
June 7, 2017

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday - Goober :)

Do you remember our recent post about kitty sisters Molly, Iris and Goober? Well, Molly and Iris have been adopted. Now, before you start feeling sorry for little Goober, we need to let you know that she is getting lots of love and attention from the PAWS staff and volunteers. LOTS. Seriously ... just look at her. Doesn't your heart positively smile?

Goober is about 2 years old, spayed, micro-chipped and current on her vaccinations. She is negative for FIV and FeLV. Goober gets along with other cats, and it's no exaggeration to say she LOVES people. To know her is to adore her, so come meet Goober today! 💖


  1. Goober is adorable! I don't think she'll be at PAWS for much longer - somebody has got to snatch her up soon!

  2. Besides being a cutie, Goober, you have the greatest name :D purrs you'll be on your way to your furrever home soon!

    pip, smidgen, minnie, hollie, sharpie, ditto, TL

  3. Such a pretty sweetie!
    Purring her family will find her soon :)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  4. Goober and Misti...ahhhhhhh...mommy said she wants them.

  5. We hope you will soon be in your furever home Goober.

  6. Goober! My goodness, you are too cute. We are purring and praying for the arrival of your furever family, but in the meantime we have no doubt that you are getting lots and lots of love from the fantastic peeps at PAWS.

  7. Those are great pictures. What a sweet goofball.

  8. Goober, it will be your turn soon!

  9. Goober, darling, we cannot believe you do not have a forever home. You are adorable beyond measure. You just keep playing cute and showing off those gorgeous eyes. We'd snap you up to be a Kitty Blue in a minute if we didn't have a full house. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  10. she is so adorable....we can't imagine how she keeps getting passed by

  11. We're glad her sisters were adopted, but we ARE feeling sorry for her. We can't imagine why she was passed up, either, but hope the right home is just around the corner. ♥

  12. We sure hope that sweetie Goober gets her turn for a happy super soon. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  13. Sweet Goober what a beauty you are and what fun it would be to play with you. We wish you all the best in your new home with a loving family that we hope comes to fetch you very soon. Hugs and nose kisses

  14. I still feel sorry for her, I don't like to see family broken up. Such a beauty.

  15. You can count me among Goober's fans! She's such a sweet kitty.
    PAWS is careful to identify bonded cats who wouldn't do well if they were separated. They make sure those cats stay together and can only be adopted as a pair.
    If the cats aren't bonded, it's better to get them adopted and out of the shelter faster.

  16. Oh my, Goober looks like such a sweet and adorable little character <3. And we love those deep green eyes!

  17. Who can resist that beautiful face and spectacular green eyes?

    Emma and Buster

  18. Goober's grey colors with her pink nose are purr-fect.

  19. goober; waves two ewe gorgeouz.....we haz all 984 pawz crossed... plus that oh de nayborz that yur for everz peepulz iz all set N reddy ta bring ewe ta yur for everz home; yet thiz best oh bloo gil perch sardeenz N mackerull that yur a joon grad ☺☺☺☺♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  20. My GOSH she's pretty. And look at how nicely she poses for the camera! A talent for modelling, for sure. purrs

  21. Did I just hear TW say she wants a cat who looks just like Goober when she has the WORLD'S MOST STUNNING CAT????

  22. Goober has the most beautiful green eyes!

  23. Goober is so beautiful! I love those eyes and her playful nature. She looks like she is having a great time with that toy. I hope that she finds her forever home soon!
    -Purrs from your friends at

  24. What an adorable kitty!
    Thanks for linking up at

  25. Congratulations to Molly and Iris! Awww Goober sure looks very happy :-) I hope she finds her forever home very soon!

  26. What an adorable little girl! xo

  27. We purray extra hard and send extra Good Luck Pawkisses that you also find a furrever home soon, Goober❤❤❤

  28. Oh, Goober. We're rooting for you! Here's hoping you woo the right family soon.

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  29. Goober is the whole package! What a cutie! We know someone will snatch her up lickity-split! :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  30. {sigh} Why is it that I fall in love with every single kitty you share?!? Then again, how can you NOT fall in love with her?!?!

  31. Goober is just so darling, so gorgeous and we will purray fur her to get her furever home as soon as poss!

    Big hugs

    Basil & CO xox

  32. She's gawjus. We're sharin' and purrayin'. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  33. Goober, the mom sez you're ADORBS (we hear that's a good thing). Paws up for your forever peeps to come in REAL soon!
