
December 31, 2010

Happy New Year :)

It'll be a blessed new year, indeed, for some PAWS cats (including Reeses and his sister Sasha, both pictured above) who will ring in 2011 in their forever homes! Since our last update, the following kitties have also been adopted: Cricket, Decker, Dolby and Muffin, Duffy, Haley and Burke, Jones, Kix and Trix, Licorice (who will be joining PAWS alum Justin), Ming, Portia and Pockaboo, Ryobi, Snow Pea, Sony and Yahtzee, and Toro and Cooper.

For all you PAWS cats who haven't yet "graduated," don't worry! We're confident the coming year will bring with it some great opportunities for us to help you find your forever families. Until you do, all of the volunteers and staff will give you as much love and attention as we can. :)

And finally, to you, all of our friends and blog followers ... thank you, and Happy New Year. :)


  1. Wishing you a happy new year too. Thank you for looking after all those kitties waiting for their new forever homes and hoomans to come and find them xx

  2. What a great way to wrap up 2010, with so many wonderful kitties getting their forever homes.

    A very happy new year to you all! May 2011 bring an abundance of good health, laughter, joy, and love. :-)

  3. Happy New Year! We're so glad to see kittehs have been adopted. And we luff your new header.

  4. Wishing PAWS a Happy 2011 with lots of love and forever homes in the coming year!

  5. That sure is good news that all those kitties found homes. We love good news like that. We wish all of you kitties and their caring humans a very Happy New year. We know it is going to be a good one.

  6. i hope 2011 will be a great year for you all and for shelter cats everywhere. happy new year! :)

  7. Happy New Year to all of you from all of us!!!

  8. We were delighted to hear that quite a good number of kitties have been adopted recently - we wish all of you a Happy New Year and we would like to thank you for all you do for our less fortunate kitties.
    Luv Hannah & Lucy xx xx

  9. Happy New Year! We hope that 2011 brings lots and lots of furever homes for the kitties that need them!

  10. We wish a lot of forever homes for the PAWS kitties this year!

    Happy New Year and congratulations to the ones who have found their homes! Thank you for all you do for these kitties. We think you're the best!

  11. We are purring for all homeless kitties and woofies to find loving homes=they ALL deserve it!...Thank you for your friendship and all you do to help those less fortunate babies find happy lives...We wish you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year filled with love and joy...xoxo...J, Calle, Halle, Sukki

  12. So nice to hear that some of your PAWS kitties will ring in the new year in forever homes...what could be better!!! We have our fingers crossed that those still waiting will find homes soon. Happy New Year friends, I hope it is filled with health and prosperity for all!!!

  13. What a blessing to see all the homeless kitties that have found loving homes.....we continue to purray for all the other homeless. Every kitty deserves a loving home!!!!!!!

    We purray that you will be greatly blessed in 2011 for all you do for the homeless kitties.....we love you and think you are totally pawsome!!!!!!!!

  14. How wonderful that you have helped so many cats find forever homes! I am sure they appreciate all of your help! Happy new year!

  15. congrats to the graduating kitties; its allways nice that our fellow felines can find good and loveing homes. anyways Happy new year!!

  16. The thanks really goes to you and all the volunteers who help these animals find their way home.

    From our house to your, we wish you an amazing 2011!

    Oskar & Pam

  17. Wishing you all the best of New Years! Congratulations and thanks to all of you who have helped so many kitties find loving furever homes!

  18. Great to hear so many cats got homes in 2010. Wishing you and yours a very Happy new Year!

  19. Thank you for helping and finding so many great homes for so many wonderful cats this year. We hope you have a fantastic 2011.

    Thank you for all you do

  20. Happy New Year!!
    We wish you a joyful life
    full of healthy, happiness and pleasure :)

    Hugs Love Anya

    Kareltje =^.^=

    Betsie =(^.^)=

  21. May your new year be filled with joy, health, and riches beyond your imagination!

    Purrs and Hugs,

    Fin and Mom

  22. Happy New Year! I hope you have a wonderful 2011.

    P.S. Those kitties look so much like my dear Star and his late brother Comet! Funny.

  23. Happy 2011. We wish you a great year with many, many adoptions.

  24. Happy 2011 and best wishes to all the volunteers and kitties at PAWS. Purrs for good homes to all the kitties that pass through your doors.

  25. I hope 2011 will be the very best adoption year, ever!

  26. Happy New Year lovely kitties <3

  27. Happy New Year to yoo all! We hope that 2011 is a year full of health, wealth, happy adoptions and wonderful forever homes.

  28. Happy New Year all of you furbabies and your beans there who take such great care of you and find you furrever homes. MUAH! BONKS~!

  29. My wish for 2011 is that all kittis find a forever home !
    Happy New Year !

  30. Happy New Year!! We're always sooo HAPPY when we read about the beautiful kitties finding their forever homes! It makes us purr even louder.
    ~~Casper and Angel~~

  31. A Happy New Year!! I wish everyone at PAWS a wonderful year with a lot of graduates :-)

  32. I love seeing the long list of names of cats who now have homes. It's a wonderful way to remember a year. Happy New Year to you all and thank you for helping cats so kindly.

    W. Wuudler esq.

  33. Happy New Year to all the PAWS kitties!

    Thank you for your kind words on our blog. We appreciate hearing from you.

    Tom & Julie

  34. It's wonderful to be able to end the year on such a high note!

    Wishing you a fantastic 2011!

  35. Happy New Year

    The Creek Cats and Maggie May

  36. I'm so happy for those kittehs, and hopeful for the ones still looking for their forever home. Happy New Year from all of your friends at the Responsible Pet Ownership blog!

  37. Happy New Year, T & K! For those Paws cats who haven't left the shelter yet, they have your love and affection to look forward to until they find their forever homes. Now those are lucky kitties!

  38. Just love the posts about the kitties that get a furever home!!!!
    Wishing all at your place a very Happy New Year!!

  39. It's wonderful that these kitties has found loving forever homes. May 2011 see more kitties being homed!

  40. Mommy and I came back to see your beautiful sweet selves again. Happiest of New years. ♥♥♥

  41. Hope the new year brings with it lots of goodness and hope for all the animals at PAWS. Happy New Year Meow Meow Mans!

  42. Congratulations to all those kitties who started the New Year in furever homes! And paws crossed for the ones waiting...we are certain that your perfect people are out there and will claim you soon.

    We are so glad to hear Gadget is in foster care and hope that he is just an eyeblink away fromfinding his own family.

    We wish you all safety, health, warmth, hearth, and love in 2011...and thank you for your friendship!

  43. Hey---Reeses looks like my Mommy!! I'm glad they got furr-ever homes! What a a way to bring in the New Year...


  44. Oh Happy Snooze Year!!! We hopes you all are purrfect & happee & ful of ham!!!
    Dr Tweety, Iris, Maximillian, Delilah, & da Auntie Stinkie

  45. What a great way to end 2010 and best wishes to all the kitties at PAWS for 2011!!

  46. more furkids in forever homes! YAY!!!!

  47. What a wonderful post to bring in the new year!! YAY!!

    We wish all of you kitties (& the wonderful peeps at the shelter) a very happy & healthy 2011!!

    ~Nico, Simon & JayJay :)

    ps. Thanks for being our friends, too!!

  48. Greetings to Kevin and others at PAWS,

    We think you all are doing fantastic work and wish everyone the very best for 2011. May your lives be filled with laughter, good health and prosperity and for all the kitties and cats extra treats and belly rubs.

    Warmest regards,
    Miss Kitty and Egmont

  49. Us again.....we thank you so very much for helping make Monday such a very special birthday for our mama.


  50. We are so happy for the cats that you have found forever homes for. We hope .. no we know, there will be many, many more!
    ~ Malachi

  51. Happy New Year to you all too!!!

  52. Happy New Year! Glad to see that so many of the cats have found their forever homes. Hope to see many more in 2011.
