
September 26, 2018

A Home for Every Cat #RememberMeThursday

Thursday, September 27, is Remember Me Thursday, a special international event that shines a light on orphan pets, and the beauty and life-saving importance of pet adoption. To mark this special awareness day, we're sharing about something wonderful that happened on Sunday.

Patch, in February 2016
We like to think there's the right home for every cat that comes through the doors of PAWS. Sometimes, it takes a long time to find that home, but we all believe it's out there, somewhere. 

Some shelter cats get adopted quickly. These are most often the young, friendly and outgoing cats who deal well with being in new and unfamiliar places. But there are also cats who are older, or ones who are shy, scared and/or less outgoing with strangers. They may be wonderful, and love the humans with whom they are familiar (shelter staff and volunteers), but these kitties often don't show well and tend to get passed over time and again by potential adopters.

Young Patch, in early 2011
One such cat was volunteer favorite Patch, who first came to PAWS on May 28, 2010, when his human mom passed away. At that time, we wrote that, "The woman’s widower said, “…he didn’t want Patch and his mother around ‘because they were a reminder of his late wife.’" And if that wasn’t bad enough, whoever put Patch into the carrier to be brought to PAWS did so with such force that his back claws were torn. It’s no wonder that Patch was terrified of people when we first met him." (You can read one of our first posts about Patch here.)
Patch, from December 2015
With love and patient persistence from his volunteer friends, Patch learned that some humans were sources of good things. But after 8 1/3 years of watching other cats come and go, would he ever find his happily ever after? We're happy to report that the answer is YES. This past Sunday, Patch was adopted! And there wasn't a dry eye in the house. He is going to a home with experienced cat parents, who have promised to send us lots of photos and updates. He will be joining a senior gal kitty in the home as a companion. We know Patch will flourish with his mom and dad's love and a regular routine.

Patch and his new family, on September 23, 2018
 We are over the moon that Patch and his new parents made that special forever love connection. He's certainly one of the lucky ones. But every day, thousands of cats and dogs aren’t so fortunate. Through no fault of their own, they end up in shelters that are not able to give them the time they need to adjust, and many die while waiting for their forever homes. Please consider rescuing your next pet instead of shopping for one. You'll be saving that pet's life - and the life of the next one that can now be taken in by the shelter!

We're taking part in the special Remember Me Thursday Blog Hop, co-hosted by our pals at Lola the Rescued Cat, and Three Chatty Cats. Be sure to visit their blogs to see who else is hopping (or to join in)! 


  1. I am so happy for Patch! I know that his new family will treasure him, the way he was meant to be.

  2. Aw gees, I'm bawling my eyes out. I'm so happy for him, and hope all his days are filled with love and kitty joy. Purrs from Nicki and Derry. ♥️

  3. Such a wonderful post and the whiskers are plenty wet too. The wait was worth it Patch, you're really home now. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. 8 years??? what a special family - concats Patch

  5. We are so happy for Patch. - Alasandra The Cats and Dogs

  6. Wow, wow, happy for Patch! 8 years is an incredibly long time to wait for that perfect forever home, but it sounds like he has one now. Thank you for joining the blog hop!

  7. I can't even express how happy this post makes me. It's sad to think that Patch was passed over by adopters for 8 years, but his happy ending is simply purrfect. Thank you to all those at PAWS who cared for Patch while he waited for his forever home! And thank you to Patch's new mom and dad for giving him that forever home!

  8. I wish we knew about this day. We both are rescue cat and we encourage everyone to go out and get a cat/dog from the shelter.

    Emma and Buster

  9. We're so happy Patch found the purrfect forever home! Mr. Kevin, you and Miss Tracey are just pawesome for everything you do for cats. Thanks for hopping with us - we appreciate your support.

  10. This has to be one of the best stories we've ever read! This is what Remember Me Thursday is all about. Thank you THANK YOU for sharing Patch's story and for being an amazing advocate for kitties. ~Christina

  11. I am overjoyed for that dear boy! I hope he has a long and happy life in his new home.

  12. I'm glad Patch has a new forever home. Bless his heart.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  13. We are so glad Patch finally has the home and family he deserves. It breaks Our hearts to think he had to wait so long. We hope his new family will spoil him to pieces (mol).

  14. Patch waited too long. I’m so happy he finally found his happily ever after! This post made me smile big with joy! I wish him a wonderful life with his forever family xo

  15. PATCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!! we iz BUZZED happee for ewe N we gotta add mit we kneaded a hankee two....all de veree veree veree VEREE best two ewe anda most happee gotcha day with 90 mor ta follow ~~~~~~ now THIS iz whatz called a 984 PAWZ UP post ♥♥♥♥♥♥ YAY and HOORAY ~~~~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥

  16. Yay Patch! He reminds me a little of our new kitty Teddy!

  17. Awww! Not a dry eye in the palace tat reading the happy ending. Thank goodness for kindness hope and patience

  18. Well, I'm in tears! I remember Patch when he was brought in to PAWS; what a sad, sad story. Of course, he was loved by all the staff and volunteers at PAWS, but a home of his own is the best news ever!! It's situations like this that keep those of us in animal rescue going. Miss all of you at PAWS!

  19. We can't express the words of how happy we are for Patch. Eight long years so such a long time. Now it's time for you to live a wonderful life at your furever home. Have fun and enjoy the everyday fun with your new family. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day and we can't wait to see photos of Patch at his new home.
    World of Animals

  20. OMC! How pawsome for Patch! We can’t believe it took him so long to find his home...but we know he’ll be very happy.

  21. Finally! So happy Patch is in his forever home. It gives us hope for Daphne and Matt and all the other long timers.

  22. Well, there is not a dry eye in this house either!!!!!!!
    Have a wonderful,long and happy life Patch!!!!!
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ
    and the mum

  23. So glad sweet Patch got his forever home at last !

  24. There are no dry eyes here either I could not be more happy. I too am over the moon. I am grateful he finally got his happy ever after. XXXX

  25. Oh, dear sweet Patch, our eyes are leaky over your story and that you had to wait for so long. We are so very happy that you have a family now who will love you and hope you are spoiled every single day. You deserve it!

  26. That is the best news EVER!!! I wish him the happiest life ever in his new forever home.

  27. That is so pawsum!!! Yeah, we're cryin'. Big hugs fur all.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  28. We were in tears reading about Patch. Happy tears, of course. Concats!

  29. I am so happy for Patch and his new family. That is a long time to wait for a forever home.

  30. Yay ! We're so, so happy for Patch ! Purrs

  31. Chocked up with tears at the good news. Thank you lady and gentleman, for being so kind and perceptive. You are the best kind of people.

    (Frankly I hope the person who put him in the container chokes on a fish bone)

  32. I am so happy for patch although the story brought tears to my eyes. All cats and dogs deserve a loving home. Thank you for the incredible work you do to shine a light all year long on shelter cats. ♥

  33. Thank you for all you do for felines and the story about Patch was fabulous!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,
    Alberto & The Tribe of Five

  34. What a happy ending for Patch and his new People! You guys ROCK! XOXO

  35. *wipes tears* This was so hearttouching, that Granny and I couldn't stay dry either. So Happy you found a furrever home, sweet boy. Good Luck Pawkisses for you and for all the kitties and animals who are still waiting for a furrever homeπŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

  36. Patch waited 8 years! This had us in tears, but so excited for the new life he will certainly have his new experienced cat parents. And that part about forcibly shoving poor Patch in a carrier... :(
    xx Best Purrs from Mr. Jack and the Chirpies

  37. I didn't know about Remember Me Thursday. Thanks so much for sharing this. I'm so glad Patch was finally adopted. His new family sounds wonderful. My sister's cat Salem spent four years in the shelter. He died earlier this year, but she had a wonderful five years with him. I was so proud of her when she adopted him. She asked me to find her a cat no one else wanted, and Salem fit the bill. He was a senior, black, didn't like new people, or most people, but he adored my sister, and she loved him like crazy. Thank you for the reminder to take the time to meet the scared, older, shy cats. They're just as deserving as a loving home.
