
June 25, 2017

900 Posts / Josie's Sunday Selfie

Happy Sunday, everybuddy! As you can see, cartoon Gracie and Zoe are here to let you know that this just so happens to be our 900th post.😺

These "milestone" number posts always kind of sneak up on us. Who would have imagined when Tracey started this little blog way back when that we'd still be at it all these years later? We certainly wouldn't be here without your love, friendship and support. Thank you all for always rooting for us, and for being such sources of encouragement, strength and joy. And for sharing in our lives and adventures, and in the stories about the amazing cats we're blessed to love and meet during the time we spend volunteering at PAWS


Oh, and lest you think we forgot, we're also taking part in the Selfie Sunday Blog Hop, hosted by our wonderful pals at The Cat on My Head! This week's selfie volunteer is our absolute sweetheart of a friend Josie. Here are her gorgeous selfies, coming to you straight from Auntie Tracey's lap.

Josie is about 10 years old, and is sweet as can be. She loves everyone she meets, and is (as you can see) a quintessential lap cat. Josie is spayed, micro-chipped, current on her vaccinations, and negative for FIV and FeLV. And all she wants is love. So ... got love? 😻


  1. Gracie and Zoe, Concatulation for 900 post !

    and I send purrs for Miss Josie to have forever home so soon. =^x^= she is a beauty !

  2. Oh, how lovely you are, Josie. We were so surprised to hear that you are ten. You look like a kitten. We wish you lots off love and luck in finding a loving and forever home. Concats Kevin and Tracey on 900 posts. What a great accomplishment, especially as those posts have helped to find so many kitties new homes. Thanks for always hopping. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  3. Oh beautiful sweet Josie what beautiful lady you are.

    Happy 900th post. That is such a milestone.

    Emma and Buster

  4. What a pretty little Tortie Miss Josie is,hope her forever home comes up soon,And 900th post wow that is pawsome,xx Speedy

  5. BIG congratulations for the 900! Brilliant achievement and all for the cats. Josie is stunning and hope will be in a loving home ASAP and make the 900th a Super Speedy Sunday Selfie
    Purrs, ERin

  6. WOW, Josie is a beautiful girl. I love how her face is split in half. We hope this post brings her the purrfect family to take her home with them.

  7. Congratulations on 900 posts! We're looking forward to 1000...and beyond. :-)

    Josie has such pretty colouring. Does anyone remember an old Star Trek (TOS) episode with other-world people having split colouring? One had white on one side, black on the other, the other person was the mirror opposite. (Hmm, we've not come very far in the decades since, have we?) Anyway, as usual our human is getting side-tracked! We will keep our paws crossed and send purrs that Josie finds her forever home soon. Surely a sweetie like her would be easy to love! ♥

  8. What a beautiful girl! I'm looking forward to meeting her this morning.
    Congratulations on this giant milestone. It would be difficult to measure the adoptions you've inspired, the volunteerism you've promoted, and the love you've shared over the years. Countdown to 1000!

  9. WOO HOO! Concats to our honorary Mom and Dad (with help from our beautiful sisfurs) on 900 posts. You all have changed so many lives, both 2 legs and 4. We couldn't be prouder of all you do and couldn't love you more. Harry,Dexter, Tipp and Willow, Mom Carolyn and Dad Mark MUAH!

  10. Comcast on 900!! And thank you for all you do to help the cats at PAWS find homes

  11. Oh, how I am wishing ... wishing Josie were mine!
    We send you BIG HUGS for your 600th posting cause we are thinking it is likely almost that many kitties you've supported over the years! A grand and glorious paws up to Tracey and Kevin for your efforts, hard work, commitment and mostly your LOVE given to these many "adoptable" kits. We all love and congratulate you both, and thank you!

  12. Congrats on your 900 posts. Well done and it is so great that you try so hard to find those kitties some homes. Josie looks like such a great cat and we so hope she finds a home really soon. She is so pretty.

  13. Josie is gorgeous! And congrats on reaching this milestone! You know how much we love you guys and all you do helping homeless cats find the homes they so deserve. Purrs....

  14. Congrats on 900 posts and you're rockin' it fur sure! Josie sure is a beautiful gal and we hope she gets to go home super soon.

  15. We are sending you a huge concatulations on this 900th post. You do such wonderful, admirable work with this beautiful blog of yours. This blogosphere wouldn't be the same without you.

    And, Josie, you are so pretty! But, 10 years old?!? I would have guessed you were just barely out of kittenhood. Purrs to you!

  16. Concatulations on your 900th post ! Josie is such a pretty girl, we hope she finds a forever home very soon. Purrs

  17. Concats on your milepost! Wow that is truly something to celebrate!!!
    Josie is such a beautiful little girl.

  18. ConCatulations on 900 posts!!!! We hope Josie gets a forever home soon....she's precious!
    The Florida Furkids

  19. concats on 900 posts! oh my cats! JOsie is just beautiful! we love the markings on her face :) she is 10 years young :) we sure hope that doesn't hold anybuddy back from falling for her. purrs,

    pip, smidgen, minnie, hollie, sharpie, ditto, TL

  20. Concats on 900 posts we ALL love! *SMOOCHIES*!!! And Josie, I swear, mom swooned right here in my computer chair. She loves Torties (I know why) and she loves calicoes! Someone should come and sweep you off your feets! I sure am glad Mom Tracey started this bloggie for us all.xx

  21. What a beautiful girl Josie is!! We hope she finds her furrever home real soon!
    Arty & Jakey

  22. Concatulations on 900 posts! Wow! That is a LOT of kitties that you helped find homes for. Here's to 900 more. *waves* Hi, Josie! You are a cutie.

  23. Congrats on 900 posts! I am sure you are responsible for lots of cats getting forever homes. Josie is a cutie.

  24. Wow... 900 posts! Congrats... hoping you are shooting for 900 more.

    Have a great day.

    hugs, Bugsy, Knuckles and HH

  25. ***faintsss***
    ~~nudgin LadyMum~~ "Fankss See-dharhta Henry..."
    ~~stroking Siddhartha Henry~~
    mumblepurrss "Fankss LadyMum....did you see THAT kitty gurl?"

    Mistur Kevin an Lady Tracey that Josie iss drop deaded gorgeous an if wee lived close wee'd run rite over an adopt her...Mee-you...
    An conkatss on 900 postss!!! Wee hope to bee here fur 900 more deer furendss....
    ***paw patsss*** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^= an {{{hugsss}}} LadyMum

  26. Thank you for all that you do for cats. You are saints. HUGS.

  27. Congratulations on 900 posts!
    Josie is very pretty.

  28. A meowsy big Concats to ya'll. And OMC, dat Josie sure is a looker. We're sharin' and purrayin'. We also shared da WW boys. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  29. Josie!!! You are pawsitively breathtaking!!! Huge concats on 900 posts too :)

  30. Happy anniversary!! We luff coming to visit here.

  31. 900 posts not bad ! another 100 an you can really celebrate !! Josie has such a funny face with this line in the middle !

  32. Concatulations on your 900th post and all the amazing things you do for the kitties <3 We hope cute Josie will find a furrever home soon, here come some Good Luck Pawkisses on her way....and yours too, with 900 Extra Pawkisses...*to Granny: help me count, will you* :) <3

  33. congrats on 900 posts!!!!!!! Hoping Josie finds her furever home soon!!!

  34. Happy 900th post! Wow, this is such a huge milestone. Thank you for all your wonderful posts - they have broguht lots of fun for us and helped countless kitties to find homes!
    Josie is a cutie pie. I hope she will find her forever home soon! xo

  35. Congrats! Can't wait to see what you post for 1,000th post :)

  36. Wow! 900 posts! Rock on guys! Who would have thought! Love the cartoon Graie and Zoe! And that Josie, she is a stunner!
    Loads of Love and I'm praying Josie gets a forever home soon,

  37. Woo hoo, to 9 years and 900 posts. It takes a special kind of passion and perseverance to keep doing the good work the two of you do. You've made a difference to countless cats. Much love to you and a head butt from Clyde. And Purrs for a warm forever lap for Josie xoxo

  38. Congratulations! I always miss milestones/blog-related anniversaries. Afterward, I tell myself I'll remember the next one ... but no. We're so grateful for your friendship. And Josie is purr-fection. We hope she finds the love of a forever home soon :)

  39. Congratulations on your blogging achievement - but more importantly, congratulations on your faithfulness to serving as a voice and photographer to those who would otherwise be voiceless! Your dedication to the cause of deserving cats in need of a home is commendable and worthy of celebration for the countless numbers of cats and families that you have personally impacted!

    Blessings to you! :-)

  40. concats on the big 900! Josie doesn't look a day over 5.

  41. Wow wee! A big congratulations on the milestone! Could Josie be anymore beautiful?

  42. Congratulations on 900 posts! We are very happy you began blogging and that we can call you friends :) And , not to sound like old foggies but doesn't time fly?!! We have been blogging seven years to your nine years! Here's to many more posts Kevin and Tracey :) As always, we continue to support and admire your dedication to helping cats in transition :)

    the critters in the cottage xo
