
August 31, 2022

(Almost) Wordless Marilyn

Just look at that purrfect face, those fancy whiskers, and those beautiful furs. Our adoptable pal Marilyn is most definitely a star!

Marilyn, who is about 1 1/2 years old, was left behind when her former human moved.😞 Fortunately, a good Samaritan took this beautiful kitty in, and then brought her to PAWS. Marilyn is now getting lots of love and attention here, and is now ready to find her happily ever after. She is spayed, current on her vaccinations, and negative for FIV and FeLV. According her intake card description, Marilyn has lived with other very mellow cats but truth be told, she would be happier as your one and only pet. No matter, she has more than enough love for whoever is lucky enough to adopt her. Come meet Marilyn today!


  1. Hi, Marilyn! I hope you find your furever home.

  2. What a strikingly beautiful kitty! Purrs from us for Marilyn to get a forever home soon!

  3. Marilyn is beautiful and has gorgeous whiskers. How could her previous family jus leave her! I hope she gets the loving forever home she deserves very soon.

  4. Aww! Marilyn looks just like a cat I had years agao called Thomas

    I don't think she will have trouble finding a loving home 👍

    Have a cutetastic week 👍

  5. she actually looks like a young Katie Isabella. Same mustache too..just katie's is more defined in it's outline

  6. I hope she keeps that same perfect for her, name!

  7. She's beautiful and we hope she soon finds her true forever home. As long as we live, we will NEVER understand why someone would buy or adopt an animal when they have no intention of keeping them. She--and all the other abandoned animals--deserve so, so much better. ♥

  8. Such a sweet and lovely kitty!
    I hope she finds a loving forever home with people that will love her always.
    A pox on those that abandoned her without care.
    Purrs, Julie

  9. She's most adorable, but I can't imagine leaving your family member behind. I hope she finds the best forever home ever.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  10. Marylin does look fancy with that long black&white fur.
    Hard to imagine every leaving a kitty behind - and how confusing and scary that must be for poor kitties like Marylin. This was Big Merp's story before he found us. I hope she finds a forever home soon like he did.

    Hope you are all doing well and staying safe.
    -CatSynth (Amanda, Sam Sam, and Big Merp)

  11. Boop-Boop-Bee-Doo, you're beautiful, Marylin ! We hope you find a great forever home very soon. Purrs

  12. Marilyn, our mom says that people who leave their animals behind should be jailed and forced to pay a huge fine toward animal rescue. You certainly did not deserve that. We are so happy that you were taken to PAWS. We know you will find the purrfect home and purrfect family. We send POTP that it will happen very soon. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  13. Such a pretty kitty! Hope you find a forever home soon!
    Thank you for sharing at

  14. She is lovely. I can see her as an Only Cat. She's very regal.

  15. What a precious girl you are Marilyn, we're sending pawsitives your way!

  16. You're a gorgeous girl Marilyn! Mom bean is quite angry to hear that anyone would up and leave you behind. I have my paws crossed you find your furever home soon.

  17. She is a beauty. I hope she gets her forever home soon. XO

  18. Marilyn is such a beauty and we hope she gets her real forever home soon. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  19. What a horrible human to leave such a beauty like Marilyn behind. I purr that Marilyn finds the home she deserves. ~Ernie

  20. Marilyn is a bombshell! I could see her furs blowing in the wind like Marilyn Monroe's skirt!

  21. Marilyn is beautiful indeed. I'm a tuxy fan as I've had one of my own. They are feisty little things and lots of fun. I hope Marilyn finds her new forever family very soon.

  22. Have a purrfect Thankful Thursday. ♥

  23. Hopefully Marilyn is in her furrever home soon- I would NEVER abandon my 4 legged family member ever!

  24. That's so sad that Marilyn was left behind, but so lucky she ended up at PAWS. I hope she finds her forever family soon.

  25. Marilyn is a true beauty! I'm so glad this little lady found her way to PAWS, as now she can know love even as she awaits her forever home. Purrs and prayers to Marilyn, and all the kitties!

  26. Poor deer Marilyn kitty unfair shee was left beehind! Now sumone nice can come an adopt her an give her a propurr home! Peepell REELLY upset us when they abadnon their 4 leggedss Mistur Kevin!
    Guud luck Marilyn....wee purrayin fore you =^..^=
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an <3 BellaSita Mum
