
September 24, 2017

Thank You, and Sunday Selfies

Thank you, dear friends and family, for the tremendous outpouring of love, support and kindness after we had to say goodbye to our beloved housepanther, Zoe. She was an amazing little cat, so full of joy and life, and we hold fast to the hope that we will see her again, one fine day. Until then, her indomitable spirit lives on in our hearts and minds.
Thank you, Ann/Zoolatry, for this beautiful badge.
For those who don't know, we adopted Zoe and her sister Gracie together as senior kitties from PAWS. Bonded siblings who are older often have a difficult time being adopted. Gracie and Zoe waited for three years before they came home with us, and they infused our home with love. We have never, ever regretted our excellent decision to adopt them. And I'm not just saying that because Gracie is snuggled up between Tracey and me right now. 😉 

Speaking of bonded older kitty pairs, when we asked the adorable adoptable PAWS cats who would volunteer for the Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfie Blog Hop (this week's edition is in honor of Angel Zoe!), up stepped Miss Kitty and her brother Black Jack. And they both did a fine job. Just look at those faces!
Miss Kitty
Black Jack
Miss Kitty and Blackjack are about 8 years old, and are both super friendly lapcats. They love people and get along with other nice kitties. They are both spayed/neutered, micro-chipped, current on their vaccinations, and negative for FIV and FeLV. As mentioned, they are totally bonded, and must be adopted together. But as we will attest, that just means more love for everybuddy. Come meet Miss Kitty and Black Jack today, and fall in love!

It's Sunday, which means we're taking part in the Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. We hope you'll join in the fun!  Our dear friends, Mom Janet and the Kitties Blue, asked if they could honor our beloved Angel Zoe this week. We are so moved by this sweet and thoughtful gesture, and of course said, "yes." Thank you, sweet pals, for remembering our baby Zoe.


  1. Just wanted to say again so sorry to hear as bout Zoe. A wonderful kitty. And an excellent reminder about the importance of adopting seniors

  2. Miss Kitty and Black Jack look such an ideal rehoming couple, so much love and friendship to give just like Gracie and Zoe. At eight they sure aren't old, and boy they are so cute too!
    Hugs and purrs to you all at this time.

  3. Miss Kitty and Black Jack look adorable and I hope they get their forever home soon.So very sorry about the loss of your Zoe,many snuggles to you,xx Speedy

  4. We hope Miss Kitty and Black Jack find their forever home, as Gracie and Zoe did. Sending lots of purrs and hugs. ♥

  5. We learned of the passing of your beautiful panther girl Zoe at Kitties Blue/The Cat on My Head blog this morning. We are so sorry for your loss - Zoe is now an Angel and we're sure my big brother Angel Sammy was there to welcome her at the Bridge. We send you hugs.....

    Love, Teddy and Mom Pam

  6. Miss Kitty and Blackjack sure are a good looking pair. We all have our paws crossed here that they will find that forever home and soon. They are two good looking cats.Have a great day.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about Zoe. What a wonderful cat! Miss Kitty and Black Jack look like excellent cats too. I hope they find a great home soon.

  8. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your kitty, Zoe. Sending comforting thoughts.

  9. Precious Zoe. As with Moosey, I won't forget her.

    You two, Miss Kitty and Black Jack, who in the world would not LOVE to have you? Look at you and those dear faces!!!XXXX

  10. We thank Miss Kitty and Black Jack for being the face of PAWS this Sunday to show support for dear Zoe. Reading Zoe's story we know you are feeling a great loss and we send our love and support at this sad time. Fly Free and watch over us dear Zoe until that day we all meet again in the land of endless sun and fun.
    Love, Purrs and Prayers
    Timmy, Dad Pete and Family

  11. They are such an adorable couple and we hope that special forever home gets there soon. Your Zoe was such a special gal, hugs from all of us and thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

  12. Your Zoe knew nothing but love and happiness during her life with you. We know you will always miss her, but we also know that she will remain forever in your hearts. Until you meet again.

    Adorable Miss Kitty and Black Jack did such a wonderful job honoring Zoe. They are both too cute for words! Purrs to them, and to all of you!

  13. So very sorry to read of your loss. We love those beautiful mini-Panthers and mourn the loss of such a beautiful one.
    Cat Scout Charles and mom Inge

  14. We are so sorry to hear about Zoe. Purrs from us!

  15. Lovely kitties!

    Sharing :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  16. Please give Gracie extra kisses from us, it has to be so hard for her too, my heart is just broken. Sending you love and (((hugs)) today and always catchatwithcarenandcody

  17. Miss Kitty and Black Jack look like two peas in a pod. We pray they will have a new home really soon. We were happy to have the opportunity to honor Zoe; though, so sad that you had to say good-bye. Lymphoma is very sneaking. We lost our very special cat, Madison, to it. We know she'll be in your hearts forever and that you all will be reunited again. Sending lots of love and prayers. Thank you for being our friends! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  18. Miss Kitty and Black Jack are a lovely pair. I am glad that bonded kitties must be adopted together. It is heartbreaking to think that some places split them up.
    Love and hugs to you both, and a special hug for Gracie.

  19. That's really a great graphic for her.

  20. I'm grateful that Zoe had such a loving forever home and family in her final years. I hope Gracie is coping well after her sister is gone. Miss Kitty and Black Jack are such cute siblings. I hope they will find their home very soon xo

  21. Miss Kitty and Black Jack are both such lovely cats, and look so much alike!

    That is a wonderful graphic for Zoe. And thank you again for giving her and Gracie a loving home together in their senior years. I can only imagine how distressing and confusing this is for Gracie, and glad you are there for her.

  22. I'm so sorry to hear about Zoe, but you gave Zoe and Gracie the best gift ever - you adopted them together! I'm sure they think it was worth the 3 year wait to be in such a loving home. Black Jack and Miss Kitty are beautiful, I hope they find a wonderful home soon. Sharing.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  23. BlackJack and miss Kitty look like twins, two beautiful kitties. Here come Good Luck Pawkisses to find a furrever home soon❤❤❤

  24. We love you all very much. Zoe has been added to our Rainbow Friends page. We are so sorry for your loss. Hugs. xoxo

  25. I can't even imagine a kitty waiting 3 years for a home :( The one she got was worth the wait though!

  26. Too difficult to imagine kitties sitting in shelters waiting for a forever home.

    Emma and Buster

  27. I was so very sad to read about Zoe. I could not find the words to express my sadness to you and especially for Gracie. Our pets come into our lives and bring such joy. I was sorry to hear of your loss and extend my sympathies love and strength to you all. I know she will be missed.
    We are purraying that Black Jack and Miss Kitty find theirs!
    With all my Love

  28. Miss Kitty and BlackJack are both adorable. We hope they find a home soon. And once again we are so sorry about Zoe. Bless you and Tracey for giving her and Gracie a home. We hope Gracie is doing okay despite losing her friend.

  29. Miss Kitty and Black Jack sure are sweet beautiful kitties. Hope they find a great new den.


    We are so sad that you had to say your goodbye to Zoe, and she is now a beautiful strong Angel Kitty.
    RIP Zoe.

    We made a card to honor Zoe's Memory.
    Just copy that code, then you can save/post it anywhere. Its also on our posting for today.

    ((((( ♥ )))))

    Purrs and Hugs. Wags from MJF

  30. Miss Kitty and Black Jack are an adorable pair - they almost look like twins!

  31. What a gorgeous pair. Who wouldn't fall in love with them?

  32. They sure are gawjus. We're so glad ya'll 'dopted Gracie and Zoey. We're sorry fur your loss, but we know you wouldn't have changed a thing. Dat's what makes it all da sweeter. We're sharin' and purrayin'. Big hugs fur all.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena
