
June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day! :)

Mom Tracey here, with a very special shout out to meowmeowmans, for being the bestest "fur baby" daddy anyone could ever have!

I thank you for the love you give "the goils" every single day - whether it's keeping Gracie from eating Zoe's wet or getting Gracie to burn off the calories she ate when you briefly got distracted from standing guard...LOL! I see that the love you have for them is undeniable.

Thank you also for the love and compassion you give all the kitties at PAWS - acting as their temporary human dad until they exit those doors and enter the doors of their forever homes.

Happy Father's Day, Dad Kevin! You are loved!

Mom Tracey, Zoe, Gracie and all past and present PAWS kitties...:)
Today, we're participating in the special Father's Day Edition of the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by our awesome friends at The Cat on My Head blog. Click HERE to see who else is joining in on the fun! :)


  1. That is the sweetest photo and such a special post for Dad Kevin. He really is a terrific dad, and we know you girls, Mom Tracey and all the PAWS kitties love him, and so do we. Happy Father's Day, Kevin. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  2. Have a lovely day, and a beautiful picture! purrs ERin

  3. Happy Father's Day to dads whose kids have furs and paws.

    Emma and Buster

  4. Happy Father's Day to a pretty amazing human! We hope you have a fantastic day. :-)

  5. Great selfies! Happy Father's Day!

  6. Happy Father's Day, Kevin!
    Thank you for all you do for the cats at PAWS.

  7. A very Happy Father's day to you Kevin. You sure are one great Dad to your kitties and the ones at PAWS too. Have a wonderful day.

  8. Happy Fathers Day!
    Celebrate with lots of kitty purrs and snuggles!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  9. Happy Father's day. Kitteh dads are a very special breed.

  10. Happy Dad's Day to one of our favorite male humans...Mr. Kevin! :)

  11. Happy Father's Day to your very special Daddy Kevin!

  12. What a sweet post for Father's Day! Happy Father's Day to Dad Kevin, who does so much for Gracie, Zoe, and all the kitties at PAWS!

  13. Happy Father's Day to Dad Kevin!

    The Florida Furkids

  14. Happy Father's Day to all of you.

    Have a great one.

    hugs, Bugsy and Knuckles

  15. Absolutely LOVE this post!!! Happy Happy Father's Day Kevin!!!! We didn't know about the "hop" at Cat On My Head...we are so behind on blog reading, that's probably why! Hope you both have a wonderful day! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  16. Happy father's day, Kevin! Thank you for all you do.

  17. Happy Father's Day Kevin - make sure you get lots of gentle headbutts.

  18. Lovely post. Happy Father's Day, Kevin!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  19. Happy Father's Day!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  20. Happy Father's Day to Kevin! He is such a wonderful dad to his fur babies and for PAWS kitties! I wish him a very special day covered with furs and furry kisses :-)

  21. Happy Father's Day to Dad Kevin!
    You are one great HuMAN (mol)!

    Purrs to you and to Mom Tracey!

    1. And yes, thanks, we had a wonderful Shavuot. All that milk and cheese ... (mol)

  22. Hurrah for the cat dad shoutout! And Kevin really is one of the best ones out there. Have a great day!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  23. Oh Happy Father's Day Dad Kevin. I mean it with all my heart.

  24. Happy Father's day uncle Kevin.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  25. Definitely a VERY HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, for sure!


  26. Oh My Catness what a wonderfur card! Happy Fathers day to a wonderful pawrent and supporter of all those kitties in need. Thank You

  27. Happy Father's Day to MeowMeowmas!!
    Gracie and Zoe yous is furry lucky girls to has such a exceptional Cat Daddy!!!
    Sending many Kisses

  28. What a precious card from Mom Tracey and the lovely Gracie and Zoe and such a sweet post! Happy Father's Day to Dad Kevin, we hope his day was super awesome and thank you to him for all the care he gives to PAWS kitties!

  29. What a lovely card. Hope you had a wonderful day :) <3

  30. We hope Cat Dad Kevin had a purrfect Father's Day. He sure deserves it! XO

  31. Hope you had a great Father's Day. Thanks for caring for so many kitties.
