
November 18, 2020

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday - Bridget

This beautiful kitty is our adoptable new pal, Bridget. Don't you just love her big round eyes, and her adorable pink nose? 😸 Even though we only met her for the first time on Sunday, we can already tell you she's sweet, gentle, and affectionate. 💖

Bridget ended up at PAWS when her senior owner was no longer able to provide care. These kind of situations always make us sad, but we are glad there are places like PAWS that give these cats a new chance at their happily ever afters. Bridget is about 6 years old, spayed, microchipped, current on her vaccinations, and negative for FIV and FeLV. She adores humans, and we know she will be a perfect companion to whoever is lucky enough to adopt her. Come meet Bridget today, and fall in love.
image-in-ing: weekly photo linkup


  1. An orange GIRL?! Oh my, and a totally gorgeous one at that. The Human has never had an orange kitty but she thinks they are the bees' knees whatever that means. Lots of purrs for her to find her furever home sooN!

  2. Sad she had to be given up. I bet she misses her human.
    She sounds like a sweet kitty that would love a home where she can
    snuggle lots. Purrs she gets that soon!!!!
    Purrs, Julie

  3. She looks like a gorgeous cuddly bundle of love.

  4. Dearest Meowmeowmans,
    Guess it is the saddest part of any kitty to have an ailing elderly human Parent...
    But thanks to PAWS that indeed they can be placed and continue to be loved.
    Thank you so much for stopping by on my post about sweet Barty's passing. He was so loved and he gave SO much. They have different characters, just like humans but each one tries to do its very best.
    Left you a reply.

  5. Bridget is beautiful! We're sorry her human couldn't care for her anymore, but we know you will find her a great new home.

  6. Such a beautiful, beautiful girl and we hope you get your new hope soon Bridget. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. She's beautiful and I love her colors. I hope she finds a forever home and soon.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  8. We're so sorry Bridget and her human couldn't stay together. But we're sure another family will love her just as much.

  9. What a pretty and expressive face Bridget has.
    It makes me sad, too, when humans and cats have to part ways :( we certainly hope she finds her way to a new home soon. We can see in her eyes that she wants a human companion again.

  10. Beautiful girl, and I would keep her name of she was mine. XX

  11. Bridget, you are gorgeous. We know female orange tabbies are not as rare as they once were, but we are still excited when we see one. We are sure happy PAWS is there to give kitties like you at second chance at a happily ever after. Sending POTP that you get a new home for the holidays. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  12. bridget; ewe bee one gorgeouz gal....troo lee....ya ree mind uz oh cuzin perkolator ♥♥

    we iz sorree a bout yur purrson N we hope yur new for everz purrson{s} stop in reel soon
    ... sew ya can sell a brate pie day with them :) ♥♥♥ best best fishez ♥♥♥

  13. A ginger girl ? What a cutie ! We hope she finds a forever home very soon, she looks so sweet. Purrs

  14. She is so pretty. She reminds me of our Angel Prancie who we miss so much. I love her name too- it was my Grandmother's name. I hope she gets her forever home soon. XO

  15. She's a beautiful and somewhat rare orange girl!

  16. What a lovely ginger kitty you are. Paws crossed that you get your furever home very soon.

    Emma and Buster

  17. What a sweet girl, I am so thankful that there are places like PAWS for sweeties like Bridget, thank you all for what you do for these kitties.

  18. We couldn't be wordless at all about Bridget. She's beautiful.
    The housekeeper wants to cuddle her so bad!! - Tom xx

  19. She's a big furry affectionate girl... Kevin really caught her personality in these pictures.

  20. She looks so sweet and gentle! Love her big rounded eyes!

  21. Who wouldn't fall in love with Bridget's face?!?!

  22. A ginger female? I bet Bridget will be adopted quickly. At least I hope so!

  23. Bridget is adorable! Big round eyes....and cute round face :-) It’s very sad her human had to give her up, but I’m glad she is at PAWS while waiting for her new home. I hope the wait will be short :-)

  24. Bridget you are one beautiful lady. We know you are so full of love and spunk someone will choose you to come home with them
