
March 28, 2018

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday - Roxy

Our adoptable friend Roxy is one of THOSE cats. You know the kind. The kind that simply exudes sweetness and love. The kind that everyone who meets her is immediately smitten with. 💖 

As you can see from these pictures, beautiful and super friendly tabby Roxy totally enjoys spending time with her human pals. She also likes being pet, and if you're lucky, you may even get to rub her tummy (as evidenced in that last photo). Roxy is only about 2 years old, and her kittens have already been adopted, so now she's ready to be YOUR baby. This ladycat is spayed, microchipped, current on her vaccinations, and negative for FIV and FeLV. Won't you come meet her today? You (and Roxy) will be glad you did!


  1. It sounds like Roxy is 100% ready for her new home!

  2. What a pretty kitty you are Roxy. We sure hope you find your new home soon and we bet that you do.

  3. Oh sweet Roxy, I so hope you get your forever home soon too, you are such a sweet and pretty gal. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. What a sweetheart Roxy is! I would love to come over and give her tummy rubs :-)
    Purrs for her finding her loving forever home very soon!

  5. What a love! We sure hope it doesn't take long for Roxy to find her true forever home. ♥

  6. Roxy looks like a lover!
    Thanks for sharing at

  7. We hope Roxy finds her home soon. With as sweet as she is, it shouldn't take her long.

  8. You are such a cutie, Roxy, right down to that fluffy tummy! We have faith that you will be in your forever home very soon, sweet girl. Purrs to you!

  9. Hey Roxy. You will find your furever home really soon. With those photos it's a matter of time. Happy Respect Your Cat Day to you. Somebody will be rubbing that tummy at no time. Have a great one.
    World of Animals

  10. look at her precious pink nose!! Hoping she finds her furever home soon!! catchatwithcarenandcody

  11. Sigh. Everybuddy loves you, Roxy, but no one wants to take you home. Everyone is looking for a long-haired cat breed. I hope that changes.

  12. roxy; we haza hole lotta awwwwwwwwz goin on heer two day for yur gorgeouz self N we hope ewe can sendz a text two yur wee onez ta let em noe ewe haz finded yur for everz home two ~~~ N we hope ya due sew bye caturday ....all de best oh easturr hamz two ewe ☺☺☺♥♥♥♥

  13. Oh Roxy, you're so pretty. You could be a movie star. purrs

  14. Just look at those love eyes in the second photo! Beautiful girl.

  15. SUch a beauty. I hope she gets her forever home soon.

  16. Roxy, you look like a lovable charmer to us. We think your forever home will be coming your way very soon. In fact, we'll be praying for just that. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  17. Roxy you are such a beautiful kitty!

    From the crew at

  18. That second picture! I just want to snuggle her up! ~Rascal and Rocco

  19. You're so pretty, Roxy, we hope you find a forever home very soon ! Purrs

  20. Such gawjus kitties. It just breaks our heart to see such luvvin' little faces and think they don't have a furever home of their own. We're sharin' and purrayin'. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  21. What a beauty you are, Roxy. And we bet your forever family is making their way to you even right now!

  22. Roxy's a stunner! Who can resist giving belly rubs?! Show me your belly and you know how it'll end!

  23. Roxy is such a star. She sure as heck deserves a fabulous home!

  24. Roxy is adorable! I love her little pink nose. It always makes me so sad when the kittens are all adopted, but the mom is left behind. That's what happened with our Tara. I hope Roxy is adopted soon.
