
August 31, 2024

Selfies by Timberlake

As you can see from his selfies, our handsome and friendly buddy Timberlake knows a thing or two about posing for the camera!

Timberlake is a sweet and loving boy who came to PAWS from a house that had way too many cats. As you might imagine, having come from that situation, he gets along quite well with other nice kitties. Timberlake also loves humans of all ages, especially if they're doling out chin scritches and lot of petting. He is about 1 1/2 years old, neutered, current on his vaccinations, and ready to find his forever home. Come meet Timberlake today!💖

We're participating today in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by our wonderful friends at The Cat on My Head. Be sure to check out who's hopping along and/or join in on the fun!


  1. Wow, Timberlake! What a gorgeous panther guy you are! Purrs galore here for Timberlake to find a forever home soon!

  2. You are soooooooooooo handsome. Mom wishes you could come live with us, as you get along with other "nice" kitties. We sure hope you get that loving home you deserve pronto. Good luck and thanks for hopping. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  3. Indeed, Timberlake is a handsome guy! Hugs!

  4. He has moved from probably too little attention to somewhere where he can flourish. Such a dear, hopefully folks will see him and scoop him up straight away.

  5. Timberlake looks such a sweet boy, and I hope he soon gets his forever home.

  6. I think Erin the Cat Princess said it for me! And Timberlake, I hope that home that is waiting for you, sends word to PAWS that it's ready for you NOW.

  7. Wow! Timberlake is so handsome! Justin would love his namesake!

  8. Dearest Kevin,
    Hoping that Timberlake/Timberland (you ended with calling him that...) will soon find his forever home and enjoy life as he deserves!
    Mariette + Kitties

  9. Such a handsome dude you are and I sure hope you get to go home super soon. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. Timberlake is a very handsome house panther! Purrs from my angels that he finds his true forever home soon! ❤️

  11. dood…ewe iz one handsum houz panther….sendin platez oh best fizhez
    and for ever… happee for everz home wizhez ewe find yur foreverz yet thiz week ‼️😺💙💚🐟

  12. Mee=-yow wow Timberlake yore so gorgeeuss!! Even bettur lookin than yore namesake ;)
    Wee nose you find a new home soon!!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an ***blowss kissess*** BellaSita Mum

  13. I hope this handsome boy gets his forever home soon. XO

  14. My gosh you look good in those pictures. Red is your colour, for sure. PURRS

  15. What a totally handsome dude. He looks so sleek and strokeable!

    PS Your comment got held for moderation NO IDEA why as you always comment < sigh >

  16. Everyone should be owned by a housepanther!

  17. He looks very calm and he's quite handsome. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  18. Never seen such a beautiful panter before, you're looking so velvetting good, Timberlake😻Good Luck Pawkisses to find a furrever home soon🐾😽🍀
