
November 4, 2020

Dona Nobis Pacem* / #blog4peace

It's November 4, and we're participating in the annual "BlogBlast for Peace." Now in its 15th year, this movement started by Mimi Lenox has grown to include thousands of bloggers in hundreds of countries - and countless other folks on various forms of social media - all taking the day to spread messages of love, hope and peace.

This November 4 sure is different than any other. With the spiraling global pandemic, the ongoing fight against social injustice, and so much divisiveness and political and economic upheaval, our world isn't exactly peaceful. Is it possible to find inner peace in such a sea of anxiety? Our totally chill (and super adoptable) pal Truman thinks it is. His advice for cats is, "close your eyes, take a deep breath, and purr." And he says humans can replace the part about purring with making sure to hold fast to hope, and practicing self-care. We may not be able to change the world, but we can do what we can to change our own worlds, right?

We're hoping for better days ahead. Our wish, as always, is for all beings everywhere is that they have lives and homes that are abundantly full of peace and love. (*Dona Nobis Pacem is Latin for "Grant us peace.")
image-in-ing: weekly photo linkup


  1. Cat wisdom at its best. <3 Sending you love and peace day blessings. What a year!

  2. Awww, I love the heart-nose! Beautiful globe; that quote is so true (but sometimes hard to do). I wish you peace!

  3. That is wonderful advise sweet Truman and we hope you find the peace in your forever home soon. Love your peace globe! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. We need this more than ever, and sweet Truman is the perfect ambassador.
    Peace and love dear friends.

  5. Beautiful peace globe. Truman is a cutie. XO

  6. We sure need some peace. I'm with you.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  7. YAY! Truman for Purresident! What a wonderful advice💗Let's purr on together☮Peaceful Pawkisses to all of you🐾😽💞

  8. Truman is very wise. We all need to take a breath and purr....I'm on it. We can change our own worlds! Yes.

    Beautiful peace globe.
    Thank you for participating.

    Peace to you and yours.

  9. truman; ewe iz one handsum dood and now THATZ what we call chillaxin....we send de best oh fishez in dishez two ewe that yur chillaxin in yur OWN for everz bee for PIE day :)

    ☺☺☺♥♥♥ peace dood ~~~~~

  10. Inner peace is about all we can hope for these days, and it can be hard to come by, but our humans keep trying. Truman definitely has the right idea. Great post for today! We wish you peace. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  11. You're a furry smart kitty Truman and and excellent ambassador for peace. Purrs that you find your furever home soon.

  12. Mama loves this quote and would like to adopt this as mantra.

    Emma and Buster

  13. I love this post. And your cat is very wise. Might he consider running for office? Smiles.

  14. Love this post especially this year. It's the anniversary of Domino's death so my post is different this year.

  15. I love Truman! Lovely peace globe and sentiment from Truman! Happy Blog4Peace Day!

  16. Kitties know how to find the inner peace...they are very wise and we can learn so much from them! Peace to all xoxo

  17. I didn't do a globe this year but I am purring for peace.

  18. Your caption and photo are perfect for this tense time of waiting for election results.
    Thanks for sharing at

  19. Truman that is some sage advice for us all. Thanks for the wisdom

  20. What an adorable zen kittie you are Truman! Peace to all and love to the kitties.

  21. Dona Noblis Pacem,I love your peace glob.

  22. thanks Truman - I'll definitely take some time today to get my purr on!
