested negative for FIV and FeLV. Won’t you consider opening your heart and home to this sweet lady cat?


  1. Why was poor Sancha dumped? We wish we could take her in but we're in Malaysia!

  2. Poor Sancha! It is hard to have to be returned. So disconcerting and unsettling for the kitty.

  3. Poor Sancha! It breaks our hearts to wonder what she must be thinking. Bless the kind humans of PAWS! We hope she'll have new for real furrever home soon. Purrs,

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and HOllie

  4. Sancha! You are such a pretty girl. I wish I could bring you home all the way to Manila. Hope you find your forever home soon :)

  5. poor Sancha. :( i really really hope she finds a forever home.

  6. That is too bad about Sascha. We sure hope she finds a good home. She is so pretty and a nice looking cat. Good luck Sascha, we will keep our paws crossed that someone wonderful comes along for you.

  7. Oh we hope Sascha can find a new home quickly!! She's so pretty!!

  8. We so hope someone does open their heart to Sascha ~ she is beautiful and deserving. Purrs.

  9. We are sending our very best purrs to dear Sancha, and hope that her Forever Home comes walking though the door at any moment.

  10. You're such a pretty girl, Sancha! We hope and purr that you'll find the perfect forever home soon!

  11. Aww, Sancha...We're sending you lots of purrs that you find your purrfect forever home very soon!

  12. We would love to have her but it is too far away - she looks such a lovely girl.

  13. We are purraying for Sancha to find a loving forever home soon.....we have also posted her on our Facebook page.

    Love to y'all and we purray you will be greatly blessed for helping all these homeless darlins.

  14. What a beautiful girl she is. We hope she finds a true Forever Home very soon.

  15. Sancha sure is pretty. We hope the perfect home comes along soon!!

  16. Purring and purraying for your furever home, Sancha!

  17. A cat who loves human attention probably won't have to wait too long for someone who'll fill the bill. We hope that human will come along soon!

  18. Oh sweet Sancha, I am so very sorry you are going though this. I shall purr and pray every single day that the right forever home finds you and loves you.

  19. Oh what a BEAUTY Sancha is..and I, the Admiral understands just how she feels. Whjen mommy left me at the mean ol' v-e-t hospital I hid 100% of the time because my mommy wasn't there to love me. Poor baby Sancha feels abandoned. I hope so much she gets a loving home to be the queen of the house in. She deserves it. Purrs to you precious one. Mommy sends love.

  20. Sweet Sancha, I am so sorry she is back at the shelter. Hopefully she will find a loving forever family soon!!!

  21. Sancha is beautiful, and I hope she can find her TRUE forever home soon.

  22. Oh poor baby. This made my mommy's eyes leak! Is horrible fur to be throwed-away. We gots throwed-away, but that just helps mommy find us fur our furever home.
    We purrs Sancha will get a good furever home real soon.

  23. Sancha is a beautiful girl and deserves to have a REAL forever home that will give her a LIFETIME of safety, pampering and love. We are sending woofs and positive thoughts that her perfect family comes for her soon.

  24. Aw, sweet girl. She sounds rather like my Scarlett. I hope she finds a forever home!

  25. I am happy to report that Sancha (the giant lap cat) has been adopted and will be going home today (Friday 1/7).

  26. Woohoo! Hooray for Sancha!!!

    Thanks for the update, Matt! And thank you, everyone, for your purrs, prayers, good thoughts and cross postings on blogs and Facebook. :)

  27. SHE IS!? YEA!!!!!!!!!!!! She looks like a cover girl here! She IS a cover girl!

  28. Oh sweet Sancha. It always breaks my mom's heart when cats are brought back to the shelter after knowing a forever home. We hope someone adopts that pretty girl soon.

  29. So sad Sancha was dumped at her age. We will help pass the word on for her.

  30. HOORAY! SANCHA WAS ADOPTED! Thanks, Matt, for informing us! And thanks to all our Blog and Facebook friends...Your warm wishes for Sancha helped to get her a forever home!
