
July 3, 2016

Swizzle's Easy Selfie Sunday :)

This week's selfie star is none other than our sweet and gorgeous pal Swizzle. As you can see, she's quite skilled at the whole selfie thing.

And with petting and snuggles from Auntie Tracey...

She's also ready for a nice, easy Sunday.

Everyone at the shelter loves Swizzle so much. She's such a super special ladycat. Did you know she's an honorary Blue Kitty? It's true! Mom Janet and the Kitties Blue (from the awesome The Cat on My Head blog) sponsor Swizzle every month. They also host the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, and as we are wont to do, we're hopping along this week. Are you? :)


  1. Mom was so excited when she saw Swizzle's photo on the blog hop. She fears that Swizzle will end up living out her days at PAWS. But we know she is well loved, and that is what counts. Mom prays for her everyday and we send POTP. Thank you for giving her the attention she deserves and letting her know that we love her. And, as always, thanks for hopping. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty may, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  2. Oh what a beautiful gray kitty. The face!

    Emma and Buster

  3. Kisses for adoption for all! :) xoxoxoxo

    Luv, Angel Keisha and Murphy the Poodle

  4. With looks like Swizzles it surely cant be long before a new home beckons.... Happy Sunday to you all.

  5. We always love seeing you on here, Swizzle! We purr and pray for the arrival of your forever home, but we also know that you get such wonderful care and love at PAWS. A lovely day to you, Swizzle, and to all the kitties and volunteers at PAWS!

  6. How nice to see Swizzle today! I really hope her in-person family comes along soon!

  7. Swizzle is a real ladycat..Look beautiful & calm. She will make a lovely home for any human.
    Purrs for her

  8. Swizzle, you do look like such a great cat. Hopefully someone will come along and give you a great home and soon.

  9. I will give Swizzle some love when I'm at PAWS this morning. She's a sweetie!

  10. Happy 4th to all the hoomins and kittehs today.

  11. Hi Swizzle! I love the look on your face in the first picture. I sure hope you find a wonderful home soon!

  12. We can't believe beautiful Swizzle is still at the shelter. It's nice to see her today.

  13. May Swizzle find her forever home soon. Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. You should already be home beautiful Swizzle, we're ramping up the purrs for you.

  15. Super that Kitties Blue sponsored Swizzle. Thanks so much for stopping by to check on Sweetpea.

  16. She is a beauty!! Hoping she finds her furever home soon and so nice of Kitties Blue to sponsor her!! catchatwithcarenandcody

  17. Swizzle is so pretty. Kitties Blue are so sweet to sponsor her.

  18. pawsome selfie and Easy, Swizzle! it hurts our hearts that she is still waiting for her forever home. we're purring hard that it won't be long before we see her on a forever home Friday!

    pip, smidgen, minnie, hollie, sharpie, ditto

  19. She is so beautiful, it is hard to believe she hasn't been snatched up by her forever family.

  20. Swizzle iss so beeuteefull. Wee are so happy Kittiess Blue sponsor her...shee deeservess a fur efurr home tho'....iss sad no one has whisked her away!!!!
    Mistur Meowmeowman Kevin yur thee best fur takin care of Swizzle!!!
    Happy 4th to all of youss' thee.
    Siddhartha Henry =^,.^= an LadyMum :)

  21. Oh, pretty Swizzle. You really are beautiful. I hope someone takes you home very soon!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  22. Swizzle is such a cutie pie! It's a mystery why she hasn't found her home yet. Purrs for her that her future family is just around the corner!
    Happy holiday weekend xoxo

  23. HI Swizzle you sure are cute today especially, and we're glad to see you got your special selfie face on!

  24. Swizzle is such a can she not have been adopted yet???

  25. Swizzle looks very sweet. And quite contented on this Sunday :)

    Thanks for your thoughts and purrs for Luna!

    -Luna and Amanda (CatSynth)

  26. Beautiful Selfie, Swizzle! I think she likes it with you and feels already adopted ;) We send Good Luck Pawkisses to find a furrever home soon though <3 <3 <3

  27. We remember Swizzle. Can't believe she hasn't found her forever human yet. Hope she does very soon!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  28. Hello beautiful gentle sweet girl. xoxox

  29. Sweet Swizzle, your fur looks so soft. We're purring that your forever family is out there, making their way to you soon!

  30. How pawesome that Swizzle is a Blue kitty! The Blue's are just the greatest.

  31. Swizzle is so beautiful (Our Mama is partial to grey cats...). We hope she finds a home soon and it's nice to know she is in good hands in the meantime :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  32. Swizzle is absolutely delightful, we really hope she finds her furever home soon!


    Basil & Co xox

  33. Swizzle is gorgeous! Mes can sees why she is a honorary Kitties Blue!
    Happy 4th of July to yous all!

  34. Swizzle looks more than ready for her new home. Hope all the celebrations were fun and not too noisy. It's raining here and the big booms are thankfully over for another year xo

  35. Hey Swizzle, hope you had a good day without lots of noisies... You am one gorgouse grey sweetie! Happy 4th of July to one and all you kitties! -Katie Kat.

  36. Swizzle still hasn't gotten a home? Oh no!!! She's gawjus. We's sharin' and purrayin'

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  37. How neat Swizzle is sponsored by the Kitties Blue who have made her an honorary Blue kitty.

  38. Swizzle is definitely a beautiful blue kitty!

  39. So sorry have not been hopping. It i good to be back and we think Swizzle is wonderful!

  40. What a beautiful lady that Swizzle is! And yes! She's super talented with the selfies, for sure.

