
June 2, 2021

(Almost) Wordless Miss P

Meet our buddy Miss P, a super friendly senior kitty who came to us when her owner was no longer able to care for her. As her friends, we can vouch for Miss P that she loves spending quality time with her peeps, and she adores being petted. We can tell she was very well-loved by her former human. She's getting more comfortable at PAWS, and all indications are that she'll be a lap cat once she finds her new forever home.

Miss P is about 12 years old. She is spayed, current on her vaccinations, and negative for FIV and FeLV. She really is a wonderful cat, and wants nothing more than to be loved and cherished by her very own human. Could that be you?
image-in-ing: weekly photo linkup


  1. So cute. I hope you will like my blog too.

  2. "P" must stand for pretty or perfect or princess - because Miss P is all three!

  3. Aww, Miss P is one graciously beautiful senior kitty. Dad says he'd snatch her up in a heartbeat if we were closer. As much as he loves all kitties his heart melts for the senior set.

  4. She is very pretty and has lovely white whiskers.

  5. Oh, that's so sad for her and for her (former) human too. She's beautiful ladycat and we hope someone will fall in love with her and give her a wonderful forever home. ♥

  6. What a beauty! I'm sorry Miss P ended up in the shelter but I purr that she's finds a new home soon.

  7. Miss P., you are beautiful and we hope you find your new love soon sweetie. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. She's beautiful and everyone loves a loving lap cat. I hope she finds that forever home soon.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  9. awwww....we iz troo lee sorree ta lurn bout yur purson miss P

    ewe iz a gorgeouz houz panther N we send best best best fishez two ewe
    that yur IN a new for everz home by joon 11th :)

  10. Beautiful girl! We send our purrs that she finds a furever home soon.

  11. She is so beautiful! Senior cats are the best to adopt! I wish I could bring Miss P home to Texas, I need an extra babysitter for the kittens - Old Gus is getting tired!

  12. What a beautiful kitty, and kitties of Miss P's age are always so sweet! The kitties and I hope she gets a new forever home soon!

  13. Miss P, you certainly are a gorgeous lady. And you definitely do not know 12. We are happy you are doing well at PAWS, BUT WE DO PRAY YOU SOON HAVE THAT PURRFECT FUREVER HOME. GOOD LUCK, BEAUTIFUL GIRL. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  14. She is truly beautiful. I love her sweet face.

  15. Miss P you are so beautiful we think you will find the right home in no time

  16. Miss P is so pretty! I'm sure her former human was heartbroken to have to give her up. I hope she finds a new home soon.

  17. Miss P is beautiful! I can't imagine how heartbreaking it was for her and her human to part ways. I hope she finds a new loving home soon ❤️

  18. I hope this beauty gets her forever home soon. XO

  19. What a gorgeous lady! Wowzers! We are sad that she can no longer live with her peeps but we are purraying that a new and wonderful forever home are in her future!

  20. She deserves to find a permanent lap soon.

  21. awww hope she's at home with a new lap!

  22. Our mommy is sucker for beautiful black kitties.

    Emma and Buster
